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Thread: At the gym yesterday............

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Back from Afghanistan

    At the gym yesterday............

    we had a little incident I found quite interesting. A self professed "king of the gym" (my words, not his) was getting on some kids about reracking their weights. They were doing something, and when they didn't immediately rerack their weights, he began dogging them. Two guys and a gal. Next thing you know, there is a shouting match, mostly by him, and he's making a big scene. I feel bad for the kids, as I too have had a run in with this clown. So now gym personnel are over there, and we have ourselves a regular circle jerk going on. I can hear him telling gym personnel that "If I were gym manager here" and they are a little dumbfounded, since he's just a member (more like self appointed police). So he eventually leaves.

    This guy has had a run in with me, my son, and who knows who else. He seems well liked down there, as he is constantly running his mouth talking to people. It does piss me off when he's next to my workstation holding lengthy conversations, getting in the way. It also pisses me off when it's busy and he's claiming multiple workstations as his own.

    So anyways, i relay all this info to "management", and i told them, it may not be me, but someone is going to cold cock that SOB here one of these days. then I saw the kids he was dogging, so i tell them not to worry, other people have had issues with that jerk too. then this kid tells me that he would have reracked his weights, but he wasn't really finished working out. and then the guy wouldn't stop hounding him.

    I do take some pleasure knowing that in the year i've been going to this gym, this dude has had zero gains. how does that happen? a whole year and no gains? none? i suspect, since his son is younger than my son, that he is younger than me by 4 or 5 years. so I get to enjoy a silent chuckle knowing that he's wasted a year, with nothing to show, except running his mouth non stop in the gym.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    TR, what was the management reply?

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by snowman View Post
    TR, what was the management reply?
    very passive, very hands off. the last time someone got suspended, it was over dealing aas and sexual harrassment of some female gym members. but then you loook at the management team, and most are kids......

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Wow...................... I think IM that guy..............well I'll be dipped........ whoooa wait, Ive gained about 20 good lbs in the last year. so it cant be me..........whew!

    Thought I was an Asshole there for a sec !!

  5. #5
    kelkel's Avatar
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    Some people just have the need to be the boss no matter where they are. Pity his family....

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Nottingham England
    Not to hijack but there must be ppl like this or similar in every gym lol
    I've just changed where I train from a generic fitness gym to a proper dungeon gym that's men only anyway yesterday was only the 2nd time I've been and incidentally I fitted right in after training I was chatting to a couple of guys and in pops this kid asks for change then disappears only to return 5 mins later with a face like a slapped arse and announced the f*****g scales are broken again I've lost 5lb then left
    The guys then tell me he's weighed the same for the past 2 yr and does it regular apparently he trains 4x a week but never lifts more than the previous week and thinks he's got the body of Phil Heath I kid you not I bet he's no more than 180 lol

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by milky01623 View Post
    Not to hijack but there must be ppl like this or similar in every gym lol
    I've just changed where I train from a generic fitness gym to a proper dungeon gym that's men only anyway yesterday was only the 2nd time I've been and incidentally I fitted right in after training I was chatting to a couple of guys and in pops this kid asks for change then disappears only to return 5 mins later with a face like a slapped arse and announced the f*****g scales are broken again I've lost 5lb then left
    The guys then tell me he's weighed the same for the past 2 yr and does it regular apparently he trains 4x a week but never lifts more than the previous week and thinks he's got the body of Phil Heath I kid you not I bet he's no more than 180 lol
    so the kid is like a bad rerun of "the Twilight Zone"?

  8. #8
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    Seriously................ we have a really good group at our gym.................
    We do however, have some young ones that need to a lesson on proper gym edict....But I think this should be done by management......

    The good news for your young friends............every dog has his day, and every blowhard gets his ass kicked.....never fails

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman

    so the kid is like a bad rerun of "the Twilight Zone"?
    I think he means me. Except I'm no kid anymore

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Papa Smurf View Post
    Seriously................ we have a really good group at our gym.................
    We do however, have some young ones that need to a lesson on proper gym edict....But I think this should be done by management......

    The good news for your young friends............every dog has his day, and every blowhard gets his ass kicked.....never fails
    well, i'm off to the gym here in a minute, so it will be interesting to see if blowhard is there

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Good story. Gyms or anywhere you go in life there's always "That Guy."

    My "That Guy" story from the gym was several years ago when I was a personal trainer. I was with a client on one of the cable stations, she was resting for a second and this guy walked over and took over the cable unit. Just basically stepped right in front of us and pretended we weren't there. I was very polite and simply said excuse me sir we were on this. From there he went ballistic and started screaming about how he was a paying member and it wasn't right that I was hogging the equipment. Now keep in mind I didn't work for the gym, none of the trainers did, we were all independent....only way to make money doing that IMO...anyway he went on and on about how he was a paying member so I asked him (politely) how much he paid. He said he paid $50 a month...which wasn't true BTW, memberships were $29.95, all memberships. So I told him again very politely "sir I understand your frustration but I pay to be here too, I pay $500 a month to the gym for the right to train people on this equipment and this lady (my client) pays $50 per session plus her monthly membership." Well, this only made things worse. He told me he was going to have me fired for being an asshole and went to the front desk to voice his frustration. Anyway, I never saw that guy again but I had run ins with countless like him over the years....very annoying and I don't understand why some people feel the need to act like this.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman

    so the kid is like a bad rerun of "the Twilight Zone"?
    Lol very much so hahaha

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Back In Black

    I think he means me. Except I'm no kid anymore
    Hmmm not sure on the kid front especially since your trt has kicked in ;-)

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    A world without islam!!!!
    Just buy equipment and train at home then you dont have to be around these losers.

  15. #15
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    A world without islam!!!!
    What angers me is how people think gyms are a social event girls wearing make up guys wearing deodarent and just standing around talking etc Going to gym and banging a bird is all the same get in feel the pump and get out.

  16. #16
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    I dont put up with trash like that.I wouldve took a pic of him and sent it to Bear.And I would simply say that he called you a *****! Problem solved you just got to think out of the box

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by songdog View Post
    I dont put up with trash like that.I wouldve took a pic of him and sent it to Bear.And I would simply say that he called you a *****! Problem solved you just got to think out of the box
    Haaaaaaaa, LMFAO !!!! too funny. send it to Bear, you guys crack me up. Not many old guys , like me at the gym so the young guys are pretty cool. No one gives me a hard time.Out of respect they always move quicker if I;m waiting or ask me to jump in. But ya know I try to just jump on a different exercise temporarily and get back to it. They will usually save my spot and tell when I'm up for it next. It has to work both ways. I once said to a jerk with a jerk off friend. HEY DON"T FVCK WITH ME PLEASE, when everyone looked they gave them the stare, haa...crazy mike

  18. #18
    Join Date
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    Business as usual yeah?
    You should have just told him you know CDP and hes king of the gym

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    Sounds like a real asshole. I hope he runs into someone having a bad day with nothing to lose and puts him to sleep...

  20. #20
    Join Date
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    He'll run into the wrong cat one day. And whatever "gains" he thought he made will be lost cause he'll be drinking ensure from a straw.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by crazy mike View Post
    Haaaaaaaa, LMFAO !!!! too funny. send it to Bear, you guys crack me up. Not many old guys , like me at the gym so the young guys are pretty cool. No one gives me a hard time.Out of respect they always move quicker if I;m waiting or ask me to jump in. But ya know I try to just jump on a different exercise temporarily and get back to it. They will usually save my spot and tell when I'm up for it next. It has to work both ways. I once said to a jerk with a jerk off friend. HEY DON"T FVCK WITH ME PLEASE, when everyone looked they gave them the stare, haa...crazy mike
    that's how I see it too. No one really messes with me. Mostly out of respect for your elders I imagine. the only guy that has bothered me is close to my age, the loudmouth.

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