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Thread: Found another website with a steroid sub-forum.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2012

    Found another website with a steroid sub-forum.

    It's basically a bunch of 17-24 year old kids giving each other info. on how to run cycles. None of them know anything about steroids and how to properly use them.

    I'll post some quotes, since I think posting links to other websites is against the rules. + you have to make an account there to be able to view the sub-forum.

    Person A: Just to add he's 19. This is his third cycle.

    "currently on 500mg test e/week w

    i will be using of 20ml (300mg/ml) rip of test prop/tren ace/ masteron prop (100/100/100 of each)

    an two test e cycles. First at @500 per week. Second at 1000 a week. I know this cycle is advanced but Ill be able to handle it

    bumped tren to 875mg/week

    A week or two later. The mental sides come in:

    "I just realized that I have no girls I my life that aren't just **** buddies, no real friends, and that I'm spending my birthday alone tommorow. ****ing crying over this shit and that I miss my ex. ****kkk
    I'm finishing this shit out at the same dose but to anyone reading this don't run tren at 875/week. It's an emotional **** and no sleep at all
    I know it's just the tren that's making me feel this way but I just can't help feeling like this. Literally a loner like every ****jng day
    Already has his next cycle planned:

    "tren e: 16 weeks (@600/week)
    test e: first 14 weeks (@600/week) might raise it a little bit to finish it all up
    mast e: last 10 weeks (@400/week)
    proviron: last 15 days (@100/day)
    winny: last 15 days (donno what i wanna dose at yet)

    Random Quotes by Various Members:

    "I plan on trying tren with no test this summer or atleast very low test, Ill start out with no test and only add it if I feel my libido needs it. But ive had a few friends run it with no test and be fine." <-- age: 19.

    "I'm thinking of running the following cutting stack in a few months:
    Weeks 1-8: Tren Ace, 70mg/ eod
    Weeks 1-10: Test Prop, 100mg/ eod
    Weeks 6-10: Either Winstrol or Stanozolol, 100mg/ eod
    Pretty much just wondering what everyone's opinions would be on the stack, and whether they'd make any changes to it.
    I'm still tossing up between Winstrol and Stanozolol (I know they're the same thing, just different forms)- what do you all think??"
    <--- age: 18. Everyone tells him to do mast, instead of winstrol lol.

    Person asking if it's okay to do steroids at 17:

    "Im 17 right now and i've read ALOT about dat dere, But not enough, It's never enough. And i got some thoughts, I'd actually want to start cycle,
    but people keep saying in my age test is so high so it would just be a waste of time and health."


    1: i cycled at 18, i did my research and ran 2 test e cycles;

    no problems so far <--- age: 19.

    2:Test E is a great steroid for beginners.

    3:if your dad owned a pharmacy and you had access to free test for life then I would say go for it lol. However like most of us we do not. Not really worth it.

    4.17 years old is fine imo, if you do it right you can maximize height growth. if you do it wrong, you can stunt your growth.

    5.first cycle was at 19 last summer. Gained about 45lbs and kept 25 of it. Second cycle underway as of today.

    6. high test
    high hgh
    low estrogen
    maximum genetic height growth <---- telling a 17 year old to take all that...

    7.why wait until 25 to cycle if most bodybuilders get their pro card around that age, also look at jeff seid he must of been cycling since 17ish

    8. .....Test e at 600mg ew, and superdrol at 40mgs a day fpr frst 6 weeks.

    Didn't use an AI, so gained a good deal of water, which promptly fell off of me during PCT. Also the absence of an AI also lead to one puffy nip that I was thankfully able to reverse with Letro a couple months after PCT.

    9.Hey OP, I am 18 and finished my first test E cycle for 12 weeks and am happy to answer questions to what I thought about it.
    I did it because it was ready for me and decided why the hell not? I am already 6'2" and happy about my height (Usually taking test stops you from growing) so I wasn't worried about that.

    10. 18 y/o
    Test-E, 500mg /week for 12 weeks
    PCT nolva only
    Will do exact same cycle in a few months again.

    11. going to be doing test/tren/mast cycle soon and gonna be logging. as an 18 yr old =]

    12. I started at around 18.

    13. 18 year old explaining why it's bad to cycle at a young age. This was his reply:

    when cycling and throwing so much test at your body it warps your phschological mind and intellect "VERY VERY VERY SRS"
    your throwing so much of the hormone in you it ****s with your brain
    while your developing at a young age like around my age and a bit older it can do mental damage "srs"
    Edit : like any thing it depends how YOU react to the drug.
    test is a very random thing as all other aas compounds
    run 150 mg some people are 1500+ test others are only 1k. it just all depends just note the risks and decide on your owne. but prepare to be on trt

    Also, the amount of 17-25 year olds running and making DNP logs is immense.

    I've never read anything like this before. It's unreal.
    Last edited by diabolicsoul; 03-14-2013 at 12:30 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Skippy's pouch
    I guess its my own fault for biting.....but ill never get those 3mins of life back.

  3. #3
    Lol solid advice. Those guys will go far.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Sworder and SICKBEARD obviously set up their own site
    Glad then guys are doing well

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2012

    can we buy shares in ????

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Where they take my ass
    Quote Originally Posted by kronik420 View Post

    can we buy shares in ????
    Haha! X2

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    at the gym
    Quote Originally Posted by bdos900 View Post
    I guess its my own fault for biting.....but ill never get those 3mins of life back.
    3 minutes!!??? what are you a speed reader...... Jesus, that made my ass tired

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    upper midwest
    I think that post just made me dumber!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    Best advise. Please post link for site. Looks better than I'm outta here lol

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    We need more guys like that on here

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