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Thread: Still Alive (I think)

  1. #1
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    Still Alive (I think)

    For the last ten days or so, I've experienced some kind of weird intestinal blockage. I was at a standstill. Couldn't output so therefore couldn't eat as well. I spent 36 hours in the bed, taking in some fluids (not much) and just generally being miserable. Got on the scale yesterday and down 25lbs!! to 210.

    I'm eating again, but I look like shit. Skinny, thin arms/chest/legs.

    Good news is the gorilla gut is gone!!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Sorry to hear, I hope that you continue to feel better and are back to normal soon!

  3. #3
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    damn gramps, is that what the 'doghouse' feels like?

  4. #4
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    I was wondering what happened to you.

  5. #5
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    You did poop eventually though? Did you weigh it?

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Back In Black View Post
    You did poop eventually though? Did you weigh it?
    Like this????

  7. #7
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    Just like that. And like the one I did after walking the Inca Trail after holding it in for 3 days. I didn't do mine in the hallway though.

  8. #8
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    So, you handled this on your own without a dr.'s visit? This could kill you if it goes on long enough. Really man, see a doc next time. But, glad you're feeling better.

  9. #9
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Sorry youre dealing with this brother. Hope all is well.

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  10. #10
    AXx's Avatar
    AXx is offline AR's hose draggin' post whore~Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Get better soon man.

    Glad things are looking up

  11. #11
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Well that stinks. Literally.

    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  12. #12
    GirlyGymRat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel
    Well that stinks. Literally.

    What we gonna do with you?!?

  13. #13
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    ...did I weigh it?

    you guys make me laugh!

    yesterday, I mentioned I was 210. just off the scale moments ago, and now up to 220. part of the problem, I think, was severe dehydration. I've been eating at such a pace, that if I don't stop, my gorilla gut will probably come back.

    now I just need to get back in the gym. i'm thinking maybe Monday I should be able to muster up the mental/physical energy to at least drive there and half heartedly push some weights around?

  14. #14
    GirlyGymRat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman
    ...did I weigh it?

    you guys make me laugh!

    yesterday, I mentioned I was 210. just off the scale moments ago, and now up to 220. part of the problem, I think, was severe dehydration. I've been eating at such a pace, that if I don't stop, my gorilla gut will probably come back.

    now I just need to get back in the gym. i'm thinking maybe Monday I should be able to muster up the mental/physical energy to at least drive there and half heartedly push some weights around?
    Maybe stop eating now and switch to fluid. Glad u feeling better

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by GirlyGymRat View Post
    Maybe stop eating now and switch to fluid. Glad u feeling better
    I was bouncing between Imodium tabs and prune juice. I had a severe/sharp pain in my lower intestinal wall and was painful to touch.

    Finally it occurred to me, brought on by my better half, that I ate half a dozen imodiums in a span of a couple of hours while we are at the party two weeks ago. This is probably what started it, although not sure why the diarrhea.

    No, not feeling 100%. Maybe 65%. Well enough for me to crawl out of my hole and see what's going on in here...?

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    damn thats a lot....good to hear ur gettin back on track

    -Release the Kracken!!!-

  17. #17
    Damn, this I was thinking about how I hadn't pooped in around 4 HIT me like a truck. Normally, even when bulking (because I eat so clean) I have tiny little baby poops....but this one was like the size of a baby...I wish I had weighed myself afterwards but I forgot while unclogging the toilet : /

    I had to of lost 6-7 pounds though.

    Sorry TR, just thought I'd share that with you.

    Glad you're feeling better and getting back into the gym.

  18. #18
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    Times glad to see that you are back. Always ensure you are eating enough fiber and drinking plenty of fluids to stay regular. The next time you are constipated warm up 8oz glass of prune juice and add two teaspoons of castor oil. We call that the bunker buster. If that doesn’t work we call the doctor.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by tigerspawn View Post
    Times glad to see that you are back. Always ensure you are eating enough fiber and drinking plenty of fluids to stay regular. The next time you are constipated warm up 8oz glass of prune juice and add two teaspoons of castor oil. We call that the bunker buster. If that doesn’t work we call the doctor.
    All that fiber and water stuff is good until you get backed up for some unknown reason like TR. I can feel his pain. About a year ago I had the same issue and you would not believe how much prune juice, laxatives and many other remedies I took over a 3 day course.

    The best physical and mental picture I can come up with is imagine trying to sh*t a pineapple, except its going through reverse but it only moves 1/4" at a time for 3 days. Yeah TMO but thats about the size of it...

    It's one of those things although you know you should call/go to the doctor or ER no one wants to show up for something like that and you will hold out far longer than you should. I can very well imagine or believe that someone could die from something like this. I would instantly break out in a full body sweat ever 2 minutes when it felt like it was starting to move... TMO again. lol

    It's easily in the top 2 of worse pain I have been in. I did a lot of reading on other forums and women who had the same thing happen described it or compared it to child birth saying it was the same or some saying it was worse... Gives you an idea.

  20. #20
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    Hey TR in the meantime I would start a course of probiotics of some kind along with a lot of water/fruit juices and easy to pass food. Although the natural urge is to eat a ton of meat and such to regain what you missed this is probably not wise. At this point your digestive system is probably really lacking in flora and will need a few weeks to re-establish itself to its former glory!

    Best wishes whatever route you take.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    All that fiber and water stuff is good until you get backed up for some unknown reason like TR. I can feel his pain. About a year ago I had the same issue and you would not believe how much prune juice, laxatives and many other remedies I took over a 3 day course.
    We find that PTs that are constipated are not eating enough fiber and drinking enough fluids. When we discover PT is constipated caused by meds and/or dehydration. We push fluids and give PT bunker buster. I have rarely seen results from cold prune juice but have seen results from warm. When you add two teaspoons of castor oil to it the bowel will move. This works just as well as laxatives. I would rather use a bunker buster than dig someone out. Sometimes I hate my job but thanks to the busters I haven’t had to in 6 years.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by tigerspawn View Post
    We find that PTs that are constipated are not eating enough fiber and drinking enough fluids. When we discover PT is constipated caused by meds and/or dehydration. We push fluids and give PT bunker buster. I have rarely seen results from cold prune juice but have seen results from warm. When you add two teaspoons of castor oil to it the bowel will move. This works just as well as laxatives. I would rather use a bunker buster than dig someone out. Sometimes I hate my job but thanks to the busters I haven’t had to in 6 years.
    if you have to do this, they should put you on that show "dirtiest jobs"

  23. #23
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  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    if you have to do this, they should put you on that show "dirtiest jobs"
    Think it would be HIPAA violation. LOL Yes nurses have to do that to PTs that are severely constipated. I have rather large hands so PTs use to cry and beg when I informed them I had to dig them out. Thank God I have not had to do it for six years.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by tigerspawn View Post
    We find that PTs that are constipated are not eating enough fiber and drinking enough fluids. When we discover PT is constipated caused by meds and/or dehydration. We push fluids and give PT bunker buster. I have rarely seen results from cold prune juice but have seen results from warm. When you add two teaspoons of castor oil to it the bowel will move. This works just as well as laxatives. I would rather use a bunker buster than dig someone out. Sometimes I hate my job but thanks to the busters I haven’t had to in 6 years.
    Good to know. I think mine may have been due to antibiotics I started the day before but it's the 1st time I had a reaction. Couldn't think of anything esle and I also do take pro biotics.

    Yeah I would rather not think/talk about the digging out part..... Sucks when even a couple of warm/hot enema dong get much moving though. You know it's stuck then. lol OK again this is getting into the TMI

    In regards to the bunker buster, how much pain is associated when it does go? I know I felt like I was being ripped apart.

    Some of this should be put into Marcus general health post
    Last edited by lovbyts; 05-11-2013 at 08:02 PM.

  26. #26
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    I have Pts. tell me how much better it makes them feel after. Before they have their bowel movement sometimes they are in incredible pain. I have never had them complain about being able to poop and having that pressure relieved. Sometimes the pain that is associated with passing a bowel is from straining to try and force the bowel to move.

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by tigerspawn View Post
    I have Pts. tell me how much better it makes them feel after. Before they have their bowel movement sometimes they are in incredible pain. I have never had them complain about being able to poop and having that pressure relieved. Sometimes the pain that is associated with passing a bowel is from straining to try and force the bowel to move.
    Good to know and something I wont forget anytime soon. My pain was not from straining though. It was just there and every couple of minutes it would feel like it was trying to move out but didnt, just hurt all the more. God it was unmanageable and I cant believe I didn't go to ER but then i was always afraid to more more than a few feet from the bathroom.

    I keep a bottle of prune juice always on hand but now I will remember to make it warm first and add the castor oil.

    Do you suggest ever doing a colon cleanse? I know people who swear by it yearly but I feel once every few years is good enough. You want some of those bacteria in there to help get rid of stuff.

  28. #28
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    People swear it helps. Depends on what info you read though and which doctors you talk to. I always say better safe than sorry. Fiber also helps to clean your colon. You just have to remember to stay hydrated or the fiber will bind you up. Most people don’t drink enjoy water. If they knew all of its health benefits they would definitely drink more. Only thing that sucks about working 16 hr. shifts on the weekends is that I have nothing to do from 9p-7a. My PTs are asleep. Thank God for the ones on IVs. I miss having, "pain in the ass" PTs I would rather be busy than be bored. Most nurses hate having PTs that won’t sleep. I find them entertaining.

  29. #29
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    Hahaha, you old people!

    Shooting prune juice and castor oil!

    I don't want to get old!

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by 00ragincajun00 View Post
    Hahaha, you old people!

    Shooting prune juice and castor oil!

    I don't want to get old!
    so does this mean you have options available to you that I didn't have available to me?

  31. #31
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    This has turned out to be a crappy thread. Hope everything works out OK.

  32. #32
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    just found a new way to cut.......

    .......definitely NOT for everybody!!

  33. #33
    Brazensol's Avatar
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    Glad your feeling better!

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