Is it realistic to open a small business in todays environment and economy and think you will make it whether we're talking about a supplements store or a book store or whatever?
Is it realistic to open a small business in todays environment and economy and think you will make it whether we're talking about a supplements store or a book store or whatever?
Yes ,but depending on what it is, like sipps there is a huge online presence that offers free shipping. So its alot harder to compete.
But yes i would open a business still.
The economy isnt that bad
If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong
Depends on your definition of "That bad." Is it as bad as Spain? No, but it's worse than just about any other time. IMO and this isn't a knock against you...anyone who can't see that the economy is bad falls in one of three categories:
1. They're an ideologue who is so in love with progressive thinking they cannot see reality.
2. They're easily persuaded and gullible
3. They're an idiot
As for the OP. would be tough to open a supplement store and that's true in any economy. I can't count how many of those that I've seen come and go over the years. Like gixxer said it's hard to compete with the online companies and then you got the big massive chain stores like GNC to compete with and most can't. I know of one store back in my home town that popped up 5-6yrs ago that has made it selling supplements...almost went bankrupt the first year. Anyway, they've hung on. I wouldn't say they make a ton of money though, the owner still works a regular 9-5 job somewhere else.
Anyway, long and short, any business can make it if you're providing a good or service people want and the people have the money to pay for it...that's all that really matters.
Bigger companies are sitting on cash,
the stock market is up,
yes the economy isnt perfect. But the sky isnt falling either.
myself and alot of people i know work in the business based on disposable income. And we are doing well. If it was that bad i would be out of a job. People cut back on restaurants, bars and shit if its bad.
If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong
I'm not sure the stock market being up is always an indicator of how well the economy is doing. If you cash out is your money worth more or less than it was a few years ago? In this case it's worth a lot less. It takes more money to buy the same things you bought a few years ago. Couple this with the average income being down significantly and the construction market still hurting severely in most areas and those aren't good signs. Our rate of economic growth is also pitiful. And you hit the nail on the head in one area...bigger companies are sitting on cash and they always do when there's economic stress and uncertainty. If the opposite were true they'd be expanding and hiring at a larger rate.
As for individuals still spending disposable income on frivolous things, I think most don't understand the risk they're taking in doing that...too many are stuck in the too big to fail mentality...actually, most don't have any mentality, they just live with little thought of real life things.
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