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Thread: *Thailand thread*

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    *Thailand thread*

    It's official

    What experiences have you had in Thailand?

    Goldfish bowls, crossing the red line, ladyboys, travel, best areas or talk about anything to do about Thailand..

    I wonder who will have the most stories lol

    What happened in Thai stays in Thai except for this thread, let it out and share..

  2. #2
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    This needs to go in an area where the rules don't apply so the boys like bytes can post their unedited pics...

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Knockout_Power
    This needs to go in an area where the boys like bytes can post their unedited pics...
    Unedited pics. Now THAT'S something I'd support!!!!!!!

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Knockout_Power View Post
    This needs to go in an area where the rules don't apply so the boys like bytes can post their unedited pics...
    He can send them to me via pm for approval first..

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    Sub'd...for information on travel deals of course.

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    Been to Bangkok, koh Tao and koh phangan

    Was very interesting

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    Can't wait for Thailand, Malaysia, philippines later this year. Had to cancel enough fun trips already

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    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  9. #9
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    Yeah yeah yeah I need to post some new pictures and will try to edit to not break any rules but not enough to you will have to use your imagination to much...

    Marcus, have you ever stayed at the Swissfood Restaurant and Cafe Bistro in Pattaya?

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Yeah yeah yeah I need to post some new pictures and will try to edit to not break any rules but not enough to you will have to use your imagination to much...

    Marcus, have you ever stayed at the Swissfood Restaurant and Cafe Bistro in Pattaya?
    No I haven't been there, why?

  11. #11
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    This should be interesting lol

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    Quote Originally Posted by Soar View Post
    This should be interesting lol
    Are you old enough to be in here?

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    No I haven't been there, why?
    Thought I may have seen you on one of my trips. A guy staying there was similarly built as you. He could have passed for a body double for Lou Ferrigno back in the day.

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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Thought I may have seen you on one of my trips. A guy staying there was similarly built as you. He could have passed for a body double for Lou Ferrigno back in the day.
    Thanks but sorry not me...

    So come on tell us your best

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    Quote Originally Posted by Knockout_Power View Post

    Are you old enough to be in here?
    Is this a thread for those with walkers?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Soar View Post
    Is this a thread for those with walkers?
    Listen here you young punk, Stop derailing what is sure to be a monumental thread...

    Come closer so I can see who said that

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Knockout_Power View Post

    Listen here you young punk, Stop derailing what is sure to be a monumental thread...

    Come closer so I can see who said that
    Sorry not derailing anything. Just here for more of Lovbyts stories. As per usual with every other Thailand thread...

  18. #18
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    Bytes, bytes, bytes, bytes... And the chant grows louder...

    His Thai pics resemble russel Crowe in the chinese whorehouse in Man with the iron fists

  19. #19
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    1st trip i was 2 years old

    2nd i was 12

    3rd i was 17

    went with family every time, Bangkok, Udon thani (got family there), Pattaya..

    plan on going this year some time by myself, should be fun

  20. #20
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    In kraba this minute, lol no wild stories though just enjoying time with the mrs. 1st time, way to crowded for me. Great food, cheap drinks. My wife is 5' 6" 125 and drank 9 Yeagerbombs last night needless to say it was a wild night in the room. We don't like the big crowds so decided to make another side trip from Singapore. Heading back there tommorow then she works Tuesday than heading to Bintan island on Wednesday. We stay at nirwana resort there and I highly recommend it for those married guys, very nice.

  21. #21
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    LOL I will have to add pictures later. The best? That's a tough one because they were all good/great in different ways. The worst day in Thailand was better than the best in the US.

    I had wanted to go to Thailand for several years but was to busy going on 3-4 cruises a year and Mexico 2-3x a year also for a few years. Finally due to circumstances Ill leave out as to not put a downer on the thread I finally decided it was time to go.

    I did my due dillegence and researched 6hr+ a night (at work) on the internet so I would have my trip all planned out of where I wanted to go and when. I took about 2 months of Thai lessons from a cute little 19yr old Thai exchange student that was in the US for all of 3 days when I found her and asked her to teach me some Thai. Only if I knew then what I know now... lol

    After a 12hr flight to Japan and then another 3hr flight to Thailand it was a short 1 1/2hr drive from Bangkok to Pattaya. I had arranged transportation ahead of time so I didnt have to muddle through the whole taxi issue. My driver was an attractive late 20s, early 30s Thai lady. She asked me if I minded sharing my drive with two girls who were coming from Bangkok to Pattaya to work at the hotel/club where I had set up my transportation. Of course I did not mind and I got to practice a little of my Thai. They also knew a little English but DAMN... again being a newbie I had no idea what I had sitting right there on either side of me in the SUV and I was the perfect gentleman and had no idea of the possibilities at my fingertips....

    Once I got to my hotel at 3:30 am I quickly put put some of my stuff away and headed outside to see the sights. It did not take long for me to wise up and I was back in my room with my first Thai girl at 3:45 am. She left around noon and I went to meet my buddy who was flying in that morning and arrived at 1pm. We had lunch together and BS for a while. On our walk back to the room he started up a conversation with a Thai lady who was walking with 2 young attractive girls. No more than 5 minutes he has talked her into coming back with him to his room and being the good wing man I was I took one (yes only one) with me to my room. Picture coming soon.

    Wow this girl was what they call farm fresh. They Thai lady had said something about that and I guess she was not kidding. Not really my style but I made the best of it. lol

    My buddy and I meet up around 9pm and headed out to hit a few bars and dance clubs. Wow that place is like Mardi Gras 7 days a week from 6pm - 4am or later. Being the good wing-man I am again I did my best to steer him clear of the sub culture who are well known for their trickery and I had to literally pull him away from one lady boy he was just sure was a real girl until he got into better light. lol

    I meet #3 later that night at one of the dance clubs. She was there with a friend/female both visiting from Bangkok sort of on vacation because the restaurant they were opening was having work done and they would not have time for vacation for quite some time after it opens. Yeah I though it was BS at first but later found out it was all true. I went to it several time. Didnt really hook up that night but we did set up a date for the next day and spent the next 2 weeks together 24/7. She derailed all my well laid plans.... It was a typical case of finding exactly what you are not looking for.

    That was pretty much all the excitement for the next 3 trips and except for a lot of mushy stuff no one really wants to hear about. lol

    Trip #4 & 5 things got back on track and I started making up for lost time and not taking less than 2 - 3 girls at a time such as many of you have seen in my pictures I have posted. Getting to know one or two of the girls more personally helps when it comes to hooking up with the right kind of girls and she being the one to instigate and more or less interview the girl to make sure she is game and not be to shy about 3+ for the night.

    I found a nice little hotel right on walking street called Swissfood Restaurant and Cafe Bistro that is on the 5th floor and the 6th floor is your own private garden area overlooking Pattaya with a hot tub. One of the few in the area and the only one with a view. Yes the hot tub is emptied and cleaned before/after each guest. They have a 3 night minimum and when I arrived it was empty and being cleaned. Nothing like sitting in an open air hot tub with a couple little Thai cuties girls.

    On one of my trips I took a girl to Phuket and although most places in Thailand do not allow porn the hotel we stayed at (looked like a mini castle) had porn 24/7. Interesting enough most of it was anal porn and she kept saying REALLY??? People do that? Later that night after we had been out and had several drinks and bumping uglies (old saying) she decided she wanted to try anal. Well due to my intoxicated state I was of course G2G but not thinking clear enough to break out any extra lube or take things non to slow and proceeded to give it a go. That lasted all of about 30 seconds and she sobered up quickly and was scrambling for the other side of the bed to get away from me say HELL NO!!! hahahahaha Needless to say that was not something she wanted to try again. lol

    I have found Thai girls to be the true Slut in the bedroom and mother Teressa in public. Most are VERY reserve once they are in public and away from the bar scene. I tried to get a little touchy feely a few times in public but out of view from anyone and they would have nothing to do with that. Not really a bad thing if you ask me although a little public intimacy or affection can be quite fun.

    There are a couple more trips basically the same scenario but then I started visiting the Philippines and sampling Filipino culture. That's is actually where a lot of my pictures are from that are a bit more risque. Also in the Philippines is where I was a little more aggressive and talked a couple of girls into trying something new but I was prepared with plenty of KY this time. lol

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by ppwc1985 View Post
    In kraba this minute, lol no wild stories though just enjoying time with the mrs. 1st time, way to crowded for me. Great food, cheap drinks. My wife is 5' 6" 125 and drank 9 Yeagerbombs last night needless to say it was a wild night in the room. We don't like the big crowds so decided to make another side trip from Singapore. Heading back there tommorow then she works Tuesday than heading to Bintan island on Wednesday. We stay at nirwana resort there and I highly recommend it for those married guys, very nice.
    I see you are one of those who likes to bring sand to the beach so to speak.

    Quote Originally Posted by kronik420 View Post
    1st trip i was 2 years old

    2nd i was 12

    3rd i was 17

    went with family every time, Bangkok, Udon thani (got family there), Pattaya..

    plan on going this year some time by myself, should be fun
    Ha I saw a few families in Pattaya. Husbands are walking like they have a neck brace on TRYING not to look. Wifes are looking at every other guy there who is with a Thai lady/girl and looks like she is about to scream. Kids/boys 12+ are walking around in disbelief or at least in question. You can just see them thinking am I seeing what I think I am seeing???
    Last edited by lovbyts; 03-10-2013 at 04:23 AM.

  23. #23
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    ^^^ I'm headed to bed, but since you took what must have been half hour to write this, I will read it in the morning and then take a shower with great imagery for spank material

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    I see you are one of those who likes to bring sand to the beach so to speak.

    Ha I saw a few families in Pattaya. Husbands are walking like they have a neck brace on TRYING not to look. Wifes are looking at every other guy there who is with a Thai lady/girl and looks like she is about to scream. Kids/boys 12+ are walking around in disbelief or at leas in question. You can just see them thinking am I seeing what I think I am seeing???
    lol yea i remember that feeling..

  25. #25
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    Lol, love bytes no we only been married since July and she can stand right along side of any girl I seen here do far. I will say I had to do quite a few double looks cause these ladyboys some of them it's like wow really. Whoever comes here better get a feel before they go back to room, hehe or they may get a surprise. Seen a older white guy last night had two hotties on his arms till you look really close then me and my wife laughed our ass off.

  26. #26
    Oh god....well, I'll go ahead and tell you all what I suppose should be the most embarrassing moment of my life...though I'm not really ashamed of it..

    Anyway, before my first trip to Thailand I did my due diligence just like lovbyts (also all day at work lol) and honestly had complete faith in my ability to distinguish between a ladyboy and a Thai girl. Once I arrived in Bangkok (where I usually stay) I immediately went out and got a girl, took a quick nap and grabbed another...which was pretty much what I did my first 2 days. Then, on the third day I came across the magical kamagra (took me a while to find a place with it in stock) which is the same thing as Viagra. Well, at the time I'm a fit 23 year old who already has a high sex drive....but I decide to take the full 100mg BEFORE I go find my girl for the night.

    I end up deciding to go to the famous nana plaza to pick up a freelancer chick...but as I walk up and down the strip I have a hard time finding one to my liking. Anyway, during my search two ladyboys approached me and I politely turned them down and to be honest it kinda boosted my ego regarding my skill at telling the difference. Then, I finally see this complete stunner....easily a 9/10 but she's standing on the street waiting for a taxi and there was no real way to grab her attention without being rude and actually grabbing her (I was still a noob at this point). So, while I'm standing there trying to figure out how to solve this problem this cute little farm girl lightly brushes my arm..,I rate her an 8/10 and since she had a nice looking rack I talked to her a little bit, while doing so my target slipped away and then this little beauty asked if I wanted to go home with her...well naturally I said yes.

    We get a cab and talk a little bit while riding back to my hotel. During the ride she tells me she lives with her family on a farm and is only here one day to make money for them. I don't necessarily believe or disbelieve her but we keep talking and everything goes smoothly.

    Once we get into the elevator my subconscious picks up on a few see, I'm about 6'3 and as a joke I bought some normal looking shoes that make me 6'6 (hidden heel) so when I'm in Thailand I just tell all the girls I meet that I'm a professional basketball player in Japan. Anyway, when we're standing side by side I notice that she's pretty tall (about 5'7)...and she's got fake eye lashes...and probably fake tits cause they were kinda big for an Asian. Anyway my brain doesn't put 2 and 2 together so I dumbly go to the room with her.

    Once in the room she asks for payment up front (never had that happen to me and the Internet advises against it because the girls may perform poorly). It doesn't really worry me much since I've always had the belief that I'm gods gift to women and can get them to want to perform etc. etc. so I pay her what ends up being around $70 US.

    Then I ask her if she'd like to shower with me (I've found showering together beforehand is a good ice breaker) but she firmly turns me down and says she wants to shower alone. Okay then....I let her get to it while I undress. Oh yeah, by then the kamagra had REALLY kicked in...I was hard as iron, and when she came out of the shower wearing nothing but her panties with those big perfect tits of hers it got even harder. Well, needless to say I was ready to get to it so I go to take her panties off (I think a little kissing/touching happened in between but I'm not positive) when she kind of pushes my hand away and informs me that she wasn't always a woman.

    Well...I was disappointed in myself and although I had a good feeling she did this to me knowingly I didn't get mad or yell or anything...I just calmly explained to her that she could keep the money, and that all I wanted in exchange was for her to help me find a real girl. She seems confused and when I went to grab my pants to get dressed she ran over to me, got on her knees, and started sucking.

    I was dumbfounded.

    There she was, this pretty little thing choking it down like the best of em...I reached down and fondled her breasts a bit...felt like a woman....looks like a woman.....but.....I didn't know what to do, the damn kamagra betrayed me. Anyway, I didn't want to be rude so I let her suck for a good 5 minutes before I told her it was time to go. She didn't like that one bit and pushed me backwards onto the bed and kept sucking, then when I tried to get her off of me again she tried to mount me and said "I want you to **** me"...well, I had to draw the line somewhere and that was it for me. I finally just picked her up and reiterated that her job was to find me a real girl. We got dressed and went back to nana plaza. This is where the real fun begins....

    After looking around for a bit and not finding anything she takes me to a gogo bar "Rainbow 1" and we have a seat. I get us both some drinks and look around for a bit, I see a girl I like and tell the mamasan I'd like to speak with her...unfortunately she turns me down "too big" she says. Oh well, can't win em all... I walk around once more and see a girl sitting at the bar who I knew worked there cause she had a pin with a number on her chest but I didn't know if she was working or not cause she wasn't on stage. This girl was a 9.5/10 maybe a solid 10 so I inquire and to my luck she's interested. The ladyboy and I part ways and I start talking to this new girl. Once she finds out I'm from Japan she gets really excited because she's obsessed with Japan, and I guess 90% of her clients are Japanese. Everything goes smoothly and we go back to my room.

    This is where I make a huge mistake....I decided to take ANOTHER 100mg kamagra...worst idea ever. Anyway, we shower and get to fooling around and start humping like rabbits...only....I can't finish...we keep going and going and going and going and still...nothing. My king size bed was covered in sweat, my couch was covered in sweat, my desk, my chair, my whole damn room was a sweat ocean. We literally had sex for 9 hours straight, only briefly pausing to catch our breath, and I still could not finish. The ONLY reason we stopped was because I had a medical appointment to go to and she had to go to some temple in pattaya with her friend for a few days. Anyway, she told me she had only had sex like that once in her life with a man from Canada 7 years ago, and that she lost count on how many times she came after 8. Then she gives me her number and off she went.

    Now, I kept in contact with her and when I saw her again she showed me pictures of her temple trip and gave me this really nice threaded star she made. She said she made many of them for her friends and they bring good luck when you travel with it. She also wanted to make sure I wasn't going to throw it away so I promised her I wouldn't. I still have that little flower to this day and plan on showing it to her when I see her on my next trip.

    She's the only "bar girl" I keep in contact with and honestly I consider her a good friend. Whenever I visit I take her out and just genuinely treat her like a boyfriend would treat a girlfriend and it's a really good time. She's got a really touching story that I choose to believe but I think I'll keep that part private...especially since I've made this post long enough.

    I suppose the moral of the story here is that if you treat people with respect you'll be rewarded in kind.

    Oh, and never take 200mg of kamagra, I couldn't cum for 4 days and almost went to the doctor for it........
    Last edited by Perseverance1; 03-10-2013 at 04:28 AM.

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by kronik420 View Post
    lol yea i remember that feeling..
    That would be TOUGH especially at that age. It's like a fat kid in a candy store but not allowed to sample and of the goods. Your dad was cruel to tease you like that. lol

    Quote Originally Posted by ppwc1985 View Post
    Lol, love bytes no we only been married since July and she can stand right along side of any girl I seen here do far. I will say I had to do quite a few double looks cause these ladyboys some of them it's like wow really. Whoever comes here better get a feel before they go back to room, hehe or they may get a surprise. Seen a older white guy last night had two hotties on his arms till you look really close then me and my wife laughed our ass off.
    Yeah I hear you and you know I'm just taking the piss out of you. Another OLD saying. lol

    Yeah I have seen quite a few older guys with some cute little lady boy. Not sure if they know it or not??? Some guys are into that. I ALMOST got fooled once. Dark bar, late at night sitting seeing what there was to see and one came and sat down next to me and started chatting. From where I was it looked legit enough at first but after a few minutes and my eyes adjusting to the dark I commented about how some of the girls on the stage looked like lady boys and the more I looked the more of them looked like lady boys and finally I asked, Hey is everyone in here a lady boy??? She/He said yes. I just LOL and chalked it up to experience. I didnt even know there were clubs that were ladyboy exclusive. I just asked him if he had a sister and he said yes, she worked in the club next door. Off I went next door to find the sister. lol

    Typically especially during the day they are easy to spot, they dress a lot better than most of the Thai girls. lol They also are more flamboyant most of the time and exaggerate all actions physically and verbally much like a drag queen.
    Last edited by lovbyts; 03-10-2013 at 04:34 AM.

  28. #28
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    OMG you took the whole 100mg? I have heard a lot of good stuff about kamagra. Most people take 1/4 to 1/2 max. lol

    Hahahaha Nana Plaza was where I meet the ladyboy also. I got lucky and things did not get nearly that far for me. BTW Ill bet she/he did not have the full surgery yet and had it tucked between his legs. That is one of their tricks to hide the little bulge.

    "she told me she had only had sex like that once in her life with a man from Canada 7 years ago" Did I mention I use to say I was from Canada? I only ever took Viagra 1x after a 15hr flight and I had been up/awake for 48hrs and was meeting 2 girls that afternoon for some fun. After about 3 hrs of straight play they asked for a break and food and also if it was OK for them to invite another friend. Hell yeah. Sucks when you have to go into the shower to pee standing up because the damn thing just wont point down. lol

    "I suppose the moral of the story here is that if you treat people with respect you'll be rewarded in kind."
    Lots of truth to that be it bar girls, non bar girls or just any Thai for that mater. I became friends with a non bar girl/hostess in a restaurant and we started talking quite a bit when I went there to eat breakfast and lunch. I asked her out and we went out to the movies and dinner, nothing else that night but I ended up getting the dreaded Thai flue. Typically last 3 days. She called me the next day but I told her I was sick and was staying in. When her shift was over she came to my room and brought me food and stayed with me the next 3 days. She became my Florence Nightingale. We did hook up for the rest of my stay but after became more friends than anything else and to this day are still friends. She has NEVER asked me for a dime in any way. Very untypical.

    BTW, $70 US??? I hope you are not still paying those prices.... Well I guess it's about right counting bar fine and all, just seems high...
    Last edited by lovbyts; 03-10-2013 at 05:04 AM.

  29. #29
    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    OMG you took the whole 100mg? I have heard a lot of good stuff about kamagra. Most people take 1/4 to 1/2 max. lol

    Hahahaha Nana Plaza was where I meet the ladyboy also. I got lucky and things did not get nearly that far for me. BTW Ill bet she/he did not have the full surgery yet and had it tucked between his legs. That is one of their tricks to hide the little bulge.

    "she told me she had only had sex like that once in her life with a man from Canada 7 years ago" Did I mention I use to say I was from Canada? I only ever took Viagra 1x after a 15hr flight and I had been up/awake for 48hrs and was meeting 2 girls that afternoon for some fun. After about 3 hrs of straight play they asked for a break and food and also if it was OK for them to invite another friend. Hell yeah. Sucks when you have to go into the shower to pee standing up because the damn thing just wont point down. lol

    "I suppose the moral of the story here is that if you treat people with respect you'll be rewarded in kind."
    Lots of truth to that be it bar girls, non bar girls or just any Thai for that mater. I became friends with a non bar girl/hostess in a restaurant and we started talking quite a bit when I went there to eat breakfast and lunch. I asked her out and we went out to the movies and dinner, nothing else that night but I ended up getting the dreaded Thai flue. Typically last 3 days. She called me the next day but I told her I was sick and was staying in. When her shift was over she came to my room and brought me food and stayed with me the next 3 days. She became my Florence Nightingale. We did hook up for the rest of my stay but after became more friends than anything else and to this day are still friends. She has NEVER asked me for a dime in any way. Very untypical.

    BTW, $70 US??? I hope you are not still paying those prices.... Well I guess it's about right counting bar fine and all, just seems high...
    Dude I took the whole 100mg...twice.

    Now when I go I just buy the penegra 100mg tabs and break it into 1/8ths and just take that much. I found that 1/8th is enough to combat me going to a gentlemans club and downing 3-4 bottles of black with my friends haha

    As far as treating the bar girls with respect goes though...honestly I think it's really what they're after (besides money). I've NEVER had anything stolen from my room and I ALWAYS leave my phones/laptop/wallet with at least $600 in it just as a test. I just treat these girls better than I would treat my girlfriend and its always an incredible night.

    in Bangkok a standard freelancer will run 2000-3000 baht, and up to 5000 at the higher end clubs like Qbar and Spasso or CM2. The gogo bars typically charge 500 for bar fine and then the girls rates are 2000-2500 for short time (2 hours) and 4000 for the whole night.

    You can haggle but I prefer to pay the asking price, also...a good number of times when I pick up girls from clubs they never set a price and some don't ask for money...I just give those girls 3000 and call it even.

    I got that damned Thai flu on my last 2 do you avoid it?

    OH YEAH, and 2000 baht is currently $67...just as a reference for you Thai virgins.
    Last edited by Perseverance1; 03-10-2013 at 06:07 AM.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Perseverance1 View Post
    Dude I took the whole 100mg...twice.

    Now when I go I just buy the penegra 100mg tabs and break it into 1/8ths and just take that much. I found that 1/8th is enough to combat me going to a gentlemans club and downing 3-4 bottles of black with my friends haha

    As far as treating the bar girls with respect goes though...honestly I think it's really what they're after (besides money). I've NEVER had anything stolen from my room and I ALWAYS leave my phones/laptop/wallet with at least $600 in it just as a test. I just treat these girls better than I would treat my girlfriend and its always an incredible night.

    in Bangkok a standard freelancer will run 2000-3000 baht, and up to 5000 at the higher end clubs like Qbar and Spasso or CM2. The gogo bars typically charge 500 for bar fine and then the girls rates are 2000-2500 for short time (2 hours) and 4000 for the whole night.

    You can haggle but I prefer to pay the asking price, also...a good number of times when I pick up girls from clubs they never set a price and some don't ask for money...I just give those girls 3000 and call it even.

    I got that damned Thai flu on my last 2 do you avoid it?

    OH YEAH, and 2000 baht is currently $67...just as a reference for you Thai virgins.
    #1 as soon as you get to Thailand and into a room remove the AC screen, pull out the filters and wash them in the shower. I also buy a can of lysol and spray the sh*t out of everything inside the AC until and most of the room just to be safe. Most of the bugs are due to the filters not being cleaned for months and they are run 24/7.

    It's also a good idea to start taking acidophilus a few days or more before you arrive and during your entire trip.

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    LOL I will have to add pictures later. The best? That's a tough one because they were all good/great in different ways. The worst day in Thailand was better than the best in the US.

    I had wanted to go to Thailand for several years but was to busy going on 3-4 cruises a year and Mexico 2-3x a year also for a few years. Finally due to circumstances Ill leave out as to not put a downer on the thread I finally decided it was time to go.

    I did my due dillegence and researched 6hr+ a night (at work) on the internet so I would have my trip all planned out of where I wanted to go and when. I took about 2 months of Thai lessons from a cute little 19yr old Thai exchange student that was in the US for all of 3 days when I found her and asked her to teach me some Thai. Only if I knew then what I know now... lol

    After a 12hr flight to Japan and then another 3hr flight to Thailand it was a short 1 1/2hr drive from Bangkok to Pattaya. I had arranged transportation ahead of time so I didnt have to muddle through the whole taxi issue. My driver was an attractive late 20s, early 30s Thai lady. She asked me if I minded sharing my drive with two girls who were coming from Bangkok to Pattaya to work at the hotel/club where I had set up my transportation. Of course I did not mind and I got to practice a little of my Thai. They also knew a little English but DAMN... again being a newbie I had no idea what I had sitting right there on either side of me in the SUV and I was the perfect gentleman and had no idea of the possibilities at my fingertips....

    Once I got to my hotel at 3:30 am I quickly put put some of my stuff away and headed outside to see the sights. It did not take long for me to wise up and I was back in my room with my first Thai girl at 3:45 am. She left around noon and I went to meet my buddy who was flying in that morning and arrived at 1pm. We had lunch together and BS for a while. On our walk back to the room he started up a conversation with a Thai lady who was walking with 2 young attractive girls. No more than 5 minutes he has talked her into coming back with him to his room and being the good wing man I was I took one (yes only one) with me to my room. Picture coming soon.

    Wow this girl was what they call farm fresh. They Thai lady had said something about that and I guess she was not kidding. Not really my style but I made the best of it. lol

    My buddy and I meet up around 9pm and headed out to hit a few bars and dance clubs. Wow that place is like Mardi Gras 7 days a week from 6pm - 4am or later. Being the good wing-man I am again I did my best to steer him clear of the sub culture who are well known for their trickery and I had to literally pull him away from one lady boy he was just sure was a real girl until he got into better light. lol

    I meet #3 later that night at one of the dance clubs. She was there with a friend/female both visiting from Bangkok sort of on vacation because the restaurant they were opening was having work done and they would not have time for vacation for quite some time after it opens. Yeah I though it was BS at first but later found out it was all true. I went to it several time. Didnt really hook up that night but we did set up a date for the next day and spent the next 2 weeks together 24/7. She derailed all my well laid plans.... It was a typical case of finding exactly what you are not looking for.

    That was pretty much all the excitement for the next 3 trips and except for a lot of mushy stuff no one really wants to hear about. lol

    Trip #4 & 5 things got back on track and I started making up for lost time and not taking less than 2 - 3 girls at a time such as many of you have seen in my pictures I have posted. Getting to know one or two of the girls more personally helps when it comes to hooking up with the right kind of girls and she being the one to instigate and more or less interview the girl to make sure she is game and not be to shy about 3+ for the night.

    I found a nice little hotel right on walking street called Swissfood Restaurant and Cafe Bistro that is on the 5th floor and the 6th floor is your own private garden area overlooking Pattaya with a hot tub. One of the few in the area and the only one with a view. Yes the hot tub is emptied and cleaned before/after each guest. They have a 3 night minimum and when I arrived it was empty and being cleaned. Nothing like sitting in an open air hot tub with a couple little Thai cuties girls.

    On one of my trips I took a girl to Phuket and although most places in Thailand do not allow porn the hotel we stayed at (looked like a mini castle) had porn 24/7. Interesting enough most of it was anal porn and she kept saying REALLY??? People do that? Later that night after we had been out and had several drinks and bumping uglies (old saying) she decided she wanted to try anal. Well due to my intoxicated state I was of course G2G but not thinking clear enough to break out any extra lube or take things non to slow and proceeded to give it a go. That lasted all of about 30 seconds and she sobered up quickly and was scrambling for the other side of the bed to get away from me say HELL NO!!! hahahahaha Needless to say that was not something she wanted to try again. lol

    I have found Thai girls to be the true Slut in the bedroom and mother Teressa in public. Most are VERY reserve once they are in public and away from the bar scene. I tried to get a little touchy feely a few times in public but out of view from anyone and they would have nothing to do with that. Not really a bad thing if you ask me although a little public intimacy or affection can be quite fun.

    There are a couple more trips basically the same scenario but then I started visiting the Philippines and sampling Filipino culture. That's is actually where a lot of my pictures are from that are a bit more risque. Also in the Philippines is where I was a little more aggressive and talked a couple of girls into trying something new but I was prepared with plenty of KY this time. lol
    now that sounds great how about your worse experience?

  32. #32
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    Anyone been to Koh Samui?? been once and it is a beautiful island??

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300
    Anyone been to Koh Samui?? been once and it is a beautiful island??
    Yes, amazing. Probably my favourite place in Thailand. Particularly how quaint the airport is.

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by Back In Black View Post
    Yes, amazing. Probably my favourite place in Thailand. Particularly how quaint the airport is.
    haha I know how strange is that airport

    did youstay on the main road with all the bars/clubs?

  35. #35
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    forgot what the main road was called now but here it is

  36. #36
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    Worse experience was a toss up of ALMOST hooking up with a lady boy (not really very close) or breaking up with the Thai Girlfriend. Girlfriend wins hands down. Smart girls, I was out of control like a school boy in love and running 1000mph.

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300

    haha I know how strange is that airport

    did youstay on the main road with all the bars/clubs?
    Down a side alley between the strip and the beach. It was a shit hole, I was travelling at the time and trying to only pay about $3 a night. I'd like to go back with a few more quid in my pocket and do it a bit differently. Koh Phi Phi was a favourite too.

  38. #38
    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Anyone been to Koh Samui?? been once and it is a beautiful island??
    I stayed a few nights in koh samui with a Thai "gf" last summer. Place was incredible and goddamn there was a lot of giant Norwegians and Swedish people there...It was the only time I didn't feel humongous while there. I did however get to stay at the amazing Karma Samui resort for only $300 a night (normally around $1,700) thanks to a forum member hooking me up prior to my arrival. Can you post videos on this site?

  39. #39
    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Worse experience was a toss up of ALMOST hooking up with a lady boy (not really very close) or breaking up with the Thai Girlfriend. Girlfriend wins hands down. Smart girls, I was out of control like a school boy in love and running 1000mph.
    I know what you mean about Thai gf's man.....I have one now who's got me all twisted in a knot. The worst part is I don't even think she tried to do it...I honestly don't know what I'm gonna do.

  40. #40
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    I've been to Thailand.

    Bangkok is a bit of a shithole and being in one of those Tuk Tuk's makes you think you're in a real life episode of Wacky Races.

    The Beach islands are amazing though, best beeches ever. I had one little cabin no more than about 15 yards from the water on one of the islands I stayed at.

    Full Moon party anyone?

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