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  1. #1
    a_bower's Avatar
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    Where can i get blood work in Sydney?

    Hi guys,

    Really getting frustrated with trying to find a place that does COMPLETE blood testing/blood work in Sydney. Ive even contacted a sports medicine clinic and they cant help me out either! It seems like any GP i go to just looks at me like i have 2 heads and says something like "but your not sick" or "no, we cant do that".
    Anyway i want to get a complete blood evaluation incl:

    Hormone levels (test - estro)
    Vitamins & minerals
    Kidney Health and function
    Liver function and toxicity levels
    Lyphatic system health
    Farking everything..

    Please PM me if you can help.
    Appologies if this falls under "Source Requesting" - Admin let me know and ill delete it.

  2. #2
    Euroholic is offline "ARs Pork Eating Crusader"
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    Bite the bullet and tell the doctor you have done aas and you want to check your levels. Tell the doc you think you have low test because you cant get wood and you feel tired blah blah tell him see were im going with this? I have had blood work done in brisbane and perth just be honest.

  3. #3
    a_bower's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Euroholic View Post
    Bite the bullet and tell the doctor you have done aas and you want to check your levels. Tell the doc you think you have low test because you cant get wood and you feel tired blah blah tell him see were im going with this? I have had blood work done in brisbane and perth just be honest.
    Hell yeah dude tried that lol. That's what I said to her "I've used aas in the past and I'm afraid that my test levels are a little shot due to low mood increased BF and muscle loss etc" she said no. So I said "so your telling me that if im severely depressed due to imbalanced hormones and cortisol was out of control causing suicidal thoughts you wouldn't test me?". She had no reply. She couldn't.even tell me where to go to get it done. Pathetic. Used to live in qld and full blood test was no problem. Sydney on the other hand.. Just makes me hate this city even more lol.

  4. #4
    moseley2004's Avatar
    moseley2004 is offline Associate Member
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    Welcome to Sydney lol. I've tried a few In the eastern suburbs and got the same response as you got

  5. #5
    Euroholic is offline "ARs Pork Eating Crusader"
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    Its easy to get bloodwork in qld and wa but from what here sydney has alot of legit hgh. I dont no why its so hard to get a bloodtest? Its all paid for by medicare

  6. #6
    mockery's Avatar
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    dr v desai on park street by townall station, little medical centre there by the subway and a couple of cafes.

  7. #7
    mockery's Avatar
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    they have a laverty pathology nurse right inside there too, so you get yoru papers then you get poked. that azn nurse is brutual with that 14g need or what ever it is she rams it into you hard.

  8. #8
    a_bower's Avatar
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    Euro - you would think so right? They can take a blood sample, but they won't test for hormone levels.

    Mock - lol. Cheers bro, will check it out.

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