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Thread: Apologies to the LADIES!

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleInk View Post
    I accept your apology, lover.
    You see right through my subtlety....

  2. #42
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    bed, work, gym, kitchen
    Quote Originally Posted by Shsm

    I meant as far as members go. I refused to say anything up until now. Maybe you two should take into consideration you're married before flirting online with some girl you've never met
    Apparently you can't read well. The apology here is to the women because I offended them (or started some trend of women hating) by making a comment stating that I miss how it used to be when it was mainly guys here being bone head like usual and not anything to do with my wife or home life. That was dealt with immediately and briefly on the GGR leg thread. This is a separate matter and should be address as such. If it doesn't concern you.... Great... I didn't ask for advice or council. I asked for forgiveness because my aim was not to offend anyone and I did not enjoy being warned about a comment. It takes a lot for me to stay calm and collected in confrontation and this is part of me growing as a person and accepting when someone else has been offended by me. I'd much rather tell a bunch of people what I really think, but then I'd just be acting more arrogant and this seemed like a better option. Any flitting that was viewed was all in good humor and obviously not meant as some sort of attempt at making a love connection. For all we know, any female or male on here could be some hill Billy without a bottom jaw or someone who received a shotgun blow to the face and survived by miracle.... Or some pervert posing as someone else to gain some sort of personal satisfaction...

    Only problem I see is some people take this forum a little to serious

  3. #43
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    AZ Side
    Quote Originally Posted by >Good Luck< View Post

    Only problem I see is some people take this forum a little to serious

    Umm, yeah. . .

    I still can't really figure out what you think you did that was so wrong.

    You'll be fine, whatever you think you did I know I have done 2x worse.

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