I do quite a bit of searching on different subjects, cycles and aas most every day. I see a LOT of our vets giving cycle advice (be it good advice) to newbies who claim to have several cycles and just want a little help.
The problem or question I have is, what happens to these guys? Most of them (80%) seem to just disappear and are never heard from again. No update on how the cycle went or if it happened at all. Of course it's the same thing with the young newbies who want a quick fix and when they dong get told what they want also just disappear. Most seem to between 5-10 post then are just gone.
Every wonder what happened to these guys or their cycle? I suspect most of them they cycle does not go as planned and as usual live seems to get in the way and change all your well laid out plans. I dont think I have ever had a cycle go as planned. lol