Originally Posted by
Guys, I can't say I understand your thoughts on this. To me, what you're saying would be the same thing as someone telling you that it's okay to eat fatty protein, white starches, and processed foods and that you only need to eat twice a day cause breakfast is a waste of time. Why is that not true for the human body? Because that's less than optimum nutrients/nutrition that will eventually make you fat and sick. Dry dog food is very similar. Can most dogs do okay on it and remain fairly healthy? Yes. Is it the OPTIMUM choice? No. It's not any more the best option than getting your "nutrition" from processed foods and only shakes and supplements is.
Dry dog food can be an acceptable option for many reasons, but it's not the BEST choice. Which was what SHSM asked. For my money, the BEST choice is a raw food diet.
SHSM, it's your choice, and there's not really anything wrong with either choice if you're careful with the dry food you choose. I stand by my earlier statement/suggestion. My dogs have always leaned out and gotten healthier once put on a raw food diet. (I tend to take in/foster a lot of rescues.)
Just my .02