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Thread: whats the point

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Victoria, Australia

    whats the point

    I made.a thread asking a question i had ( what would happen if somebody injected 5000mg test)

    Because i was curious as to how it would affect the body, with no intentiom at all to even think about doing something that careless.

    If the question in somebodys mind cannot be asked in the questions and answers sub-forum without a few members(not new) assuming because its a self.related.question and getting personal about it whats the point?

    And then to lock the thread when i want to thank the guys for their actual input is a bit of a joke.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Posing a question like that is just an open invitation for some newbie kid on here to try it. Plus it serves no purpose....This is just my opinion of course

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Victoria, Australia
    So because there is a minority who might try it as you say, it is logical to not ask a question about steroids on a steroid website?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Kitchen, Gym, Kitchen....
    And how many people would you think could accurately answer your question? Who in the hell even thinks of using that much of anything? It was a question that was just taking up valuable space.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Victoria, Australia
    The purpose is to help my understanding if a larger dose would affect the body much differently that a standard dose, definately not one of the worst questions that get asked

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    As youve read on here a thousand times before, most on here spend most of our time talking people out of doing something stuiped.

    Adm must have agreed, so they shut down your thread.......

    I would take the hint, and move on to something more productive or at least entertaining

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Victoria, Australia
    i see then ,questions and answers forum is not for questions relating to everything about steroids

    Re pete: i was under the impression there are members here who would know that kind of information, if you call that a waste of space you clearly aren't browsing the site much.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Kitchen, Gym, Kitchen....
    You clearly have no idea how much test that is. And yeah, i'm on this site a pretty good bit.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    It must be a full moon or something today.

    manmanman, I'm not flaming you here dude. I read your original post. I've read this thread. The whole topic/idea is asinine. It has nothing to do with questions being/not being answered. Honestly, IMO, even the idea of 5000mg test EW is dangerous. Why? There are people lurking around here who'd actually try it.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Victoria, Australia
    Quote Originally Posted by stpete View Post
    You clearly have no idea how much test that is. And yeah, i'm on this site a pretty good bit.
    I do know how much test that is, hence the question of how hard it would affect somebody,
    I will proceed to not ask any questions outside of the normal ones from now.

    Thank you for the appropriate answers.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Back from Afghanistan
    We get alot of people come here asking alot of strange things. the problem with the strange questions like this one is that it really serves no useful purpose, no useful information someone can use. But, the reality is, when discourse along these lines does occur, it gives other people strange ideas. Like maybe someone might get the idea they can handle 5 grams of test all at once. Of the thousands that come to this board, hundreds could read this thread. So if I were to tell you that 5 grams of test will give the following side effects a, b & c, there will always be a few that think they can handle side effects a, b & c.

    Most of the staff, self included, will try to shut down potentially dangerous conversations for this very purpose. we prefer instead to discuss the safe and intelligent use of AAS, not the reckless use of AAS.

    Make sense?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    We get alot of people come here asking alot of strange things. the problem with the strange questions like this one is that it really serves no useful purpose, no useful information someone can use. But, the reality is, when discourse along these lines does occur, it gives other people strange ideas. Like maybe someone might get the idea they can handle 5 grams of test all at once. Of the thousands that come to this board, hundreds could read this thread. So if I were to tell you that 5 grams of test will give the following side effects a, b & c, there will always be a few that think they can handle side effects a, b & c.

    Most of the staff, self included, will try to shut down potentially dangerous conversations for this very purpose. we prefer instead to discuss the safe and intelligent use of AAS, not the reckless use of AAS.

    Make sense?
    That was so well put that this thread should get locked. Another perfectly answered question by TR.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    I think it's a good idea it was locked. All you need it a couple post from people saying nothing BAD would happen and maybe a couple of morons who say it's a good way to start your cycle and some newbie who has not read much or it may be the 1st post he has read may actually try it.

    I'm sure you asked it with innocence but it really could turn into something potentially dangerous.

    DAMN! Damn! damn!!! just saw TR's post.

  14. #14
    I don't think it was question of value, in other words, its not likely any good or useful info could come of the answers.

    But I have also seen BG lock MANY threads for no apparent good reason, I know he had reason &I know Admin backs him, but sometimes it just looks likes abuse of power. That being said, I do respect BG as well as the rest of the staff here regardless.

    And if that thread were as big of an issue or danger as it is apparently made out to be, it would have been deleted completely not just locked. As it sits, inexperienced users can still look at it & get the idea to inject 5 grams at once. Sometimes we just have to put a little faith in common sense..............

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