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Thread: new hair

  1. #41
    TheClinch's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Euroholic View Post
    And stop with the eurotrash its hurtfull you know.
    Hey some people say I've been clinching so long its not healthy anymore...

  2. #42
    Euroholic is offline "ARs Pork Eating Crusader"
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    Well i just hoped into bed. 4 im not tense i just took 3 valiums. What do you mean by string?

  3. #43
    TheClinch's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Euroholic View Post
    Well i just hoped into bed. 4 im not tense i just took 3 valiums. What do you mean by string?
    Think of it like the string on your bed side lamp! Night...

  4. #44
    Euroholic is offline "ARs Pork Eating Crusader"
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheClinch View Post
    Think of it like the string on your bed side lamp! Night...

    I dont have a lamp just a iphone and a pre loaded 23" needle. But thank you for "Night" your alright bra.
    Its 10pm i got tp be up at 4.30am for my Chest workout.


  5. #45
    The Bear 79 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheClinch View Post
    Oh come on meow. You fear there might be danger afoot? Skullduggery and what have you?

    No Bear, truth is it 6:28am...I just changed my sick sons poopy diaper, washed my hands in a dazed stupor and quickly checked my phone. You're right I need some spectacles...I originally quoted myself when I meant to quote Eurotrash.

    What are you up for your midnight feast on the live animals you keep in your house?
    lol.......funny funny guy........

    Serious note: sorry to hear bout the little guy, hope he snaps out of pretty quick.

  6. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Bear 79 View Post
    lol.......funny funny guy........

    Serious note: sorry to hear bout the little guy, hope he snaps out of pretty quick.
    Thanks for that, I appreciate it a lot Bear!

  7. #47
    Shol'va's Avatar
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    Wow OP what a coincidence! I have approx 95% of my head hair but just received a Bosley packet in the mail. I have agreed to go in March for a no cost meet and greet at their facility here in the Midwest. I'd be interested only if the price is reasonable to fix my slightly receding frontal hairline. It's actually fine to most guys who see it and compare it to their heads of hair. I'm more curious as to their cost of this procedure. If I do it, it will definitely be the transplant way. They have come a long way in the last 10 years on making this as painless and realistic as possible. So I am at least going to hear them out. If I can get this done for say around 2500-3500, then I'd consider it. But if I go in there and they start quoting finance plans and I hear 7 to 10 grand I'm out the door! There are also The Hair Club For Men and several less famous but still good hair replacement places around the country to look into. If I go for this, I will definitely get at least 3 appraisals from 3 different places other than just Bosley and Hair Club. From what I've read on the net though, I already feel that this will be a waste of time as everyone I've read that has had any of the transplant procedures ended up paying big bucks. Way more than I want to shell out. That and Bosley also sent me a check to be used for the procedure of 250 dollars off the bill! That's scary especially if we are talking a 10-15 grand procedure. There's always ball caps when mine reaches 50% or so hair loss. lol Like I say my hair is seriously fine. I'm more interested in seeing what the cost and what the procedure entails, like how long I'll be out of comission, how painful it is, how safe it is, dangers of infection. How good their work is. I don't want anyone to know I've had it done if I do it. I'll be doing it for vanity sake. After all who wants to date a gay guy with a receding hair line? Looks are extremely important at least till you get a life mate or wife, lol I guess the bottom line is how much are we, any man or woman going to pay to make themselves feel better about themselves if they can afford it? What is our self confidence worth? Look what we spend for our Body Building supplies, Tren , Enanthate , syringes, equipment, monthly gym fees, hot new fitting clothes, money for dates, new cars to take them on that date and the list goes on... I've just been kind of holding off doing anything till I got bad enough to get something done once and for all which I'm nowhere near that stage yet. Also I was hoping something new would come down the pike with DNA manipulation to get our own hair restarted without such radical surgery, say like a pill to take daily.

  8. #48
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    If you do look into it Sholva you gotta start a thread explaining what you found. I think a lot of us would be interested I what you learn.

  9. #49
    fit2bOld's Avatar
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    I know a few of these transplant guys and they all look fake and I has to be shred just right. Then people are always staring at it to figure out what the hell is going on.
    I'll just continue to comb over my neck and shoulder hair.

  10. #50
    Zodiac82's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by beerdogg View Post
    One of my friends had a hair transplant procedure recently. He spent a butt load of money and does not like the outcome. They took junks of hair from the back of his head and transplanted to the front. He now has scars in the back of his head where they took the hair. I saw him recently and I really can not see a difference in his hair up front where they transplanted. Bottom line, he is out of alot of money with scars and it did not help.
    how long between the time he got it done til the time u saw him

  11. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleInk View Post
    ......and I dig chicks with no hair on their.....oh wait. Not the same topic or body region. My bad
    Please this will get lunk to pull out another 50 shades of grey poem

    OP I know a lawyer I work with how has plugs. They look pretty good and you cant really tell. I am sure it costs money though.

    I love my hair. I could not imagine being bald

  12. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by fit2bOld View Post
    I know a few of these transplant guys and they all look fake and I has to be shred just right. Then people are always staring at it to figure out what the hell is going on.
    I'll just continue to comb over my neck and shoulder hair.
    Lol put up a pic of that sh*t

  13. #53
    Zodiac82's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shol'va View Post
    Wow OP what a coincidence! I have approx 95% of my head hair but just received a Bosley packet in the mail. I have agreed to go in March for a no cost meet and greet at their facility here in the Midwest. I'd be interested only if the price is reasonable to fix my slightly receding frontal hairline. It's actually fine to most guys who see it and compare it to their heads of hair. I'm more curious as to their cost of this procedure. If I do it, it will definitely be the transplant way. They have come a long way in the last 10 years on making this as painless and realistic as possible. So I am at least going to hear them out. If I can get this done for say around 2500-3500, then I'd consider it. But if I go in there and they start quoting finance plans and I hear 7 to 10 grand I'm out the door! There are also The Hair Club For Men and several less famous but still good hair replacement places around the country to look into. If I go for this, I will definitely get at least 3 appraisals from 3 different places other than just Bosley and Hair Club. From what I've read on the net though, I already feel that this will be a waste of time as everyone I've read that has had any of the transplant procedures ended up paying big bucks. Way more than I want to shell out. That and Bosley also sent me a check to be used for the procedure of 250 dollars off the bill! That's scary especially if we are talking a 10-15 grand procedure. There's always ball caps when mine reaches 50% or so hair loss. lol Like I say my hair is seriously fine. I'm more interested in seeing what the cost and what the procedure entails, like how long I'll be out of comission, how painful it is, how safe it is, dangers of infection. How good their work is. I don't want anyone to know I've had it done if I do it. I'll be doing it for vanity sake. After all who wants to date a gay guy with a receding hair line? Looks are extremely important at least till you get a life mate or wife, lol I guess the bottom line is how much are we, any man or woman going to pay to make themselves feel better about themselves if they can afford it? What is our self confidence worth? Look what we spend for our Body Building supplies, Tren , Enanthate , syringes, equipment, monthly gym fees, hot new fitting clothes, money for dates, new cars to take them on that date and the list goes on... I've just been kind of holding off doing anything till I got bad enough to get something done once and for all which I'm nowhere near that stage yet. Also I was hoping something new would come down the pike with DNA manipulation to get our own hair restarted without such radical surgery, say like a pill to take daily.
    just be careful as I've come across that Bosley isnt board certified surgeons so im not sure if they are the one u wanna check out. it is a vanity thing especially havin somethin with u ur whole life and now its gone....SOME guys can pull it off well but its DEFINITELY isnt the look for absolutely disgusted when I look in the mirror at my hair....sure u can wear a hat of some sort to cover it but that doesnt cover it from u knowing its there. I kinda laugh when I see that commercial about givin someone 250 towards their cost when the procedure is like 4000. That was the price I was quoted I was able to get 3000 financed he said price is based off individual follicles they can get from the donor area....good luck when u go as well

  14. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by fit2bOld View Post
    I know a few of these transplant guys and they all look fake and I has to be shred just right. Then people are always staring at it to figure out what the hell is going on.
    I'll just continue to comb over my neck and shoulder hair.
    Fit are these recent procedures or dis they get it done years ago

  15. #55
    ElectraMaddox is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheClinch View Post
    I'm just f*cking with you...dont tense up you'll lose the string
    Time for me to stage right on this thread.... I went through those once before

  16. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by ElectraMaddox View Post

    Time for me to stage right on this thread.... I went through those once before
    That was the end of it. We got back on track

  17. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by cancer82 View Post
    how long between the time he got it done til the time u saw him
    About a year past. I also forgot to mention it was real painful. It was also a long process cant remember if it took two days or it started in the morning then had to take a break because of swelling and scabs it was leaving and they started again in the evening. He said blood was dripping down the back of his head. I'm not sure where he went but he has a ton of money and is a smart guy so I assume he researched it but I can not say that for sure. It disappointed me because I am at the stage where I can use it too.

  18. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by beerdogg View Post
    About a year past. I also forgot to mention it was real painful. It was also a long process cant remember if it took two days or it started in the morning then had to take a break because of swelling and scabs it was leaving and they started again in the evening. He said blood was dripping down the back of his head. I'm not sure where he went but he has a ton of money and is a smart guy so I assume he researched it but I can not say that for sure. It disappointed me because I am at the stage where I can use it too.
    yeh I can imagine it to be a bit long ago did he actually get it done

  19. #59
    Shol'va's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cancer82 View Post
    just be careful as I've come across that Bosley isnt board certified surgeons so im not sure if they are the one u wanna check out. it is a vanity thing especially havin somethin with u ur whole life and now its gone....SOME guys can pull it off well but its DEFINITELY isnt the look for absolutely disgusted when I look in the mirror at my hair....sure u can wear a hat of some sort to cover it but that doesnt cover it from u knowing its there. I kinda laugh when I see that commercial about givin someone 250 towards their cost when the procedure is like 4000. That was the price I was quoted I was able to get 3000 financed he said price is based off individual follicles they can get from the donor area....good luck when u go as well
    You are the second person to tell me this so I'm definitely going into this with my eyes open. As big as Bosley is though you would think that all their Doctors would be Board Certified, but you never know. Safety is a big concern to me as well with disease like MRSA running rampant which is easily spread through lack of proper sanitizing of the instruments and such. And if they use high pressure sales tactics I'm walking out. I hate that type of business. But I'm interested in this. I will post an update when I have gone through the meet and greet, March 4th. This is just for to see if I'm a candidate for transplant and cost and show and tell on how it is all done. Plus I will check out at least 2 other places besides Bosley before I make a final decision on who to go with. And natural looking is very important to me. If I see pics of guys who look fake more so than real that will sway me against their procedure. There is Hair Club For Men as well as some lesser known Transplant Places located around the midwest and Chicago area. I'm willing to travel to the East or West Coast to get a quality transplant procedure at a reasonable price. After all this is for life and who wants to go around looking worse then before the transplants. I only wish I knew some personally who have had this done instead of having to rely on testimonials that anyone can write. I may not even have lost enough yet for them to want to go with me. I've read that some have a minimum of like 800-1000 hairs per head. So at that rate at say 8 dollars per graft (hair) to transplant, I'm looking at 8 grand out the gate and that's more than I'm ready to commit to. At least until I see what others are charging as I've also heard some charge as little as 4 dollars per graft, which would end up being half as much in price. Which is great if the quality of work is good and the Doctors doing it are board certified. I wouldn't doubt it if some places have Doctors doing this with fake degrees. There are a lot of unkowns still for me to research before I splurge. But this is a priority project for me in the not so distant future.

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