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Thread: Interesting article, crow family could be more intelligent than primates

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Front toward enemy

    Interesting article, crow family could be more intelligent than primates

    Article is here:

    Mirror Self-Recognition in Birds from Brain Physiology, Cognition and Consciousness discussion board on Nature Network

    What caused me to look this up this morning, is i've always noticed that cats and dogs dont really pay attention to themselves in mirrors. There are a couple of theories why, one is that they can't "smell" the reflection. This would suggest that cats and dogs it would seem....are not self aware. Because it would suggest that they would only regard a reflection as another animal. Or there is the possibility that they simply, well....don't care!

    However some studies have shown that some animals DO recognise their reflection, and recognise the reflection as them self, something called MSR (Mirror Self Recognition). It's interesting because it's only when a baby reaches the age of 4 that they then begin to realise the reflection is themselves. Does this suggest that babies at the age of 3 are not self aware?

    Crows have long since been regarded as the Einsteins of the Bird world, but this also extends to other members of the Corvus family including ravens and magpies. Even pigeons have been show to have basic MSR.

    The article is interesting because it's the first time non mammal species have displayed MSR. Elephants, Dolphins, Apes and Pigs have rudimentory MSR awareness but so do certain members of the bird family.

    When you consider that birds evolved from dinosaurs, who were notoriously small brained creatures, its amazing what evolution has done for them. In Essence, a Crow or Magpie is more intelligent than a 3 year old baby. It's taken 65 million years for this to happen however.

    When you consider it is said that the first proto Homo Sapiens branched out from Apes some 3 million years ago and have gotten to the level of intelligence we are already at, it makes you wonder what we could become in another 60 million years.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Deep Down South
    Have you ever hunted crows before?

    They are extremely intelligent.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by 00ragincajun00 View Post
    Have you ever hunted crows before?

    They are extremely intelligent.

    Haha, no it's not in my character to hunt animals, but I know they are great puzzle solvers and are good with tools.

    I assume that they are hard to hunt? In what way?

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Skippy's pouch
    Quote Originally Posted by 00ragincajun00 View Post
    Have you ever hunted crows before?They are extremely intelligent.
    Yes! Little bastards can tell the difference between a stick and a rifle!

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flagg View Post
    Haha, no it's not in my character to hunt animals, but I know they are great puzzle solvers and are good with tools.

    I assume that they are hard to hunt? In what way?
    like all birds, they have real keen eye sight.

    they usually never travel alone. they fly like an army when going thru the heavily wooded areas.

    they make different 'caw' sounds, which to me, sounds like they are communicating in some way.

    i have not study the bird per say, but have been around them long enough to know they are pretty smart.

    on the other hand, they are birds and easy to catch. you can bait a trap/cage with only one entrance, no exit, and you can trap them. using an electronic crow call helps because they are a very curious bird, just like women! hahaha

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by bdos900 View Post
    yes! Little bastards can tell the difference between a stick and a rifle!

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    I once hit a turkey buzzard while I was speeding through the pine barrens on my way to the shore, I didnt tap the breaks when it took off because I thought it would clear the car, but no, it slammed into the right side of my windshield where my gf at the time was sitting...Those things are like 30lbs+, like a rabid dog with wings...I was pissed, it got uric acid all over my windshield.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Not all birds are intelligent!

    Over here, Pheasants are pretty daft birds.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Skippy's pouch
    dumb as a dodo.

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