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Java, yes, use of AAS for medical purposes is legal (well some of them). When we say that they're illegal, we're not counting the medical purposes, we're referring to performance and cosmetic purposes. For those, it's illegal.
The main reason why steroids were scheduled in the first place wasn't because of the fear of a health danger caused by using them. They were scheduled because THEY WORK. So despite all the research scientists come up with highlighting the positive effects of gear, the fact they work will always give the media the ability to put their spin on them and thus create a negative public opinion on them. That's the obstacle.
I really don't want steroids to be in the hands of children and I think keeping them scheduled and illegal for recreational and performance uses is causing those who choose to use them to be less than safe in their using of them. Unless you got your stuff from a real pharmacy, you really don't know what you got and there is no assurance that what you have is safe to use.
In addition to that, we tell people they need to get bloodwork done, but how many people actually get that done? And what about people who have been working out for a short period of time and don't have any natural successes but want to get swole quick? They shouldn't have easy access to any gear unless they're at a point where they're physically ready.
Allowing doctors to prescribe AAS for recreational purposes will solve a lot of these problems. First, they won't be just giving them to kids. They also will be ensuring that healthy adults are in the good health for AAS and able to spot problems that can arise. They also could be the voice of reason to stop guys who have been lifting for a month but think they're ready for gear from messing themselves up.
Most importantly, they'd be eliminating the black market since there would be ways to legally obtain gear.