I have Lasix. I don't have anything else. Can someone with experience look at the blow and tell me if it sound right.
O.k assumeing you have either 25 or 50 mg pills and your and carb loading and water restrictions go well
you should take one pill thursday night around 6 p.m another pill
around 10 .on friday 400mg's of potassium and one more around 6 p.m Friday night along with 400mgs of potassium. Remember there is no water in fat if your diet is off to much laxis
will make you look flat,by pulling water out of your muscle. you should drink 1/2 gallon of water on weds. and sips of water on thursday with meals and only sips on friday until 12 p.m. on friday
and no water on saturday until right before prejudgeing and then only a few sips to refresh you before takeing stage. your carb loading is very inportant try and eat dry carbs, potato's, granola,and rice cakes they will help dry you out. Also thermo drinks work well before prejudgeing because caffine is a natural
diuretic and they contain Niacin for a little added vascularity.and your body should lose that before the night show.