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Thread: Underemployed and depression.

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    The Beach
    Quote Originally Posted by spywizard View Post
    you are in vegas?? hahah, funny in 1987 we located and filed claim on 33 mining claims sw of vegas... 4 yrs later we ended up selling the claims to the international gold consortium and they refused to take the claims on line.. at the time due to the samples we pulled and processed it would have dropped the world gold prices some 28% if memory serves me...

    there are many many resources in nevada, and the mining laws are still "old west" style, if you sit on it, haul it off, you own it..
    Yeah. The place we go to is way out on some BLM land, and the mines that were there produced for many years. But once you stop producing the government takes back the land.

    Something that I woulkd love to get involved in, If I had the time and money

  2. #42
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    Jun 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by GeoBuilder View Post
    Very cool! Good luck with your business. Is work steady in your area? I know in my city construction projects have slowed greatly the past few years. I'm actually considering selling my motorcycle (daily driver) so I can get a truck that would allow me to haul tools and materials as well as let me do my own geological exploration here in Arizona.
    Its real slow here in the Chattanooga area. Ive been in business long enough that my name is everywhere. Its slow, but bills are getting paid, and that's a good thing. I'm still broke, so I wish things would get back to what they were 5 years ago. Of course they wont, so I adapt.

  3. #43
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    Lubbock, TX
    Quote Originally Posted by Euroholic;639***6
    Ive always said college gets you no were in life. Just a waste of time.
    This is not true in my opinion... Yes, college and be a waste of time and a money trap for many but simply having a college degree can allow you get in the door somewhere to gain experience. Once you begin to gain experience, you will be able to move into a job that better suits you. I started out after college doing sales in a call center. I was miserable but was able to do this for a year and that experience allowed me to move into a role that I have had a lot of success in and that I enjoy. It's all about experience. A degree and some experience are what hiring managers are looking for.

    I received a degree in Kinesiology and Biology... I currently work for a staffing company and will probably never use my degree. I dropped a shitload of cash on that degree but it did open the door for me to get this role

    As gix said, networking is huge and also applying for roles that might not be your "dream job" will allow you to gain some experience in a field and open up more doors for you. Too many college grads are searching for that dream job and therefore they are unsuccessful in finding work.

  4. #44
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    Dec 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by GeoBuilder View Post
    I have held two jobs while in school. One was as an IT Suppport specialist, and the other was as a courier. I'm good with tools and can do just about anything given the right amount of instruction.
    If you've done IT support lookin to this....
    The equity market is showing an expansionary trend... The public sector is pushing off jobs into the public sector for multiple reasons and I won't go into too much detail and confuse you... If you're smart, take a look at what sectors are progressing dramatically, tech, communications, financials, consumer discretionary, etc.... Pick a sector you're interested in and look at the companies in that sector that are excelling against their peers.... Why bc they want to continue excelling and they will for sure be the companies looking for new talent... With that being said... Those companies are going to be Fortune 500 companies... Look for entry level positions in IT or something similar and go from there...
    You're resume might not have much so spend 20 bucks on an online resume builder that will make you look like a super star. Then apply. Place that fresh résumé on monster and linked in... I get calls and emails everyday from these two sources and they are great for looking for opening that meet what's on your résumé once it is synced in.
    When you to the interview go early, and overly prepared but not cocky or insecure.
    Keep you're answer short and direct and show you're positive attributes. Don't be fidgety or too relaxed. Pretend you're meeting the president. Explain why your qualities set you apart and you feel that you will be a great asset to the company for those reasons. I've gone through this for each and every promotion and had to go in front of a board of higher ups, sometimes it's intimidating esp if you have a lot of people coming at you with a lot of questions. Just close you're mouth think before you talk and make sure each statement is clear and to the point and let it make and impact on the listeners.
    Keep your head up. Now is the time to get a job... We are in at the beginning of expansionary trend, there is a lot of opportunity out there... But in America ... Only the strong survive... Competition is always going to be there. To get a job to keep a job to advance in a job... You have to be hungry and aggressive but in a humble approach.

  5. #45
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    Dec 2012
    Public sector is pushing of jobs in to the private sector*

  6. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Bear 79 View Post
    Awesome point of view Electra.

    Nothin' sexier than a girl with ambition..........
    Thank you!

  7. #47
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    Sep 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by Shol'va View Post
    You know this reminds me of a saying on another steroid site I saw. It goes like this...
    There are 3 types of people in this world
    Those that make things happen
    Those that let things happen
    And those that wonder...What Happened?
    Which one are you?

    And if you are into inspirational poems try looking up
    How Do You Tackle Your Work
    By Edgar A. Guest
    My sixth grade teacher taught our class that poem.
    Of course back then it didn't mean much, but now it really makes sense to me.
    But then to each their
    Very true, sometime you have to take risks.
    Personally i moved half way across the country a few times on less then a months notice for things i thought would be better opportunities. Sometimes it was. Sometimes it wasnt. But you never know unless you try. I've changed industries multiple times.

    I always try to meet people, network. I save all business cards and some i attach to paper with little notes about them, where i meet them, incase i ever have to reach out for a favor, question. I always keep my cards on me too
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  8. #48
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    A world without islam!!!!
    Quote Originally Posted by JWP806 View Post
    This is not true in my opinion... Yes, college and be a waste of time and a money trap for many but simply having a college degree can allow you get in the door somewhere to gain experience. Once you begin to gain experience, you will be able to move into a job that better suits you. I started out after college doing sales in a call center. I was miserable but was able to do this for a year and that experience allowed me to move into a role that I have had a lot of success in and that I enjoy. It's all about experience. A degree and some experience are what hiring managers are looking for.

    I received a degree in Kinesiology and Biology... I currently work for a staffing company and will probably never use my degree. I dropped a shitload of cash on that degree but it did open the door for me to get this role

    As gix said, networking is huge and also applying for roles that might not be your "dream job" will allow you to gain some experience in a field and open up more doors for you. Too many college grads are searching for that dream job and therefore they are unsuccessful in finding work.
    Bro i m 24 i did not go to collage i just drive trucks and lay pipes and i earn 200k a year. I can name 100 people i no who earn what i earn and did not go to college.

  9. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by Euroholic View Post
    Bro i m 24 i did not go to collage i just drive trucks and lay pipes and i earn 200k a year. I can name 100 people i no who earn what i earn and did not go to college.
    and most probably work with you or doing the same thing as you. that really is the rarity.
    I know lots that make alot too doing things nothing to do with their degree, but some corps, wont even consider your resume with out a degree
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  10. #50
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    Dec 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Euroholic View Post
    Bro i m 24 i did not go to collage i just drive trucks and lay pipes and i earn 200k a year. I can name 100 people i no who earn what i earn and did not go to college.
    I'm in the same boat as you kinda

  11. #51
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    Jan 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Euroholic View Post
    Geologists are in high demand in australia in the mining sector. Make $150k a year on a 2 week on 1 week off roster sound good?
    Shit, Ill take this

  12. #52
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    Lubbock, TX
    Quote Originally Posted by Euroholic View Post
    Bro i m 24 i did not go to collage i just drive trucks and lay pipes and i earn 200k a year. I can name 100 people i no who earn what i earn and did not go to college.
    Bro, I can tell... But OP has a degree and I'm giving my opinion. Not everyone wants to drive a truck and lay pipe... Props to you for making $200k at 24 years old. I'm curious as to what line of work you are in?

  13. #53
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    S*** I would be happy making 50k/yr , even 30k!

  14. #54
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    Thank you everyone for all the replies! It really says a lot about the quality of the members here. I will do my best to incorporate each constructive post into my life. My life really does depend on it, I need to do better than I am (9k/yr)

  15. #55
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    A world without islam!!!!
    Quote Originally Posted by JWP806 View Post
    Bro, I can tell... But OP has a degree and I'm giving my opinion. Not everyone wants to drive a truck and lay pipe... Props to you for making $200k at 24 years old. I'm curious as to what line of work you are in?
    Mining and recourse sector..

    Thats the problem most people want nice cosey indoor jobs. So jobs that people dont want to do pay big dollars because its in high demand.

  16. #56
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    Dec 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by GeoBuilder View Post
    I know the economy is in the dumps right now but I can't help but be down about my current living situation. I graduated just under a year ago with a Geology degree and have since been working part time (20hrs/wk) at Best Buy doing stocking. I have applied EVERYWHERE and estimated around 600 applications/unsolicited letters/resumes. I guess I am just ranting to get it off my chest since I don't want to worry/bother my family and friends. I feel like everyday is a waste of time and I am only getting older with nothing to show for it.

    Is anyone else in a similar situation?
    BJ Services
    Baker Hughes
    Aker Solutions
    Noble Drilling
    CGG Veritas
    Anadarko Petroleum Corporation
    Apache Corporation
    Continental Resources
    Devon Energy
    Greka Energy
    Hess Corporation
    HKN, Inc.
    Koch Industries
    Marathon Oil
    Murphy Oil
    Occidental Petroleum
    Plains Exploration & Production
    SandRidge Energy
    Vaalco Energy
    XTO Energy

    I can go on and on for days listing Oil companies

  17. #57
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    I have applied to nearly all of those, the bigger names I send a resume and cover letter to every couple of months. It seems like they all want some experience. I am just holding on to hope that someone will take a chance on me. Once that happens I can quickly become a valued asset of the company and a productive member of their team. I am just waiting for that one opportunity that will let me shine.

    i have never applied to a few of the others further down on the list, but I will
    Last edited by GeoBuilder; 02-19-2013 at 11:31 PM.

  18. #58
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    Somewhere in the Smokies
    Quote Originally Posted by austinite View Post
    Move to Texas. Economy is great. 4 out of the top 5 growing cities are here
    Agreed. Oil boom is huge is Texas. Companies are paying big $$$ for land based and offshore geologists to avoid similar disasters to the BP spill, meet environment requirements and receive government grants. Parks and Wildlife are also always looking for geologists. Most's TEXAS!

  19. #59
    boz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Euroholic
    Geologists are in high demand in australia in the mining sector. Make $150k a year on a 2 week on 1 week off roster sound good?
    This is true. Maybe travel is the answer for the op expand your surroundings and anything is possible. A lot of good advice has been given in this thread, so most things I would say I would be repeating what's already been said. I do feel where your coming from Dont give up life is tough but not getting back up is tougher

  20. #60
    Quote Originally Posted by TxIslandBum View Post
    Agreed. Oil boom is huge is Texas. Companies are paying big $$$ for land based and offshore geologists to avoid similar disasters to the BP spill, meet environment requirements and receive government grants. Parks and Wildlife are also always looking for geologists. Most's MEXICO!

  21. #61
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    The Dude Abides
    Quote Originally Posted by GeoBuilder View Post
    I know the economy is in the dumps right now but I can't help but be down about my current living situation. I graduated just under a year ago with a Geology degree and have since been working part time (20hrs/wk) at Best Buy doing stocking. I have applied EVERYWHERE and estimated around 600 applications/unsolicited letters/resumes. I guess I am just ranting to get it off my chest since I don't want to worry/bother my family and friends. I feel like everyday is a waste of time and I am only getting older with nothing to show for it.

    Is anyone else in a similar situation?
    I don't know what your resume looks like, but I'll tell you this that employers will look at your resume for about 30 seconds and determine whether or not they will call you in for an interview. It might be worth it to you to ask various head hunters if they could read/make suggestions to your resume. You'll definitely get a lot more calls back if you follow their criticism. You'd also be surprised at how many will be willing to give you a little help.

  22. #62
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    Quote Originally Posted by GeoBuilder View Post
    I have applied to nearly all of those, the bigger names I send a resume and cover letter to every couple of months. It seems like they all want some experience. I am just holding on to hope that someone will take a chance on me. Once that happens I can quickly become a valued asset of the company and a productive member of their team. I am just waiting for that one opportunity that will let me shine.

    i have never applied to a few of the others further down on the list, but I will

    Reservior Development Companies (Seismic) are a better option for you since you are a geologists. Are you an SPE member? If not sign up and they will help you get a career started.

  23. #63
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by GeoBuilder View Post
    I have applied to nearly all of those, the bigger names I send a resume and cover letter to every couple of months. It seems like they all want some experience. I am just holding on to hope that someone will take a chance on me. Once that happens I can quickly become a valued asset of the company and a productive member of their team. I am just waiting for that one opportunity that will let me shine.

    i have never applied to a few of the others further down on the list, but I will
    PM me where you live and I will locate the target companies you should contact. BTW I work for a NOC, soon to be going to an IOC.

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