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As most of you know, i typically don't share a lot w/ a lot of people. Some of my closes fiends may know hat's going on but i keep it close to the hip.But lately guys, there's been a lot of things come my way, some self induced, most not. Now let me get this clear, i'm not here to here to bash anyone. I'm just wanting some of my friends that i've known for years to voice their opinion. And if you don't want want to, that's fine.
But hre's the deal. My wife and i made some of the craziest love in the world 3 thursdays ago. Friday afternoon she had a cop follow her into the house and he politely escorted me out although i had no where to go. So it was motel bound for stpete. This behavior has continued till this day.
I flew to Tampa 2 fridays ago and my wife was beside herself so bad she begged me to come home. And i jumped at the opportunutiy. Going AMA from 2 different hospitals to see my wife cause i miss her touch, smile, fell everything. AMA didn't mean shit to me.
give me my clothes and let me go asshols is what i basically said.
Well, she thinks i have this serious drinking problem, which i might, but i'm never violent or anything. I'm just kinda "happy go joe" if you will.
So here's the deal, she tells me to go to a rehab for 30 days and all's good. Didn't like it, but ok. But now, once i'm i'm in the latst hospital she says "one year at least or no deal."
Well, you guys know me. You said 30 days, and now it's a year. We all know what can happen in a year. I'm not too down w/it although i love my wife dearly.
Thanks my friends.