Welp...caught two guys trying to break into my work truck...now I have a broken hand. I can't stand theivin ass bastards! I absolutely hate thieves!! Ugh...
End rant...
Welp...caught two guys trying to break into my work truck...now I have a broken hand. I can't stand theivin ass bastards! I absolutely hate thieves!! Ugh...
End rant...
I sincerely hope they are worse off than you?
How bad is the hand?
It's 3 in the morning here and the dude picked the wrong time to fvck with the wrong dude. I was arguing with the wife when I heard them trying to open the lockers on my work truck. I'm a mechanic and probably have 20k worth of tools in my truck. I take that shit personal. Those dudes got piss poor timing! Lol
They haven't been caught? I hope you you did some damage mate you're a big fvcker. I bet they shit themselves.
Hope you've started icing the hand? 10 mins every 2 hours.
Idk. I called the front desk (I'm in a motel right now) I saw a cop car driving around for about 15 minutes. Idk where they went. The guy I hit, his buddy drug him about 30 yards around the corner and he was still knocked out. I gave his buddy about 30 second to get him and his buddy the fvck out of my sight before they're both leaving on a stretcher.Originally Posted by Back In Black
Yeah got some ice on it now...it's hard to type with one hand lol
And yeah. They looked like deer in headlights when I came out screaming in my underwear lol
Your a sik cu** bra respect!!!!! So no upper body work tommorow ay?
You should have tied them up in the basement and called me...
Glad to hear you didnt lose any tools bro.Good luck on your hand bro.
Losing a step or two buddy? Only knocked one of them out. Disappointed man..
Just giving a hard time. Maybe they will think twice next time. Assholes.
Seems like good timing to me, you were awake and ready ! I hate theives and liars also. Im an Electrician and tools get stolen on some jobs all the time. I was on a job once with just painters, had a brand new drill combo set, left it in a room to go in the basement, came back 5 minutes later and it was gone. Man I flipped, actually lost my job because of it. Couldnt let it go, to much tren in the system back in those days. Anyways sorry for babbling, ice that hand like crazy. No way anybody can equal the rage when your fighting with your wife, haha stupid idiots.
Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.
Everything was impossible until somebody did it!
I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!
It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.
Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.
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should always have a baseball bat by the door. This way you don't injure yourself, just the stupid fvckers.
I am calling my boys, they're going bring over blow torches and pliers. We are about to go medieval on your ass!
U think a broken hand is gonna keep me out of the gym? HahaOriginally Posted by Euroholic
Haha they were standing between my truck and another truck. There was like a foot and a half gal between the two. I couldn't get to the other one but I did knock punk one into punk two lolOriginally Posted by Capebuffalo
Ready is an understatement lol I was all wound up from fighting with the wife. Poor guys lol and I've been icing it. It FVCKING hurts this morning. My whole hand is throbbing and even my wrist hurts!Originally Posted by BG
Haha priceless
I always said if I ever heard someone breaking into my house.
I would strip down to my underwear cover myself with baby oil stand in front of the door/window while holding an axe and as they come in my house
I would say in the deepest voice
I've been waiting for you!!!! LOL
HahahaOriginally Posted by DB1982
Hope you heal up bro. But i would have beat them harder and longer. I'm missing the last knuckle on my right hand (baby finger knuckle) - one too many donnybrooks.
So how did the argument with the wife turn out after the fight? Seeing as how u had a good outlet for ur frustration (u lucky bastard!)
That's crazy, I can't believe that happened at least your stuff is okay! Sorry about your hand!
Typically I would. But I'm trying to put those days behind me. I gave him a chance to leave unscathed but he thought it wise to b a smart ass. I got my point across to him and his buddy. As he got drug away I told his buddy I see u two fvckers around my truck again I'll put a bullet in ur head. Consider that ur warning.Originally Posted by MickeyKnox
But I've come to realize that I'm bigger, faster and stronger then 90% of the population and rage consumes me quickly so I have really been trying to control my actions before it lands me in jail again.
Actually quite well lolOriginally Posted by --->>405<<---
Thanks EMOriginally Posted by ElectraMaddox
I broke my middle knuckle when I was about 15 or 16. Looked very similar in terms of swelling. Hope it heals soon enuffOriginally Posted by Tron3219
PM recieved from Tron: "Dude don't tell anyone but the truth is that I busted my fukin hand during a wild ass masturbation session and now I have had to create this elaborate story to save face" Please don't tell anyone as masterbation injuries are embarresing as hell! Thank you!
Shhhhhhh lunk u weren't supposed to say anything!Originally Posted by Lunk1
Whats 5.0?
Lunk - you are a genius... and not just another pretty face
eenie meenie miney mo....
Shitty that you had to sacrifice your hand to avoid losing property... Just a guess, but I think your hand is just swollen from the impact as the swelling doesnt resemble a break... should sort itself within 48 hours but probably be a little sore under pressure for 2-3 days
I hate breaking my hand. my right hand is a wreck, every knuckle is busted at one time or another. and some of the secondary finger long bones (in the palm area) are bowed due to compression impacts.
yeah, you probably broke something. not much you can do except don't go punching anyone for awhile.....
Stop freakin the guy out... the main area of swelling is between the knuckles which usually indicates more of a sprain injury
...Tron, if Im wrong, you can punch me with the other hand if you like
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