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Thread: Does anyone warn their partner before they go on cycle?

  1. #1
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    Does anyone warn their partner before they go on cycle?

    My girl has asked me to give her warning before I start cause she says things start getting a little "rough" in the bedroom... Anyone else?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    **sigh** I wish my guy would hop on cycle

    I think it's fair game to warn her

  3. #3
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    Well over 100 views and no responses... At least now that you did, some of the guys will.

    Ps- be careful what you wish for

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    no, i dont, My wife knows i cycle but i never tell her im starting or whats up. If she askes i tell the truth, And she can tell pretty soon after i start
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  5. #5
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    Dec 2012
    Depends on your relationship... How she feels about it? Will she run her mouth and tell everyone? Will she try to tell you not to do it? I mean its always good to be honest if the Convo comes up but you don't have to volunteer info if you don't feel it's right. Do you live together does she go through your stuff?

    I didn't tell anyone I know I cycled... My mom and sister came over and my sister and I went to this Japanese supermarket to get groceries and my mom was looking through my place while we were out and she found my stash plus I injected that day so I left a vial out. So when I saw here walk in my guest room and go in my dresser I was like why are you going through my stuff and she responds with what do you think I'm an idiot... I knew you cycled before you said anything. I was dumb founded... No joke. I was like what? Huh? How?

    She goes you like bodybuilding, you're always in the gym, you have muscle tone.... I just figured you cycled but I didn't want to say anything but I'm not surprised. I was like um okay, how do you feel about it then? I really didn't know what to say and she was like well idk but I think you're hurting yourself but you do whatever you want b.c. Idc. Just don't start looking like a man.

    Then I started laughing and then my sister chimes in and was like I knew it when I saw you looking through our other sisters medical book and how interested in it you were. I knew then you had to be doing steroids b.c. What else would be in that book that you'd care about.... Then I was like um okay sushis done lets eat... Talk about awkward

  6. #6
    No I don't warn her or give any details but I don't lie about it, she can obviously tell when i'm on.

  7. #7
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    My wife is fully informed...even if she wasn't..she knows by now! She has been forwarned of what is about to go on in a cpl weeks LMAO!

  8. #8
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    With my ex I always told her I was on, my sex drive was 10x hers off cycle. While I was on i`m not sure how I stayed sane. My current gf in Florida hasn`t seen me on yet, haven`t seen her since last month, I told her to make sure theres lots of lube when i visit lol.

  9. #9
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    I'm tired of 'warning' or telling significant others about my use.

    All have been understanding in the past, but because of the stigma in regards to anabolic steroids that has been hammered into people's heads since they were children in kindergarten, it is quite literally IMPOSSIBLE to completely get the notion that "steroids are bad and you shouldn't be doing it" out of some people's heads. I have tried my utmost to convince some people that the risks associated with anabolic steroid use are in fact even lesser than that of driving a car to and from work/school every day, and these people will agree with me, but then deep down in the back of their heads, the seed that was planted since they were a kid by the government and the media that "steroids are bad, mmmkay?" comes out and you inevitably hear the "well I dont think you should be using them anyways".

    They'll put anabolic steroids up on their own pedestal, tell you that you shouldn't be using it (even though you have actually convinced them that it's not as dangerous as it has been made out to be, and not even as dangerous as other risks we take in our daily lives, and then they will go off and lead their own lifestyle engaging in equally (or MORE) harmful and selfish pursuits as anabolic steroids. Oh, but those things are okay.... even though they are in the same category as anabolic steroids in terms of risks. But anabolic steroids are not, because they'll cherry-pick anabolic steroids out of the pile of shit of things that are "bad for you", set it up on its own pedestal, and shoot it in the head without regard for all the other bullshit.

    So, yes, tell your significant other. But don't give a flying fvck about what they are going to say to you in return.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Atomini View Post
    I'm tired of 'warning' or telling significant others about my use.

    All have been understanding in the past, but because of the stigma in regards to anabolic steroids that has been hammered into people's heads since they were children in kindergarten, it is quite literally IMPOSSIBLE to completely get the notion that "steroids are bad and you shouldn't be doing it" out of some people's heads. I have tried my utmost to convince some people that the risks associated with anabolic steroid use are in fact even lesser than that of driving a car to and from work/school every day, and these people will agree with me, but then deep down in the back of their heads, the seed that was planted since they were a kid by the government and the media that "steroids are bad, mmmkay?" comes out and you inevitably hear the "well I dont think you should be using them anyways".

    They'll put anabolic steroids up on their own pedestal, tell you that you shouldn't be using it (even though you have actually convinced them that it's not as dangerous as it has been made out to be, and not even as dangerous as other risks we take in our daily lives, and then they will go off and lead their own lifestyle engaging in equally (or MORE) harmful and selfish pursuits as anabolic steroids. Oh, but those things are okay.... even though they are in the same category as anabolic steroids in terms of risks. But anabolic steroids are not, because they'll cherry-pick anabolic steroids out of the pile of shit of things that are "bad for you", set it up on its own pedestal, and shoot it in the head without regard for all the other bullshit.

    So, yes, tell your significant other. But don't give a flying fvck about what they are going to say to you in return.
    Basically, I agree 100 percent with you

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Atomini View Post
    I'm tired of 'warning' or telling significant others about my use.

    All have been understanding in the past, but because of the stigma in regards to anabolic steroids that has been hammered into people's heads since they were children in kindergarten, it is quite literally IMPOSSIBLE to completely get the notion that "steroids are bad and you shouldn't be doing it" out of some people's heads. I have tried my utmost to convince some people that the risks associated with anabolic steroid use are in fact even lesser than that of driving a car to and from work/school every day, and these people will agree with me, but then deep down in the back of their heads, the seed that was planted since they were a kid by the government and the media that "steroids are bad, mmmkay?" comes out and you inevitably hear the "well I dont think you should be using them anyways".

    They'll put anabolic steroids up on their own pedestal, tell you that you shouldn't be using it (even though you have actually convinced them that it's not as dangerous as it has been made out to be, and not even as dangerous as other risks we take in our daily lives, and then they will go off and lead their own lifestyle engaging in equally (or MORE) harmful and selfish pursuits as anabolic steroids. Oh, but those things are okay.... even though they are in the same category as anabolic steroids in terms of risks. But anabolic steroids are not, because they'll cherry-pick anabolic steroids out of the pile of shit of things that are "bad for you", set it up on its own pedestal, and shoot it in the head without regard for all the other bullshit.

    So, yes, tell your significant other. But don't give a flying fvck about what they are going to say to you in return.
    Mine is cool with it... She understands what it is and can correlate that its the same as her on birth control. Using exogenous compound to ones benefit.

    With this all being said, I didn't mean to sound like I was asking if you inform your partner that you use, but for the ones who know you use and know how sex drive, aggression and other things elevate, do you give warning tht it's coming (no pun intended)

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    My wife is fully informed...even if she wasn't..she knows by now! She has been forwarned of what is about to go on in a cpl weeks LMAO!
    This is what I was referring to. Contest starts in 2 weeks, as will her inability to walk properly

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Knockout_Power View Post
    Mine is cool with it... She understands what it is and can correlate that its the same as her on birth control. Using exogenous compound to ones benefit.

    With this all being said, I didn't mean to sound like I was asking if you inform your partner that you use, but for the ones who know you use and know how sex drive, aggression and other things elevate, do you give warning tht it's coming (no pun intended)
    I don't experience aggression problems, and I can control my sex drive on and off cycle. Yes, sex drive goes up. But they all know / have known I use any ways.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Atomini View Post
    I don't experience aggression problems, and I can control my sex drive on and off cycle. Yes, sex drive goes up. But they all know / have known I use any ways.
    I like your new sig

  15. #15
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    New sig? Or you mean the member title? That's been like that for a month or two now lol.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Atomini View Post
    New sig? Or you mean the member title? That's been like that for a month or two now lol.
    Yah well, I can't read so I have to wait till my help shows up so I can point to words and phrases so she can tell me what it says.

  17. #17
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    No need to tell her just let her take the bull by the horns and do her wifely duties Glad my wife doest read this.She would be going upside my head

  18. #18
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    Informing my wife would require me to actually tell her that I use aas

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by songdog View Post
    No need to tell her just let her take the bull by the horns and do her wifely duties Glad my wife doest read this.She would be going upside my head
    Does she chase you with a castiron pot

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by diesel101 View Post
    Informing my wife would require me to actually tell her that I use aas
    My motto...
    Deny everything
    Admit nothing
    Demand proof

    Except when they find your stash... B.c. Then there's proof and well yeah...

  21. #21
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    Nope, no warning. I don't feel it's necessary.

    Ready or not, here I come!!!!!

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by ElectraMaddox View Post

    My motto...
    Deny everything
    Admit nothing
    Demand proof

    Except when they find your stash... B.c. Then there's proof and well yeah...
    If you don't mind I might use that

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleInk View Post
    Nope, no warning. I don't feel it's necessary.

    Ready or not, here I come!!!!!
    Just don't get it in her hair

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Knockout_Power

    Just don't get it in her hair
    Nope. HAW says no face shots.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleInk View Post
    Nope. HAW says no face shots.
    Well that's normal... Mine asked why I don't use her face as a canvas... Kind of took me by suprise

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Knockout_Power

    Well that's normal... Mine asked why I don't use her face as a canvas... Kind of took me by suprise
    That sounds like an invite! Lol

    Ya, I don't see that happening with my wife.....but I find lots of ways to keep me happy.

  27. #27
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    It's weird cause I've had my share of unwilling gfs, I've been bitching on here for years... I can't keep up to the demands of this one

  28. #28
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    yep....I told her you know whats about to go down....and shes like im not gonna be putting up with your craziness lol

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by Knockout_Power
    It's weird cause I've had my share of unwilling gfs, I've been bitching on here for years... I can't keep up to the demands of this one
    I'm so sorry for not really.

    Nothing too crazy with my HAW. Kept her going for nearly 7 hours last weekend. She was walking funny for two days. Mission accomplished.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by cancer82 View Post
    yep....I told her you know whats about to go down....
    my girls response to that would have been....


  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by Knockout_Power

    my girls response to that would have been....

    Oh I like her! Lol

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by Knockout_Power View Post

    my girls response to that would have been....

    I knew when I typed that a response like that would come lol....hey I like shrimp ; )

  33. #33
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    does YOUR partner warn you before she starts her (menstral) cycle?

    I should say not.... say G'night Dick!

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by Knockout_Power View Post
    my girls response to that would have been....

    My kind of woman! I would've said the same

  35. #35
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    My wife gives me my injections. What is the big deal!

    Stigma!! The press makes the stigma and if you are stupid enough to believe the press or politicians hard luck. Didn't see steroids harm Arnolds career too much. Regards John

  36. #36
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    Forget all that. Keep it to yourself in case the sh!t hits the fan.

  37. #37
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    Always let em know , just a safety thing. honesty is best .
    But ive also run to the problem of what do i do cause im a father now....

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by austinite
    Forget all that. Keep it to yourself in case the sh!t hits the fan.
    This is what I usually do. This is the first cycle I've disclosed to my girlfriend. It was after slowly introducing her to the idea to it and all that, she doesn't know I've done it before.

  39. #39
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    Dude, if your wife can't figure out that you're cycling by looking at you, you're not doing it right.

    But seriously, I think that's kind of juvenile to give her "warning" due to all the sex she's going to have to have. My girlfriend and I have joint accounts and she usually gets the mail/packages at the door. If I decide to buy AAS or really anything for that matter, she'll know about it long before I do a blast cycle. Besides, I do talk about these things with her while I'm thinking/planning them out.
    Last edited by Honkey_Kong; 03-08-2013 at 12:07 AM.

  40. #40
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    I said its because iv changed my training and eating heaps. Then she said but your getting pimples i said it was because my mate didnt wipe his sweat off the bench, bless her she didnt have a clue

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