So, I received an 8pm phone call from the manager of the gym I train at last night. Apparently, I accidentally tracked mud into the gym yesterday and my gym membership has been revoked.. Now, there is an issue with inconsiderate people trashing the place but I'm more certainly not one of them. I have (had) been training there for thirteen years and took pride in the place as it was my home away from home. I apologized profusely, offered to pay the cleaning crew's salary for that night and told her it would never happen again. Her reply; "Your membership is gone" and she hung up on me. This is literally the second time I've talked to her and, again, I have NEVER trashed the place. I didn't even realize my shoes were muddy until I looked at them after she b-tched me out. It might be for the best anyway... That gym used to be the powerlifting/bodybuilding Mecca in town but this new lunatic manager is turning it into a "fitness center": moving free weights out to put in spin classes, Zumba and that kind if shit.
So, the second part to this thread; how much would it run to open up a small gym dedicated solely towards powerlifting and athletic performance enhancement? Places like Westside Barbell are really nothing more than little dungeons with basic equipment. This town sorely needs something like this gym.