LOL I will have to add pictures later. The best? That's a tough one because they were all good/great in different ways. The worst day in Thailand was better than the best in the US.
I had wanted to go to Thailand for several years but was to busy going on 3-4 cruises a year and Mexico 2-3x a year also for a few years. Finally due to circumstances Ill leave out as to not put a downer on the thread I finally decided it was time to go.
I did my due dillegence and researched 6hr+ a night (at work) on the internet so I would have my trip all planned out of where I wanted to go and when. I took about 2 months of Thai lessons from a cute little 19yr old Thai exchange student that was in the US for all of 3 days when I found her and asked her to teach me some Thai. Only if I knew then what I know now... lol
After a 12hr flight to Japan and then another 3hr flight to Thailand it was a short 1 1/2hr drive from Bangkok to Pattaya. I had arranged transportation ahead of time so I didnt have to muddle through the whole taxi issue. My driver was an attractive late 20s, early 30s Thai lady. She asked me if I minded sharing my drive with two girls who were coming from Bangkok to Pattaya to work at the hotel/club where I had set up my transportation. Of course I did not mind and I got to practice a little of my Thai. They also knew a little English but DAMN... again being a newbie I had no idea what I had sitting right there on either side of me in the SUV and I was the perfect gentleman and had no idea of the possibilities at my fingertips....
Once I got to my hotel at 3:30 am I quickly put put some of my stuff away and headed outside to see the sights. It did not take long for me to wise up and I was back in my room with my first Thai girl at 3:45 am.

She left around noon and I went to meet my buddy who was flying in that morning and arrived at 1pm. We had lunch together and BS for a while. On our walk back to the room he started up a conversation with a Thai lady who was walking with 2 young attractive girls. No more than 5 minutes he has talked her into coming back with him to his room and being the good wing man I was I took one (yes only one) with me to my room. Picture coming soon.
Wow this girl was what they call farm fresh. They Thai lady had said something about that and I guess she was not kidding. Not really my style but I made the best of it. lol
My buddy and I meet up around 9pm and headed out to hit a few bars and dance clubs. Wow that place is like Mardi Gras 7 days a week from 6pm - 4am or later. Being the good wing-man I am again I did my best to steer him clear of the sub culture who are well known for their trickery and I had to literally pull him away from one lady boy he was just sure was a real girl until he got into better light. lol
I meet #3 later that night at one of the dance clubs. She was there with a friend/female both visiting from Bangkok sort of on vacation because the restaurant they were opening was having work done and they would not have time for vacation for quite some time after it opens. Yeah I though it was BS at first but later found out it was all true. I went to it several time. Didnt really hook up that night but we did set up a date for the next day and spent the next 2 weeks together 24/7. She derailed all my well laid plans.... It was a typical case of finding exactly what you are not looking for.
That was pretty much all the excitement for the next 3 trips and except for a lot of mushy stuff no one really wants to hear about. lol
Trip #4 & 5 things got back on track and I started making up for lost time and not taking less than 2 - 3 girls at a time such as many of you have seen in my pictures I have posted. Getting to know one or two of the girls more personally helps when it comes to hooking up with the right kind of girls and she being the one to instigate and more or less interview the girl to make sure she is game and not be to shy about 3+ for the night.
I found a nice little hotel right on walking street called
Swissfood Restaurant and Cafe Bistro that is on the 5th floor and the 6th floor is your own private garden area overlooking Pattaya with a hot tub. One of the few in the area and the only one with a view. Yes the hot tub is emptied and cleaned before/after each guest. They have a 3 night minimum and when I arrived it was empty and being cleaned. Nothing like sitting in an open air hot tub with a couple little Thai cuties girls.
On one of my trips I took a girl to Phuket and although most places in Thailand do not allow porn the hotel we stayed at (looked like a mini castle) had porn 24/7. Interesting enough most of it was anal porn and she kept saying REALLY??? People do that? Later that night after we had been out and had several drinks and bumping uglies (old saying) she decided she wanted to try anal. Well due to my intoxicated state I was of course G2G but not thinking clear enough to break out any extra lube or take things non to slow and proceeded to give it a go. That lasted all of about 30 seconds and she sobered up quickly and was scrambling for the other side of the bed to get away from me say HELL NO!!! hahahahaha Needless to say that was not something she wanted to try again.

I have found Thai girls to be the true Slut in the bedroom and mother Teressa in public. Most are VERY reserve once they are in public and away from the bar scene. I tried to get a little touchy feely a few times in public but out of view from anyone and they would have nothing to do with that. Not really a bad thing if you ask me although a little public intimacy or affection can be quite fun.
There are a couple more trips basically the same scenario but then I started visiting the Philippines and sampling Filipino culture. That's is actually where a lot of my pictures are from that are a bit more risque. Also in the Philippines is where I was a little more aggressive and talked a couple of girls into trying something new but I was prepared with plenty of KY this time. lol