I might be retarded but do you mean leg extensions?Originally Posted by Capebuffalo
I might be retarded but do you mean leg extensions?Originally Posted by Capebuffalo
Looks like an old freight shaker or pbody. Nice car lot either wayOriginally Posted by milky01623
Lmao. A simple thank you will suffice for me correcting you. But I understand. Your still learning lolOriginally Posted by Capebuffalo
LMFAO!!!!! That made me bust out laughing in a restaurant lol now I'm the weird guyOriginally Posted by Capebuffalo
Well Dr. used the word tear on my shoulder. But then said sprain. I'm going with sprain and taking the day off. Will try arms tomorrow and shoulder next week. Ice Ice Ice
A tear is a generic term mate. sTrains are the official term (for muscle injury) and generally graded 1,2 & 3. A grade 3 and you'd barely be able to move ANY weight with it.Originally Posted by Capebuffalo
Unless it is a sPrain which is ligament damage and will take longer to heal.
Not worth the risk, agreed. It's not a grade 3 by the sound of it. Ice for 10 minutes every 2 hours. After 48 hours there's not a lot of point continuing with the icing.Originally Posted by Capebuffalo
Does it feel muscular, if so can you ID the specific muscle? Maybe you said it already and I couldn't find it.
Deep or shallow?Originally Posted by Capebuffalo
Hmmm. When I torn my rotator cuff the pain was deep. Gosh I hope it's not that!Originally Posted by Capebuffalo
Ortho told me it was rotator cuff and gave me cortisone shots for a while. Went to a chriopractor with very limited range of motion . 3 days a week for 3 months I was cured. Needed to go every 2 - 3 weeks to get both shoulders adjusted. They come close to coming out of joint and he POPS them back in. I havent been in months and used bad form on rows. He reseated them yesterday. Extremely painful on the hurt one. But was 50 % better immediately.
Good arm workout today. Could feel it a little in the shoulder but not bad
Cape is that you?Originally Posted by Capebuffalo
I need some halo
Yep I'm just in the car homeward bound :-)Originally Posted by Capebuffalo
Whats that Tatt Cape, is it tribal?
Cape, you're lookin' good, man. Though, you do look REALLY babyfaced without your beard. Please put it back! (Unless your woman doesn't like it in which case I never said a word)
Morning Cape!! Noticable difference in your avatar for sure. That was quick!
How is the shoulder treating you?
200 lbs this morning. Down 5-6 lbs. in a week.
First week on reduced cals? If so a massive chunk of that is water and poop. Is that what it feels like?Originally Posted by Capebuffalo
It's all to be expected, except the English guys being rudeOriginally Posted by Capebuffalo
Keep weighing mate, that loss should slow a lot this week and 2lbs will be enough, if its more we need to start adding some things in.
Are you taking any thermogenics at all?
I never said pudgy lol I said bloated ;-)Originally Posted by Capebuffalo
You'll lose it I know you will
Well guys if you go and read the Sorry Bear Can't out to Play thread pg 4-5 I may or may not be around for the rest of the comp. I hope to be but if not you guys kick ass. Buttery I'm watching you.
Originally Posted by Capebuffalo
this make sloth sad.....
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