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Thread: Testosterone levels

  1. #41
    stackedbro's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1

    being on the high side has no effect on how you recover, you shut your system down no matter what your starting point. The reason people use 25 as a rule of thumb is that is around the age your fully developed, so you have less chance of damageing it and recovering better
    I understand that. But I am fully developed already so I'm not including increase cjance in potential damage then.

  2. #42
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stackedbro View Post
    I understand that. But I am fully developed already so I'm not including increase cjance in potential damage then.
    Bro your internals are not fully developed. Your in great shape physically but doesnt mean your hormonal system is fully developed. Just like your brain isnt fully developed to your around 30, Just because your not growing doesnt mean your still not developing internally. Thats just the facts like them or not.
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  3. #43
    stackedbro's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1

    Bro your internals are not fully developed. Your in great shape physically but doesnt mean your hormonal system is fully developed. Just like your brain isnt fully developed to your around 30, Just because your not growing doesnt mean your still not developing internally. Thats just the facts like them or not.
    Yea obviously Roids are a drug and it will change the way you perceive things, so it will always mess with your brain. But I'm just saying this based on what my doctors have told me, as far as my endocrine system is fully developed.

  4. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by stackedbro View Post
    Yea obviously Roids are a drug and it will change the way you perceive things, so it will always mess with your brain. But I'm just saying this based on what my doctors have told me, as far as my endocrine system is fully developed.
    what kind of dr did you see and what kind of test did he do to determine your endocrine system is fully developed?
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  5. #45
    gearbox's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stackedbro View Post

    Yea. Well honestly I already have ally gear ready for a test e cycle. But I really don't mind the pain, but I don't understand why everyone says go enathate. But what would gains for a 12 week cycle of enathate be equivalent for a test prop cycle. Also I didn't have access to hcg which is why i don't have it and wasn't planning on using it in my cycle. Also I didn't want to have to pin more than I already was especially since I new to this. I don't want to mix e and prop I would stick to one.
    Well we honestly know now you know nothing about steroids and pct. HCG is definitely definitely important. You absolutely should not run a cycle without it.
    Everytime I hear this I don't want to have to pin too often, it just makes me think you have no business texting this stuff.

  6. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post

    Bro your internals are not fully developed. Your in great shape physically but doesnt mean your hormonal system is fully developed. Just like your brain isnt fully developed to your around 30, Just because your not growing doesnt mean your still not developing internally. Thats just the facts like them or not.
    Gixer is totally right I thought you already covered this basis. Many people come on here saying my doctor said my growth plate is done growing. We're not talking about that at all.
    You should just be prepared if you do one cycle. There is a greater chance you will be on TRT for life. Next time you go back to doctors and get your total test it will be down more than normal.

  7. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1

    what kind of dr did you see and what kind of test did he do to determine your endocrine system is fully developed?
    It was just a normal doctor no specification. And this is based on when I went through puberty and how long ago my growth plates closed.

  8. #48
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stackedbro View Post
    It was just a normal doctor no specification. And this is based on when I went through puberty and how long ago my growth plates closed.
    neither of them have anything to do with when your endocrine system is fully developed. Bro its your health and something you may have to live with for the rest of your life if it goes wrong. Thats the last thing i would leave up to a general practitioner
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  9. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1

    neither of them have anything to do with when your endocrine system is fully developed. Bro its your health and something you may have to live with for the rest of your life if it goes wrong. Thats the last thing i would leave up to a general practitioner
    So I should go to an endocrinogist? And see what tests they can do as far as seeing if it's fully developed?

  10. #50
    gearbox's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stackedbro View Post

    So I should go to an endocrinogist? And see what tests they can do as far as seeing if it's fully developed?
    There is no specific test. Your not 25 or even close. (24 months is a long time)

    Gixxer is helping you cause he didn't know what he knows now about aas and would probably do a lot of things differently.
    Ask him how fun trt is at a young age?
    Again he is sharing his wisdom and personal experience to help you!

  11. #51
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    Wouldnt this be best moved to the HRT section?

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