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Thread: Self mirror shots in the gym.. I bet you all wait until nobody's around to take them!

  1. #1
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    Self mirror shots in the gym.. I bet you all wait until nobody's around to take them!

    I'd like to know if there is any one person here who has ever taken a selfie in the gym locker room in front of the mirror without caring whether or not there are other people around when they do it.

    I'll bet every single person here waits until nobody is around once they're done their workout, then frantically pulls out their cellphone to start snapping shots off until they hear foosteps or the door open :P .

  2. #2
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    I'm not bashful so I normally ask someone to take the pictures.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by diesel101 View Post
    I'm not bashful so I normally ask someone to take the pictures.
    Lol pretty much the complete opposite of what he's talking about.

    I always wait but I haven't done it many times

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by diesel101 View Post
    I'm not bashful so I normally ask someone to take the pictures.
    That's how I get a lot of mine. Can't hold the cell steady enough with a crazy pump

    I've taken pics on the open floor as well... About 2 weeks ago I got aroused while doing shoulder presses so I took a pic in the mirror and sent to the girl

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by diesel101 View Post
    I'm not bashful so I normally ask someone to take the pictures.
    But I have had a couple of guys give me a lot of s**t about it .

  6. #6
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    Lol I bet

  7. #7
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    Note I was referring to the gym locker room. Out on the gym floor is even more bold, in my opinion.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Atomini View Post
    Note I was referring to the gym locker room. Out on the gym floor is even more bold, in my opinion.
    I find it less bold. In the locker room there are strict rules about no cell phone use... Maybe someone's small peepee made it to the Internet.... And not mine this time

  9. #9
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    I dont care. I snap photo anytime i feel like it.

  10. #10
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    Funny you bring this up tonight. While i was at the gym today i got a request to send a pic after my workout. I haven't taken a pic of myself in a long time but i did today. Didn't even think about anyone being around. And as i think about it, i'm not sure if there was or not.

  11. #11
    austinite's Avatar
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    I don't take my phone to the gym. Can't help ya there

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by stpete View Post
    Funny you bring this up tonight. While i was at the gym today i got a request to send a pic after my workout. I haven't taken a pic of myself in a long time but i did today. Didn't even think about anyone being around. And as i think about it, i'm not sure if there was or not.
    Funny thing is i've NEVER seen anyone snap mirror pictures in the gym during a workout. I guess maybe people have, but they're sneaky about it and make sure nobody is watching. My buddy snapped a pic of himself with an iPad. How could anyone miss a big jacked guy taking selfies with a huge iPad in the mirror during a workout?

    Quote Originally Posted by austinite View Post
    I don't take my phone to the gym. Can't help ya there
    I don't bring my cell to my workouts, but it's there in my locker when i'm done. That's how I snap mine.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by stpete View Post
    Funny you bring this up tonight. While i was at the gym today i got a request to send a pic after my workout. I haven't taken a pic of myself in a long time but i did today. Didn't even think about anyone being around. And as i think about it, i'm not sure if there was or not.
    I feel that as long as youre not standing in anyone's way, or taking up an area that somebody else wants to use to lift, or disturbing anyone, then go ahead. Its just a photo. You take a shot, maybe two, and resume youre lifting. If youre in the change room, even less to be concerned about.

  14. #14
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    Theres not much better in life than a gym selfie.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Atomini View Post
    I don't bring my cell to my workouts, but it's there in my locker when i'm done. That's how I snap mine.
    So what if you do. Most of the guys i know bring theirs in with them, that's how they listen to music. And then if they want to snap a photo, its right there. Or if I/they are running heavy weights, the rests are like 3-4minutes. It gives you sec to catch up in the Forums

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by MickeyKnox View Post
    So what if you do. Most of the guys i know bring theirs in with them, that's how they listen to music. And then if they want to snap a photo, its right there. Or if I/they are running heavy weights, the rests are like 3-4minutes. It gives you sec to catch up in the Forums
    Always browse the froums in between sets lol!

  17. #17
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    Hell you can tell I'm at LA Fitness locker room or gym flor in most of my Avis. No problem here.

  18. #18
    bigZthedestroyer's Avatar
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    I normally don't care who is around. I usually snap lots of photos while I'm posing. It just so happens that the posing area is next to the women's locker room..I know I have made a few people feel uncomfortable but it doesn't bother me.

  19. #19
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    I dare someone to take a Polaroid.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by MickeyKnox View Post
    So what if you do. Most of the guys i know bring theirs in with them, that's how they listen to music. And then if they want to snap a photo, its right there. Or if I/they are running heavy weights, the rests are like 3-4minutes. It gives you sec to catch up in the Forums
    Actually I have recently as of the last 2 workouts begun to bring my cellphone with me during my workouts, because I just discovered and downloaded an app that I use to log my lifts as opposed to carrying around a pen and paper, which is what I used to do. The app logs my progress and uploads it to a profile on a website where there is a big calendar and everything where I can schedule my workouts, and the website will analyze my workouts and provide graphs and pie charts to demonstrate my progress over time. Not sure what other phones the app is available on, but I have it for my Windows Phone 8 on my Nokia.

    Check it out, free app, free to register. You can pay to get more of the fancy features, but logging my progress on there is so much more convenient now compared to the pen and paper logging I did for years.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Atomini View Post
    Actually I have recently as of the last 2 workouts begun to bring my cellphone with me during my workouts, because I just discovered and downloaded an app that I use to log my lifts as opposed to carrying around a pen and paper, which is what I used to do. The app logs my progress and uploads it to a profile on a website where there is a big calendar and everything where I can schedule my workouts, and the website will analyze my workouts and provide graphs and pie charts to demonstrate my progress over time. Not sure what other phones the app is available on, but I have it for my Windows Phone 8 on my Nokia.

    Check it out, free app, free to register. You can pay to get more of the fancy features, but logging my progress on there is so much more convenient now compared to the pen and paper logging I did for years.
    Why did this part not surprise me? lol

  22. #22
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    My gyms in my basement so no worries. The cat and dog look at me pathetically though....
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    My gyms in my basement so no worries. The cat and dog look at me pathetically though....
    Lol.. U2 huh?

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    My gyms in my basement so no worries. The cat and dog look at me pathetically though....
    They're just wondering... "Where on earth is the treadmill???"

  25. #25
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    There was a guy snapping pics with his shirt off, not bullshitting, of himself. At some point, it doesn't matter how big you are and all that, you're just a tool lol.

    I've yet to do it myself, just doesn't feel right to
    me hahaha

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by austinite View Post
    I dare someone to take a Polaroid.
    I found my dads while cleaning up a while ago... I will see if it works

  27. #27
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    I took a few last weekend after legs some fella gave me a funny look but ohwell.....guess its not right to drop trow on the floor.

  28. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by Atomini View Post
    I'd like to know if there is any one person here who has ever taken a selfie in the gym locker room in front of the mirror without caring whether or not there are other people around when they do it.

    I'll bet every single person here waits until nobody is around once they're done their workout, then frantically pulls out their cellphone to start snapping shots off until they hear foosteps or the door open :P .
    No, I take pictures of myself bum in the mirror and all the girls in the locker room pose beside me lol nothing to be afraid of

  29. #29
    Quote Originally Posted by Atomini View Post
    I'd like to know if there is any one person here who has ever taken a selfie in the gym locker room in front of the mirror without caring whether or not there are other people around when they do it.

    I'll bet every single person here waits until nobody is around once they're done their workout, then frantically pulls out their cellphone to start snapping shots off until they hear foosteps or the door open :P .
    My bum*

  30. #30
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    I don't do the self shots really, but I think you'll all enjoy this..

    Couple weeks back a dude at my gym (obviously on serious gear) came in with some half-assed photographer. Basically some chick with a DSLR camera snapping pictures on the floor while he was working out. He went to all sorts of machines and went balls out and she snapped pictures while he was in motion. The flash was loud and annoying and was catching tons of attention. I don't even think he touched a free-weight at all, and I think he also pulled off some poses after his 30 minute bs workout. THIS is what I call BOLD. he wasnt even really big... Vascualr like hell and not huge

    Pretty sure he got banned from the gym or has been to embarrassed to come back. Never saw him since.

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by >Good Luck< View Post
    I don't do the self shots really, but I think you'll all enjoy this..

    Couple weeks back a dude at my gym (obviously on serious gear) came in with some half-assed photographer. Basically some chick with a DSLR camera snapping pictures on the floor while he was working out. He went to all sorts of machines and went balls out and she snapped pictures while he was in motion. The flash was loud and annoying and was catching tons of attention. I don't even think he touched a free-weight at all, and I think he also pulled off some poses after his 30 minute bs workout. THIS is what I call BOLD. he wasnt even really big... Vascualr like hell and not huge

    Pretty sure he got banned from the gym or has been to embarrassed to come back. Never saw him since.
    Lol that's pretty funny

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sofiekins View Post
    No, I take pictures of myself bum in the mirror and all the girls in the locker room pose beside me lol nothing to be afraid of
    Pics or it didn't happen.

    Quote Originally Posted by >Good Luck< View Post
    I don't do the self shots really, but I think you'll all enjoy this..

    Couple weeks back a dude at my gym (obviously on serious gear) came in with some half-assed photographer. Basically some chick with a DSLR camera snapping pictures on the floor while he was working out. He went to all sorts of machines and went balls out and she snapped pictures while he was in motion. The flash was loud and annoying and was catching tons of attention. I don't even think he touched a free-weight at all, and I think he also pulled off some poses after his 30 minute bs workout. THIS is what I call BOLD. he wasnt even really big... Vascualr like hell and not huge

    Pretty sure he got banned from the gym or has been to embarrassed to come back. Never saw him since.
    Hahah, and you never saw this guy before that time?

  33. #33
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    I.stopped giving a damn what other people think where I'm not harming them a long time ago. That's something young people and socialites worry about.

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