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Thread: Good abs Cape

  1. #1
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Good abs Cape

    Excellent work Cape

    well done

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Those abs are from 1984

  3. #3
    I knew Dan would be all over this

    Lookin good none the less Cape....

  4. #4
    marcus300's Avatar
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    How did I know AR's two biggest fantasist would reply lmfao lmfao

    Looking great cape no matter what year, well done

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Bear 79 View Post
    I knew Dan would be all over this

    Lookin good none the less Cape....

    Well he posted pics taken in 1960 and shit.... My ab pic is from the other day..... just sayin'.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    How did I know AR's two biggest fantasist would reply lmfao lmfao

    Looking great cape no matter what year, well done
    You knew EXACTLY what you were starting when you started this thread.... don't act all innocent.

  7. #7
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    Now all this thread needs is 405 posting in here how he's 9% body fat and we'll be all set.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by dan68131 View Post
    Now all this thread needs is 405 posting in here how he's 9% body fat and we'll be all set.
    Remember Vader, this is "Most Improved" contest. And since Cape's photo was taken years ago it would seem apparent he has room to improve. Just like myself. If indeed that is you in your Avi, and it was taken the other day, well, good luck. Just sayin.....

  9. #9
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    It wasn't that long ago Daniel.Click image for larger version. 

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    Last edited by Capebuffalo; 03-09-2013 at 08:26 AM.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Capebuffalo View Post
    It wasn't that long ago Daniel.Click image for larger version. 

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    He's going to come tell you that Dan is his kid's name, not his....

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by dan68131 View Post
    Now all this thread needs is 405 posting in here how he's 9% body fat and we'll be all set.
    ok dan lets get one thing straight: i do not lie or stretch the truth about my stats, lifts, income, job, size of my cock, or anything else i do because i am happy with who i am. i try to improve but i believe it is important to be honest in here because otherwise whats the point?

    the bf% i post is what the BOD POD says i am. plain and simple. just because u may disagree doesnt really mean shit to me.

    just because u are a fvcking liar about all kinds of things on here doesnt mean everyone else is.. keep that in mind pal. i let that stupid little bullshit lie of urs in the "big 3" thread go yesterday because i was trying to cut u a break. if u want to call into question my integrity ur gonna have a big fvcking problem.. let me know what u want to do.. i have advocated for u in the past, i suggest u dont piss me off!
    Last edited by --->>405<<---; 03-09-2013 at 08:34 AM.

  12. #12
    BG's Avatar
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    muhahahahaha muhahahahaha

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    Everything was impossible until somebody did it!

    I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!

    It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.

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    Great place to start researching !

  13. #13
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  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by stpete View Post
    Remember Vader, this is "Most Improved" contest. And since Cape's photo was taken years ago it would seem apparent he has room to improve. Just like myself. If indeed that is you in your Avi, and it was taken the other day, well, good luck. Just sayin.....
    I'm well aware of what I'll be competing in....

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by --->>405<<--- View Post
    ok dan lets get one thing straight: i do not lie or stretch the truth about my stats, lifts, income, job, size of my cock, or anything else i do because i am happy with who i am. i try to improve but i believe it is important to be honest in here because otherwise whats the point?

    the bf% i post is what the BOD POD says i am. plain and simple. just because u may disagree doesnt really mean shit to me.

    just because u are a fvcking liar about all kinds of things on here doesnt mean everyone else is.. keep that in mind pal. i let that stupid little bullshit lie of urs in the "big 3" thread go yesterday because i was trying to cut u a break. if u want to call into question my integrity ur gonna have a big fvcking problem.. let me know what u want to do.. i have advocated for u in the past, i suggest u dont piss me off!
    Someone shot just a little too much test cyp this week....

    Tell me what I'm lying about though?

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Capebuffalo View Post
    It wasn't that long ago Daniel.Click image for larger version. 

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    You know I still love ya Cape... you're my favorite turd... wouldn't shit you for anything.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by kitstreasure View Post
    He's going to come tell you that Dan is his kid's name, not his....
    Our bedroom talk should not be made public....

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by dan68131 View Post
    Someone shot just a little too much test cyp this week....

    Tell me what I'm lying about though?
    1. u lie about ur lifts. it is obvious from the big 3 thread. u must really think we're a bunch of dumb asses to fall for ur bullshit. i suppose u are used to just spouting out a bunch of words and everyone just lets stuff go with u?

    2. u lie about ur stats: 5'8" 210lbs 17%bf when u pmd me a video of supposedly you (probably another lie) in a UFC style fight. the fighter had stats of 5'10" 159lbs.. ok now u are a good bullshitter, which i have maintained for awhile, even if u were capable of B.S. ing everyone else u could actually lose 51lbs for a fight theres no way in hell ur gonna convince me u legitimately shrunk in height by 2" .. not even you are that good of a liar.

    3. taking into account # 1 and #2 it calls into question every other tall tale that comes out of ur mouth or off ur keyboard. or i suppose we should just simply trust the fact that you have such a fantastic job flying around all over the country and are smarter than everyone else u work with, and that ur lifestyle is very high profile and u have had multiple cars and can have all kinds of women. not to mention the fact that ur the strongest guy for ur weight class on this site?? 606lbs squat?? how the hell do u even get to 606 on an olympic bar??

    4. ill spare u the embarrassment of posting ur pm to me with the youtube fight where the supposed "Dan the badass" has stats: 5'10" 159lbs...

    remember u asked.. "Tell me what I'm lying about though?"

    id also like to note i am not doing this for personal satisfaction i am just tired of seeing you talk so much shit on here and get away with it when the platform u are using to be this much of a shit talking dick is from what i can tell a FARCE..

  19. #19
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    Ahh hahahahahahaha! Sick 'em 405. Lol.

  20. #20
    Join Date
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    Looking great Cape!!

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by twitz View Post
    Looking great Cape!!
    I'd like to say thanks. Unfortunately that is not a current pic. That was from the last show I did.
    Hope to be there at end of comp.

  22. #22
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    one more thing people: lets see how long it takes for dan to come up with a bullshit retort to my post # 18 which was made at 10:59am

    the clock is ticking dan, dont wait too long.. personally i dont think he has it in him..

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by --->>405<<--- View Post
    1. u lie about ur lifts. it is obvious from the big 3 thread. u must really think we're a bunch of dumb asses to fall for ur bullshit. i suppose u are used to just spouting out a bunch of words and everyone just lets stuff go with u?

    I'm not lying about my lifts. I weigh just as much if not more than you. If you can do 415 x 3 as stated yesterday; you think I can't do the same? We are not only the same age (almost) BUT... I've also got A LOT more time in the gym than you. I've also strength trained for the past 6 years; you've been doing what? You think I haven't read all 52 pages of your log? My endurance is 10 times yours easily; because of how I train. You're saying that I can't bench a whopping 5-10 lbs more than you?

    2. u lie about ur stats: 5'8" 210lbs 17%bf when u pmd me a video of supposedly you (probably another lie) in a UFC style fight. the fighter had stats of 5'10" 159lbs.. ok now u are a good bullshitter, which i have maintained for awhile, even if u were capable of B.S. ing everyone else u could actually lose 51lbs for a fight theres no way in hell ur gonna convince me u legitimately shrunk in height by 2" .. not even you are that good of a liar.

    My fight stats come from what is needed to fight in a class. My actual height measurement that I measured is 5'8 and 6/8th. The measurement taken by a fight org is what they seem to think based on how THEY do things. The weight is accurate. Do you know how much weight you can lose in a week just in water? A week pre-fight I start a massive cut. That cut consists of taking hydrocholorthizide which strips your body of water, as well as fasting for days. I spend a week "cutting" to the point that I am lethargic and don't even have the energy to shower/shave. Once I weigh in; I start a binge period of Pedialyte and Protein. My last fight I fought at 162 lb catch weight. TODAY I weigh in at 210ish after 2 months of bulking. I've been posting my weight updates here and there. I was at about 188 pre cut for that fight. 188-162 = 26 lbs. You're telling me you can't lose 26 lbs in water/food weight? Take a shit and you can lose 3 lbs. Take some pills and you'll piss out 20. Google: Hydrochlorothiazide. Cliff notes is that it makes you piss out ALL excess water in your body. When you stop taking in water on top of that you start to dehydrate and lose mass. You think starvation plus those pills won't make you lose 26 lbs of weight in a week? You're nuts... almost every fighter does this to make weight.

    3. taking into account # 1 and #2 it calls into question every other tall tale that comes out of ur mouth or off ur keyboard. or i suppose we should just simply trust the fact that you have such a fantastic job flying around all over the country and are smarter than everyone else u work with, and that ur lifestyle is very high profile and u have had multiple cars and can have all kinds of women. not to mention the fact that ur the strongest guy for ur weight class on this site?? 606lbs squat?? how the hell do u even get to 606 on an olympic bar??

    See above for strength training. How about when I move back to GA in April I drive up to your side of the state and we can hit the gym together. I'll show you some shit.

    4. ill spare u the embarrassment of posting ur pm to me with the youtube fight where the supposed "Dan the badass" has stats: 5'10" 159lbs...

    159 lbs with damn near 0 water left in my body at weigh in. Do your research on certain drugs and how they work.

    remember u asked.. "Tell me what I'm lying about though?"

    id also like to note i am not doing this for personal satisfaction i am just tired of seeing you talk so much shit on here and get away with it when the platform u are using to be this much of a shit talking dick is from what i can tell a FARCE..
    Hmm... maybe you should talk around to a few people that know me, have met me in person, as well as have been on this forum A LOT longer than you have.
    Last edited by dan991; 03-09-2013 at 10:55 AM.

  24. #24
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    And furthermore 405... I give you shit because you don't even realize what you are saying/posting and the science behind it. In your own thread you posted within the last couple days that you are MAINTAINING 9.5% body fat levels. Have you ever researched body fat and what being 9.5% body fat would mean to your health? Not in Flex Magazine. Go research it in medical books like human kinetics and such. Go over to the university by your house and talk to a few physiologists about what 9.5% body fat would mean to your heart, brain, eyes, etc. As much as you want to believe you are 9.5%; that would mean your brain function has medically dropped by about 30%. Do yourself a favor and go talk to some doctors that do this shit for a living. I'm not one of them; but I research based on what works for me and have learned enough in the last decade or two deep diving into details about shit; that the chances of you ever being 9.5% maintained body fat are slim to none unless you want to age a lot faster and die a lot sooner.

  25. #25
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    As far as my TRUE stats... you'll see them in the comp; with dated pics... and I'll even put a ruler to my height, lol

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by --->>405<<--- View Post
    well i have now been on maintenance (or at least not cutting) for 4 weeks. i have tapered my cals back up from where they were on my cut. today i decided to really look at them as i have not been as diligent as i am capable, or have been in the past mainly because i havent had to be. nonetheless i will post below my total cals and macros of what appear to be maintenance as well as a couple pics from a few weeks ago and current because i dont think ive gained any fat, or at least a very small amount. i have filled out a little and my weight has gone up by 5lbs.

    current stats:
    195lbs @9.5%bf
    waist: 32.5" (holding here which i am monitoring daily like a hawk!)

    training day maintenance diet:
    403g pro
    497g carbs
    101g fat

    ^^i must say these numbers surprised me but i am very happy to see i am not gaining much fat with this many cals, carbs, and fat! actually i am hoping to pickj up some LBM maybe thru a lean(ish) bulk

    non-training day:
    159g pro
    94g carbs
    63g fat

    my schedule typically is EOD now. sometimes i will run 2 non-training days in a row to try to offset the cals. i also fast 21-24hrs on non-training days from the night before.. also do minimum 45min cardio on this day to a max of 70mins split into 2 sessions.. occasionally i leae the cottage cheese and blueberries off as well which reduces the cals and macros further to:
    134g pro
    51g carbs (15g fiber)
    57g fat

    as u can see there is a lot of room for variance.. i also will occasionally munch on capn crunch on these days too. its a balancing act playing with these items, much moreso than when i first started this thing 18months ago.

    on average i would say my cals on both days combined equal 6000 which gives me a net of 3000cals ED.. i am finding this very effective at being able to have a variety of food choices in my diet to offset boredom and satisfy my cravings..

    the first pic was a month ago today and the second pic today.. pretty close IMO
    Prove it. 9.5% you said on 3/7. Alright fvcker... prove it. You find a place that does DXA scans close to where you live. I'll pay for it; give me your Paypal in a PM and I'll send you the money for it before you even go. Post results publically. based on the pics you posted in the above- I say you are in the 16-17% range when you get scanned if not higher. Show me 9.5% prick... PM me your PayPal info and how much it costs after you find a place to do it. If you are wrong and not under lets say 15%... you call me "Daddy Dan" from now on. In fact.. lets get Admin to change my screen name to that as well as change your screen name to Dan's Bitch. I am giving you at least a 6% margin of error "buffer" on your 9.5% claim... DXA scan's are 99% accurate. Put your cock on the table.... lets see who's is bigger.
    Last edited by dan991; 03-09-2013 at 09:37 AM.

  27. #27
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    Well i tell u what dan, i am about to do cardio (60mins) in an effort to maintain my sub 10% bf level. U have no reason to give me shit because i am honest with everything i post.

    Yeh u have been on here longer than me. Whether or not u are in better shape and have been for longer i have no way of knowing because i dont believe the stuff u post. Sure im sure some of it is true, but id bet a lot of it is bullshit.

    Everything i post is on my reading and experience. Some of it may be incorrect, and some of what i though was correct a year ago i have found to be incorrect now. This is an evolving process.

    I dont claim to be an expert. Far from it. In reality i am a beginner. I have only been at this successfully for 18 months. But i have progressed well and learned a lot in that time and i enjoy sharing what i learn.

    My integrity is intact as it pertains to my accomplishments on this forum. U cannot bullshit on here long or u will get caught.

    U can try to defer the focus from u to me but it isnt gonna work. Ur a bullshitter dan. Maybe is u didnt act like such a know it all asshole all the time people wouldnt have such a hard on for u. And believe me they do. Like i said i have been an advocate for u up to this point but at some point u have to stop being such a crap talking smart ass who knows everything and does everything better than anyone else and just be a normal dude.

    I liked u because u taught me some things about abs that have helped tremendously and i aPpreciate it. This is why i have gone to bat for u. Just stop being such a ****ing dick and u can actually be a likable guy.. Seriously i mean come on man.

  28. #28
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    No way 405 is 16%. He is fat, but not that high...jk. I say sub 10.

  29. #29
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    over here
    As the thread turns

  30. #30
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    Did someone say boobs?

  31. #31
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    U know what dan.. I was gonna delete my previous post in light of ur post above but ill let it stand. Im done with u. I dont have to prove anything to u. I am not a liar. YOU ARE!!

    Get mad all u want the only one u have to be mad at is urself. This isnt a debate about my bf%.. Personally i dont give a **** what my bf% is or what the dxa says it is. The fvcking bod pod says its 9.3% and thats the truth..

    This is unlike the bullshit u post. This is about u dan. About the fact that ur a fvcking liar. U try to change the focus to this being about my bf% is stupid. It us characteristic of ur nature. A bullshitter. When the heat is on u change the focus. Im not that stupid.

    Even if dxa has me at 20% it doesnt change the fact that the bod pod did indeed say i was 9.3% which is the point. I am not a liar.

    You are a liar. Im done with u.

    Everyone else make up ur mind what u believe. From wat i see dan is a fvcking liar. Period. Im out..

  32. #32
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    It did suprise me that 405 said the stuff he did. He has went to bat for you now for a couple of months dan and you still give him a hard time. Not many people here do like te know it all, better than you attitude. It doesn't bother me, and I just igore it. But he has defended you many time, which I never could figure out. Just tone it down a notch. I dont want you banned, and like what you bring to the table here.

  33. #33
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    Wow glad I'm not a part of this thread. Lol

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by Capebuffalo View Post
    Wow glad I'm not a part of this thread. Lol

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by --->>405<<--- View Post
    U know what dan.. I was gonna delete my previous post in light of ur post above but ill let it stand. Im done with u. I dont have to prove anything to u. I am not a liar. YOU ARE!!

    Get mad all u want the only one u have to be mad at is urself. This isnt a debate about my bf%.. Personally i dont give a **** what my bf% is or what the dxa says it is. The fvcking bod pod says its 9.3% and thats the truth..

    This is unlike the bullshit u post. This is about u dan. About the fact that ur a fvcking liar. U try to change the focus to this being about my bf% is stupid. It us characteristic of ur nature. A bullshitter. When the heat is on u change the focus. Im not that stupid.

    Even if dxa has me at 20% it doesnt change the fact that the bod pod did indeed say i was 9.3% which is the point. I am not a liar.

    You are a liar. Im done with u.

    Everyone else make up ur mind what u believe. From wat i see dan is a fvcking liar. Period. Im out..
    Because you can't see through my tone to tell if I'm being facetious or not I'm a liar? How does that make sense? I'm sorry you can't tell when I'm joking vs. being serious IN THE LOUNGE? LMAO...

    I never said you are a liar; I do believe Bod Pod told you 9.3%. HOWEVER... as I've shown you... Bod Pod has a +/- 6% error offset. I think we can both agree that you aren't 3%. So.. is it possible that you really are 15% and that Dan is somewhat accurate and not just being a ass ALL the time?

    Don't try to prove shit to me.. I don't care enough either way. I give you shit because you give me shit. Don't play the game and then one day get pissy when you don't like the game you decided to play.

  36. #36
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    Where they take my ass
    Good work cape. Regardless of when the pic was taken its impressive.

    Do you know what bf you were at during the comp? If its already been posted my apologies.
    Last edited by Armykid93; 03-09-2013 at 10:12 AM.

  37. #37
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    Where they take my ass
    Quote Originally Posted by dan68131 View Post

    Because you can't see through my tone to tell if I'm being facetious or not I'm a liar? How does that make sense? I'm sorry you can't tell when I'm joking vs. being serious IN THE LOUNGE? LMAO...

    I never said you are a liar; I do believe Bod Pod told you 9.3%. HOWEVER... as I've shown you... Bod Pod has a +/- 6% error offset. I think we can both agree that you aren't 3%. So.. is it possible that you really are 15% and that Dan is somewhat accurate and not just being a ass ALL the time?

    Don't try to prove shit to me.. I don't care enough either way. I give you shit because you give me shit. Don't play the game and then one day get pissy when you don't like the game you decided to play.
    I still don't see why you care what bf he is. This thread isn't about you. Why does it matter if your right or not. 405 brought up all your BS and you have tried to change focus, not gonna work for most of us.

    You can't let things go and its pretty childish. Just stop so the thread can be used for what it was intended for. Your facades blown dude, get over it. Your digging yourself deeper.

    Let the thread be about cape.

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by Armykid93 View Post
    Good work cape. Regardless of when the pic was taken its impressive.

    Do you know what bf you were at during the comp? If its already been posted my apologies.
    That's a loaded question on this thread. Lol. I would say around 7 but looking at my back maybe less
    Click image for larger version. 

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    Sooty meantClick image for larger version. 

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    Last edited by Capebuffalo; 03-09-2013 at 10:18 AM.

  39. #39
    Join Date
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    You guys finally catching on with this Dan clown? Ive been aware of his bs since he started posting more. He's nothing more than 100% pure American AAA grade pasture fed bull shyt. My shadow weighs more than he does.

    Cape, nice abs..for 1974.

  40. #40
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    Oh, and for the record, a 606lb squat would snap his skinny legs.

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