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Thread: Wonder if she knew this was coming...

  1. #1
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    Wonder if she knew this was coming...

    After 50 years in show biz, the singer said all she had to show for it was $1,000 cash; assorted pieces of decades-old furniture; clothes; artwork and paintings; two fur coats, and two pairs of diamond earrings.

    The vast majority of her debt is $10.2 million in tax claims from the IRS and the state of California. She also owes a former manager about $500,000, and ran up a $20,000 Visa card debt, court papers showed.

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    She shoulda just walked on by, and said a little prayer.

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by LGM View Post

    She shoulda just walked on by, and said a little prayer.
    it is sad... but that lifestyle destroys 90% of the people in gets a hold of

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Knockout_Power View Post
    it is sad... but that lifestyle destroys 90% of the people in gets a hold of
    Almost makes me wonder if it's genetic; Whitney was her niece.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by LGM View Post
    Almost makes me wonder if it's genetic; Whitney was her niece.
    nah, MJ made billions and at his passing they figured he was 300M in debt. They had to release a few albums, sell properties etc to clean it up... and now he is in even more demand than ever and his family is raking it in... soe maybe family does play a huge part in celeb downfalls

    lets see...

    Jessica simpson dad loves her chest
    Lindsey lohan and Kim K come from upstanding homes

    ok, I dont want to play this game, they all suck

  5. #5
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    It's kind of disgusting how these celebs and sports athletes squander their fortunes away. They make more money in a year than most people make their entire life and they can't seem to put a few bucks on the side. I mean that article says Dionne Warwick makes like $25 grand a month and she has more expenses than income. With that kind of income, you can live very comfortably in a very nice house and do everything you ever wanted to do. But yet, she pissed it away.

    I'm sorry, but anyone who squanders as much money as these people do deserves to be broke. I honestly don't think I could even spend that much money if I tried to.

  6. #6
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    Just because you are a celebrity doesn't mean you have any common sense.

    they let their egos get in the way, driving the lifestyle they think they should have or deserve, regardless of the economics of the situation.

    fuk 'em all

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    Just because you are a celebrity doesn't mean you have any common sense.

    they let their egos get in the way, driving the lifestyle they think they should have or deserve, regardless of the economics of the situation.

    fuk 'em all
    Lol x2. Some people just don't get it

  8. #8
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    Well they say you cant take it with you so she is just making sure there is nothing left behind. lol

    I agree, it's their own damn fault. I know a lot of us do the same thing on a smaller scale; oweing bills, credit cards and over extending credit but either way you have to learn to live within your means.

    I have always tried to live by the concept to owe nothing. Pay cash for cars or at least pay them off ASAP. Pay off credit cards 100% each month and pay extra on the mortgage. It's worked good for the most part until I got married the 1st time and ended up with about 50K in debt until about 2 years ago where I finally got back to having all my cards paid off 100% and only owe one auto loan. I think I have 15+ titles for cars, trailers and toys.

    Even if I had 50m I dont see a reason to own a 15 bedroom house. lol Keep everything within reason and save some for a rainy day/month and you will be fine.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Armykid93

    Lol x2. Some people just don't get it
    I think it's something about (at least in the U.S.) the way people have learned to treat and view money and material things. Look at people that win the lottery, I was surprised to learn a good percentage of them lose it all very quickly.

  10. #10
    austinite's Avatar
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    She knew it was coming.

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  11. #11
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    I dont feel sorry for any of them.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by songdog View Post
    I dont feel sorry for any of them.
    Where have you beennnn?..

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by austinite View Post
    She knew it was coming.
    Obviously backed taxes since 1980 .... She's owed taxes longer than I've been alive...

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by ElectraMaddox View Post
    Obviously backed taxes since 1980 .... She's owed taxes longer than I've been alive...
    Yeah that is crazy. Not that you are that young but she has not paid taxes since 1980. Stupid. I cant even imagine the penalties and fines. No wonder she is broke.

    IRS/Taxes may suck but ignoring them and not paying is not the right thing to do. Maybe she can blame it on her accountant. Claim he was supposed to pay it and never did? Thats my story and I'm sticking to it.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Yeah that is crazy. Not that you are that young but she has not paid taxes since 1980. Stupid. I cant even imagine the penalties and fines. No wonder she is broke.

    IRS/Taxes may suck but ignoring them and not paying is not the right thing to do. Maybe she can blame it on her accountant. Claim he was supposed to pay it and never did? Thats my story and I'm sticking to it.
    Lol 6 percent interest, plus late charges and penalties... Horrific

    how do you not go to jail for something like that?

  16. #16
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    Lmao she's making 240k a year and she's broke. That's gotta suck...

  17. #17
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    I played games with the irs once.

    There penalties, fees are worse then the mob.

    If you are in a arranged payment plan with them and you go late the penalty takes like 75% of that late payment. Its like you never even made it.

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by Rwy
    I played games with the irs once.

    There penalties, fees are worse then the mob.

    If you are in a arranged payment plan with them and you go late the penalty takes like 75% of that late payment. Its like you never even made it.
    Hell my wife and I got audited once for a measly $1500 resolved debt we didn't report. (Not on purpose of course

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by ElectraMaddox View Post
    Obviously backed taxes since 1980 .... She's owed taxes longer than I've been alive...
    jiminy cricket I'm getting old

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by RipOwens View Post
    Hell my wife and I got audited once for a measly $1500 resolved debt we didn't report. (Not on purpose of course
    When I was doing sheetrock, my boss use to get audited every other year. Everytime they audit him he would get a extra $1500 or more back. After the 3rd time when he said thank you and see you again in 2 years the auditor stopped and asked him why he said that and if it didnt bother him to be audited? My boss said, Hell no it doesnt bother me. Every time you guys come out I get an extra $1500 or more so I dont even need to pay for a accountant. lol

    The auditor wrote down some notes and said they wont be back. hahahaha morons.

    I keep ALL my tax records, even the stuff I dont end up using such as medical expenses/reciepts. I have all my tax records kept in a safe going back to 1980. lol Only one time have I ever had to pay into the IRS, that's when I had H&R block do my taxes. Took them all of 10 minutes and didn't ask me anything. I have done it myself since then.

    Quote Originally Posted by austinite View Post
    jiminy cricket I'm getting old
    I use to think that but then I decided to do it the right way. I may be getting older but my girlfriends stay the same age.

  21. #21
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    I got audited a few times. They certainly were on top of their game and far from stupid during my audit. They hammered me like I killed someone important.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    When I was doing sheetrock, my boss use to get audited every other year. Everytime they audit him he would get a extra $1500 or more back. After the 3rd time when he said thank you and see you again in 2 years the auditor stopped and asked him why he said that and if it didnt bother him to be audited? My boss said, Hell no it doesnt bother me. Every time you guys come out I get an extra $1500 or more so I dont even need to pay for a accountant. lol

    The auditor wrote down some notes and said they wont be back. hahahaha morons.

    I keep ALL my tax records, even the stuff I dont end up using such as medical expenses/reciepts. I have all my tax records kept in a safe going back to 1980. lol Only one time have I ever had to pay into the IRS, that's when I had H&R block do my taxes. Took them all of 10 minutes and didn't ask me anything. I have done it myself since then.

    I use to think that but then I decided to do it the right way. I may be getting older but my girlfriends stay the same age.

    Wasnt there always a rumor that the irs and hr block had some allaince? Maybe TR could shed some light

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rwy View Post
    Wasnt there always a rumor that the irs and hr block had some allaince? Maybe TR could shed some light
    Yup, they use to day most of the H&R block people were ex IRS or possibly still working. It's really disgusting if you ever sit down and really calculate how much tax you really pay. Not just what they take from your paycheck but the tax on everything else.
    My daughter had to do taxes for the 1st time this year. I made her sit down and create a turbo tax account and do it herself. She was surprised as little as she worked and using only the short form she still got back around $300
    It's funny how mine keeps going down. I got back 1/2 of what I did last year and last year I got back 1/2 as much as the year before. Seems my kids are worth less, the last 3 years the tax credit has decreased for them.

    Only thing that saves my butt is all my charitable contributions and honestly I dont count everything but i do keep receipts and most pictures of what I donate.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Yup, they use to day most of the H&R block people were ex IRS or possibly still working. It's really disgusting if you ever sit down and really calculate how much tax you really pay. Not just what they take from your paycheck but the tax on everything else.
    My daughter had to do taxes for the 1st time this year. I made her sit down and create a turbo tax account and do it herself. She was surprised as little as she worked and using only the short form she still got back around $300
    It's funny how mine keeps going down. I got back 1/2 of what I did last year and last year I got back 1/2 as much as the year before. Seems my kids are worth less, the last 3 years the tax credit has decreased for them.

    Only thing that saves my butt is all my charitable contributions and honestly I dont count everything but i do keep receipts and most pictures of what I donate.
    Its ****ing sickening how much money they take from us and we are in all of this debt.

  25. #25
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    In my business we used to be 1099 and everyone probably wrote off as much income as they could so what did they do. They made it illegal for us to be 1099 anymore because they knew everyone was beating the system

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    poor taste
    Last edited by Knockout_Power; 03-27-2013 at 08:39 AM.

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rwy View Post
    Its ****ing sickening how much money they take from us and we are in all of this debt.
    What's sad is these sheep that believe the propaganda and have no idea how much we are really paying out in taxes and fees. They believe this 1% bs and all the loophole talk. I had to explain to my co worker a loophole are things such as being able to deduct charities, your mortgage interest and things like that. It's no different that AAS, people have been brainwashed if they hear the word steroid automatically they think negative. It's that way with many things.

    I play devils advocate often just for that reason, because people are quick to judge even on this forum. Every time you have of some guy being ACCUSED of having sex or improper relations with someone underage (under 18) most people automatically say hang them, cut off his balls, he is a pedo..... Really? What ever happened to innocent until proven guilty? What if you are 19 and your GF is 17? Happens all the time. they break up and all of the sudden the GF gets upset and cries wolf. Also in 50% of divorce cases involving kids if things are not going right for the wife she/they typically at some part of the divorce claim either abuse or some type of improper contact with the kids and all of the sudden everyone is ready to hang the guy. Typically the guy/husband will give the ex what she wants to make things go away but it's just sad people are brainwashed by media and always believe the worse.

    I regress, I still say it's just people being brainwashed into believing we/they are not paying enough and the government NEEDS that money to make things better. Yeah we need to spend millions to understand why there are more lesbians alcoholics than gay men. Spend millions on why there are so many alcoholic Chinese female prostitutes in China. Millions on eatable food containers for deep space travel. There are 10,000s of such projects but instead of cutting any of those they will shut down assistance to people who need it, police, fire, libraries, school and of course the white house Easter Egg hunt.

    OK enough rant.

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by RipOwens View Post

    I think it's something about (at least in the U.S.) the way people have learned to treat and view money and material things. Look at people that win the lottery, I was surprised to learn a good percentage of them lose it all very quickly.
    I think the majority of them have next to nothing within like a year. So stupid.

  29. #29
    Quote Originally Posted by Rwy
    I got audited a few times. They certainly were on top of their game and far from stupid during my audit. They hammered me like I killed someone important.
    Yea, same here. There was no bonus for me! They said 'hey champ, u didnt report this money. Now pay the **** up.' And so, I paid. There was no debate. LOL!

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Armykid93 View Post
    I think the majority of them have next to nothing within like a year. So stupid.
    Actually it's 5 years most file bankruptcy. They say 90% of the winners will be sued by someone within the 1st year though. Fvckn jealous greedy bastards. That is probably a big part of why they go broke is people sewing them, ripping them off with bogus deals and of course they have given $100,000s of thousand to relatives and friends who wont do anything to help them once the money runs out.

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Actually it's 5 years most file bankruptcy. They say 90% of the winners will be sued by someone within the 1st year though. Fvckn jealous greedy bastards. That is probably a big part of why they go broke is people sewing them, ripping them off with bogus deals and of course they have given $100,000s of thousand to relatives and friends who wont do anything to help them once the money runs out.
    I'd just buy a sailboat, arm myself to the teeth and take the money to the Cayman islands.

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by Knockout_Power View Post
    poor taste

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by gbrice75 View Post
    Not really, cause what was there was actually sweet, if people actually looked, it wasnt what it appeared to be, but thats fine...

    sorry to all offended, hope the panties have untwisted

    all is well again

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