Results 121 to 150 of 150
06-08-2013, 09:30 AM #121
Dang injury. Feel better.
06-09-2013, 02:29 PM #122
Great ! I've had that many Aspirin , Ibuprofen and paracetamol it's given me dyspepsia again, looks like I'm finishing how I started : sick.
06-17-2013, 08:38 AM #123
I'm going to post my final pictures along with everybody else in the photo thread tomorrow morning if that's ok with everybody ?
I finished two weeks early effectively but still proud of my improvement, if I'm disqualified then fair enough.
06-18-2013, 05:36 AM #124
06-18-2013, 06:49 AM #125
It's fine BiB, your cool. I was going to do some comparison shots myself with moldiv iPhone app but not had enough time yet.
06-18-2013, 06:34 PM #126
It's amazing what you were able to do in just 90 days!
06-19-2013, 06:10 AM #127
Originally Posted by GirlyGymRat
06-19-2013, 07:17 AM #128
Looking great
06-19-2013, 09:45 AM #129
Originally Posted by Bmwgirl11
06-19-2013, 10:20 AM #130
Originally Posted by MR-FQ320
06-22-2013, 04:38 AM #131
Anybody care for an estimate of my bodayfat in my final photos ?
06-23-2013, 12:16 AM #132
I'm guessing 12-13%
06-23-2013, 05:06 AM #133
Originally Posted by lovbyts
06-23-2013, 06:40 AM #134
07-21-2013, 12:12 AM #135
Here's some recent photos.
08-20-2013, 04:37 AM #136
This was me yesterday, weighed 218 lbs dry AM weight, first day back after holiday, so I'm a couple of percentage points up In bf, I think iv put some size on.
08-20-2013, 10:25 AM #137
I like this angle it shows the thickness and depth of my back.
08-20-2013, 12:16 PM #138
Ok so lately I have been thinking about competing next year, the regional are beginning of May so i intend to compete. Instead of waiting for another comp here I'm going to do the real thing. So I'm going to maintain for a couple of months, bulk for three and cut for three. Or option two is to bulk for a month maintain for a month bulk maintain bulk cut cut cut,, and see where that lands me, I'm 218 lbs at the mo if I can get to 230-240 leanish I'll be very happy, then into the unknown with the cut.
08-20-2013, 02:07 PM #139
You've definitely put on some mass.
As far as competing goes I wish you the best of luck. Depending on how lean you stay, you may want to give yourself more than 12 weeks to diet down. Things don't always go according to plan, so having a buffer in there helps. It's the reason I had to bail on my first show this year. Work and home got in the way, but now I have another 11 months and 2 weeks till show time!
08-20-2013, 11:48 PM #140
Thanks Dpyle
I hear ya on the cutting time frame, what do you reckon ? 14 weeks ? 16 weeks ?
08-22-2013, 06:44 AM #141
Whatever weight class you intend to compete in try to stay within 10-15 lbs of. Thats from now until about 15 weeks out. Then start your cut. You won't have to kill yourself. It's healthier. You will have more energy by the end. For what it's worth.
08-23-2013, 01:03 AM #142
Thanks Cape. Our regionals have height catergories, first timers, novices, Mr Overall, Masters, etc etc. I expect to be entering the first timers.
08-23-2013, 03:22 AM #143
What association you going for, NABBA?
If you haven't, you should attend a few shows to see the different competitors standard in each category.
Let us know which show you choose and I'll come cheerNO SOURCES GIVEN
08-23-2013, 07:13 AM #144
So there is no weight class only height?
So you could be the same height of a guy that is 250 lbs ripped and compete against him? That would suck.
Black is right. Go see as many as you can. Go to the pre judging in the morning. That's where everything happens. Easier to get back stage and watch everything.Last edited by Capebuffalo; 08-23-2013 at 07:16 AM.
08-23-2013, 07:56 AM #145
BiB yes NABBA Yorkshire regionals May 10th 2014. Thanks for your support, be nice to meet you Brother.
Cape yes height classes, could be but from the photo galleries of previous entrants I doubt 250lb entrant, IMO the height class seem to be 220-230 ripped. I'll provide links and pics if I can.Last edited by MR-FQ320; 08-23-2013 at 08:29 AM.
08-23-2013, 08:06 AM #146
OK this is the link to class 2 gallery of this years NABBA NABBA North East 11/05/2013:<br>Class 2<br><br>Orders: 07943 174 447<br>[email protected]<br><br>
I think i will be entering the first timers: NABBA North East 11/05/2013:<br>First Timers<br><br>Orders: 07943 174 447<br>[email protected]<br><br>
08-23-2013, 06:55 PM #147
08-23-2013, 11:09 PM #148
Cape I'm 215lbs and 5'10 today.
I dont know the reason why its height, i was surprised when i first read the rules too.
08-23-2013, 11:13 PM #149
Cape, height rules quoted from NABBA:NABBA - National Amateur Body-Builders' Association
Amendments to rules governing NABBA Area Contests from 13.7.1985
1. Organiser may run a Novice and/or Beginners' contest at his discretion. This will not however automatically qualify the winner to compete in the Britain Final.
2. The MR class will be divided into four height classes (new height classes as of 2.7.2000):
Class 4 Up to and including 1.65m
Class 3 Over 1.65 and up to and including 1.72m
Class 2 Over 1.72 and up to and including 1.79m
Class 1 Over 1.79m
Figure 2 Up to and including 1.63m
Figure 1 Over 1.63m
3. The Winner of each height class will qualify to compete in the appropriate height class at the Britain Finals if considered to be of high enough standard by the judges present.
4. Winners of the Area height classes will pose-down to select overall Area Winner.
5. Winners of Britain Final height classes will pose-down to select Overall Mr. Britain/Miss Britain.
NB: Item 6 of previous Area Contest Rules will apply to all contests; i.e. any event with less than three competitors shall be deemed a 'No contest' and winning participants will not be invited to Britain Finals unless considered to be of high enough standard by the judges present. All other Area contest rules apply.
08-24-2013, 07:44 PM #150
Man that's crazy to me. Well you have almost a year. I'm sorry I don't have advise on how to prep for a height class instead of a weight. Well i guess thats not true you need to be symmetrical ripped grainy with thin skin. You know anyone who has competed? I mean damn you could have a 10-30 lb difference in a height class.
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