we had a little incident I found quite interesting. A self professed "king of the gym" (my words, not his) was getting on some kids about reracking their weights. They were doing something, and when they didn't immediately rerack their weights, he began dogging them. Two guys and a gal. Next thing you know, there is a shouting match, mostly by him, and he's making a big scene. I feel bad for the kids, as I too have had a run in with this clown. So now gym personnel are over there, and we have ourselves a regular circle jerk going on. I can hear him telling gym personnel that "If I were gym manager here" and they are a little dumbfounded, since he's just a member (more like self appointed police). So he eventually leaves.
This guy has had a run in with me, my son, and who knows who else. He seems well liked down there, as he is constantly running his mouth talking to people. It does piss me off when he's next to my workstation holding lengthy conversations, getting in the way. It also pisses me off when it's busy and he's claiming multiple workstations as his own.
So anyways, i relay all this info to "management", and i told them, it may not be me, but someone is going to cold cock that SOB here one of these days. then I saw the kids he was dogging, so i tell them not to worry, other people have had issues with that jerk too. then this kid tells me that he would have reracked his weights, but he wasn't really finished working out. and then the guy wouldn't stop hounding him.
I do take some pleasure knowing that in the year i've been going to this gym, this dude has had zero gains. how does that happen? a whole year and no gains? none? i suspect, since his son is younger than my son, that he is younger than me by 4 or 5 years. so I get to enjoy a silent chuckle knowing that he's wasted a year, with nothing to show, except running his mouth non stop in the gym.