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I'm a math and science teacher so I'll chime in on this one.
The United States struggled in education for the following reasons:
1. We don't use a tracked system the way other first world counties do. A tracked system can cover a wide spectrum of systems. Some countries test the kids in 8th-9th grade and then ship those that aren't up to par into a trade apprenticeship while those that pass go on to a university/college track. Others, like Canada, simply split their classes up according to ability level. For example, there are three sections of Algebra 1 offered: one for advanced learners, another for average students and then a remedial course. The kids are moved up as they improve. We don't do that in the US and its a BITCH to deal with... For example, last year, I had a student score in the 97th percentile on his ACTs and is going to Cornell. He was in the same class as a kid who was in the 4th percentile on the state standardized tests. It's extremely hard to teach effectively when the kids vary so greatly in ability. We're told that we need to come up with lessons that put the average-above average students on autopilot while we focus our attention on the lower level learners.
2. Our current education system takes any accountability off of the kids' shoulders. There are schools where you literally have to go through a five step process before a kid can fail your class and most of these steps involve legal accommodations that are bullshit. Right now, I have a student that can leave my classroom and go to the counselor's office at any time; he gets pissed off at me and can just leave. When he does this, I have to provide him with an assignment that's "appropriate" for him to do away from class. In other words, he can leave my class during a test and I have to provide him with a take home test. He goes home, has his mom do the test for him and brings it back to me. He's failing right now but that's because I have pushed the system; I've met with his parents, the principal and the counselor on four different occasions, followed his "accommodations" and made sure he's being taught at "his level". He still hasn't done shit and he's gotten to the point where his mom can't help him with his "accommodated" tests because she doesn't know the material.
3. No Child Left Behind legislation drops funding from schools that don't pass tests. Schools lose incredible amounts of money if kids aren't up to par. So, your shit poor ghetto schools with kids who come from terrible home lives with no value on education become even more shit-poor because they've bombed tests.