If your single While on cycle, when ur a horny jack rabbit, do your standards drop at all just to get one off!? If so how much and what is ur worst experience!?
If your single While on cycle, when ur a horny jack rabbit, do your standards drop at all just to get one off!? If so how much and what is ur worst experience!?
I know this has been a problem for many of my friends... beer goggles have got nothing on "test goggles"
Or meet Mr Hand????Originally Posted by Bjwr
it's a scientific fact: standards are inversely proportional to test dose
No... don't dumpster dive. A cycle doesn't lower standards. Your standards were already low if you're willing to bend them just because you're horny.
i had an ex as a booty call does that count?
Depends on why she is your ex....
too clingy
2 years ago I slept with some girl that I have only ever referred to as the "St Patty's day monster". I didn't even get a name. Haha
Oh wait, is this about steroids alone, or steroids + pitchers of green beer?
hmmm.....need me to chime in? or u guys know me already? may be you dont I dont know.....
Many years ago when I was traveling and on cycles steppin out, I never had to lower my standards. they were all hot just because they were horny. ..crazy mike
Test googles, Beer googles, Pink and wet is pink and wet, everything else is window dressing
My gf is down in Florida and I just started a cycle could be a rough ride.
I have seen some winners in my time but that sounds pretty good.
At my cousins bachelor party this year we rented a house in Del on beach and someone brought a girl that was probably 10-15 pounds away from 200. She left her underwear there and when we were cleaning up we found it. HUGE SHIT STAINS. LIKE WIPE HER ASS WITH HER UNDERWEAR NOT THE LITTLE I COULD HAVE WIPED ONE MORE TIME.
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