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Thread: Testosterone levels

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    stackedbro's Avatar
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    Testosterone levels

    I just got my bloodwork done, as I do every six months just to see how everything's going. I'm 22 all natural 5'8 175 lbs 7-8%. My testosterone has dropped by 200ng/dl since 6 months ago. And I have trained cosistantly since, 6 days a week lifting. Not sure if it's because I drank alcohol a couple days prior even though it was minimal or it's because my testosterone is already starting to decline. Because it's very hard to make gains this past year.

  2. #2
    stackedbro's Avatar
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    This plateau I have been at has really made me want to jump on something. Because I'm putting all this effort into growing with working my ass off in the gym and cooking in the kitchen without any progress. Let me know your guyss thoughts

  3. #3
    Euroholic is offline "ARs Pork Eating Crusader"
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    Post your befre and after levels. How do you feel? Do you feel like your tedt is lower? Are you tired alot more? Maybe get a re test because labs can make mistakes.

  4. #4
    stackedbro's Avatar
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    990 to 750. i don't feel any significant difference. Energy and libido are extremely high still. Actually it's a 240 difference.

  5. #5
    chi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stackedbro View Post
    990 to 750. i don't feel any significant difference. Energy and libido are extremely high still. Actually it's a 240 difference.
    there are a ton of factors that could of brought down your test level even though it is well in the normal range. Drinking lowers test for sure, stress, lack of rest, and the list goes on...

  6. #6
    stackedbro's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chi

    there are a ton of factors that could of brought down your test level even though it is well in the normal range. Drinking lowers test for sure, stress, lack of rest, and the list goes on...
    Yea that's true but I feel like most external factors have been consistent. But I realize there could be smaller things that factor such as I did legs the previous day vs taking the previus day off. But I was just concerned because this is probably going to be my last bloodwork done as I will be starting my cycle in a month.

  7. #7
    Euroholic is offline "ARs Pork Eating Crusader"
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    Quote Originally Posted by stackedbro View Post
    Yea that's true but I feel like most external factors have been consistent. But I realize there could be smaller things that factor such as I did legs the previous day vs taking the previus day off. But I was just concerned because this is probably going to be my last bloodwork done as I will be starting my cycle in a month.
    Reconsider that cycle im 24 and starting to get ed i think i may have ****ed my endoctrine system

  8. #8
    tigerspawn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stackedbro View Post
    Yea that's true but I feel like most external factors have been consistent. But I realize there could be smaller things that factor such as I did legs the previous day vs taking the previus day off. But I was just concerned because this is probably going to be my last bloodwork done as I will be starting my cycle in a month.
    Working out prior to having your levels checked will drop test levels. However, working out the day before would not cause levels to be decreased the following day.

  9. #9
    stackedbro's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Euroholic

    Reconsider that cycle im 24 and starting to get ed i think i may have ****ed my endoctrine system
    Your starting to get Ed? I talked with 4 doctors and all have said my endocrine is fully developed though. My growthplates have been closed for years

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by tigerspawn
    Working out prior to having your levels checked will drop test levels. However, working out the day before would not cause levels to be decreased the following day.
    Yes exactly. So would it be safe to say that my testosterone levels have already peaked and now it will most likely stay and slowly decline

  11. #11
    Bonaparte's Avatar
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    You're fine.
    And please post a pic, as I'm skeptical of those stats (no offense).

  12. #12
    gearbox's Avatar
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    I would like a pics also...
    Your basing to.much information off your gains. If you are what you are then you.achieved a for only 22. It's getting.harder to make gains cause thats what happens as you gain muscle. First 10 20 sometimes 30 pounds are easy then you hit a brink.wall.and gotta push through
    Java Man likes this.

  13. #13
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    What's so hard to believe about those stats? BF might be off a bit but those stats aren't crazy.

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  14. #14
    Hulking2016's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stackedbro
    990 to 750. i don't feel any significant difference. Energy and libido are extremely high still. Actually it's a 240 difference.
    990 is that considered low? And we're did you get your test done and how much did it cost?

  15. #15
    Hulking2016's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chi

    there are a ton of factors that could of brought down your test level even though it is well in the normal range. Drinking lowers test for sure, stress, lack of rest, and the list goes on...
    Can stress greatly effect test levels because I thought only diet and sleep affected it

  16. #16
    Java Man's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hulking2016 View Post
    990 is that considered low? And we're did you get your test done and how much did it cost?
    it depends on the range scale which various lab to lab. I've not seen any scale.where a standard test of 990 is low but I'm hardly an expert not being a medical professional. I've seen many other peoples labs as well as my own over the.years though.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hulking2016 View Post
    Can stress greatly effect test levels because I thought only diet and sleep affected it
    Yes stress is also a factor

  18. #18
    tigerspawn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by austinite View Post
    What's so hard to believe about those stats? BF might be off a bit but those stats aren't crazy.
    I agree. BF% is only thing that I question

  19. #19
    stackedbro's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bonaparte
    You're fine.
    And please post a pic, as I'm skeptical of those stats (no offense).

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	image-91623098.jpg 
Views:	148 
Size:	313.0 KB 
ID:	139604

    I've been bulking so I've increased bf slightly more than normal

  20. #20
    stackedbro's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gearbox
    I would like a pics also...
    Your basing to.much information off your gains. If you are what you are then you.achieved a for only 22. It's getting.harder to make gains cause thats what happens as you gain muscle. First 10 20 sometimes 30 pounds are easy then you hit a brink.wall.and gotta push through
    Yes I hit a brick wall. And based on the test I am declining in testosterone levels , so this makes me want to take some thing. Also I will rebound better than someone older at this age. I just want to do one cycle to get a good foundation. I want to be 190 with the same bf

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hulking2016

    990 is that considered low? And we're did you get your test done and how much did it cost?
    I got it done from my doctor. No 990 is considered high... It was free.

  22. #22
    stackedbro's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hulking2016

    Can stress greatly effect test levels because I thought only diet and sleep affected it
    Yes stress increases your hormone cortisol drastically. Working out releases alot of cortisol as well.

  23. #23
    stackedbro's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stackedbro

    <img src="http://forums.steroid .com/attachment.php?attachmentid=139604"/>

    I've been bulking so I've increased bf slightly more than normal

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	image-2219683431.jpg 
Views:	111 
Size:	219.8 KB 
ID:	139605

    There's another picture as well

  24. #24
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stackedbro View Post
    Yes I hit a brick wall. And based on the test I am declining in testosterone levels, so this makes me want to take some thing. Also I will rebound better than someone older at this age. I just want to do one cycle to get a good foundation. I want to be 190 with the same bf
    i would not say you are declining. The test tells you what you are at that one specific moment in time. You levels fluctuate naturally and by external factors. You could go for a test tomorrow and be 1040.
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  25. #25
    stackedbro's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1

    i would not say you are declining. The test tells you what you are at that one specific moment in time. You levels fluctuate naturally and by external factors. You could go for a test tomorrow and be 1040.
    Yea I understand that. So my question is when would you say it's ok as far as minimal damage to your body to start using exogenous testosterone . Age doesn't make sense to me. So I've been doing blood work every six months and this is the first time it has actually been lower than the previus test.

  26. #26
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stackedbro View Post

    Yea I understand that. So my question is when would you say it's ok as far as minimal damage to your body to start using exogenous testosterone. Age doesn't make sense to me. So I've been doing blood work every six months and this is the first time it has actually been lower than the previus test.
    Age, would be part of the decision, blood work and what my stats are, i wouldn't use 1 thing to make the decision. I would use all three to make an informed choice.
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1

    Age, would be part of the decision, blood work and what my stats are, i wouldn't use 1 thing to make the decision. I would use all three to make an informed choice.
    Ok well I feel like it's time for me. I just don't understand why people always say wait till 25. Only online have I read that. Most users I have talked to say in my situation it is ok

  28. #28
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stackedbro View Post

    Ok well I feel like it's time for me. I just don't understand why people always say wait till 25. Only online have I read that. Most users I have talked to say in my situation it is ok
    And these users have what kind of experience, education, or done some kind of research. I know ton of users who know very little about steriod use and effects. They know what to inject but really lack the understanding on how they work.
    Where some of these people online have done research, have medical back grounds, read studies and take time to write the stuff your reading to wait.
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  29. #29
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stackedbro View Post

    Ok well I feel like it's time for me. I just don't understand why people always say wait till 25. Only online have I read that. Most users I have talked to say in my situation it is ok
    And what's your situation? You had blood work that came back perfectly fine but just happened to be lower then your last test?
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  30. #30
    JAB1's Avatar
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    Either way looking good man, nice work. Your stomach is a bit tighter than mine was when I was at 9.5% bf so id say bf estimate isnt far off. As far as test levels go yours still seem on the high side of normal if im not mistaken.

  31. #31
    gearbox's Avatar
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    Props for one of the first ppl to actually have correct stats.

  32. #32
    gearbox's Avatar
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    I would not jump to the dark side for one cycle. You could mess up your natty test for life. The risk is low but its still there

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1

    And what's your situation? You had blood work that came back perfectly fine but just happened to be lower then your last test?
    Exactly. Because I know at 25 my levels will still be in the "normal" range. So I just don't think there will be much difference from now and 3 years from now as far as my physiology.

  34. #34
    stackedbro's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JAB1
    Either way looking good man, nice work. Your stomach is a bit tighter than mine was when I was at 9.5% bf so id say bf estimate isnt far off. As far as test levels go yours still seem on the high side of normal if im not mistaken.
    Yes I am on the higher side which makes me feel as if rebounding would be easier for me compared to someone with lower testosterone serum count.

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by gearbox
    I would not jump to the dark side for one cycle. You could mess up your natty test for life. The risk is low but its still there
    There always is a risk, but I'm trying to minimize it at all costs. And I don't see the difference in waiting 3 years

  36. #36
    gearbox's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stackedbro View Post

    There always is a risk, but I'm trying to minimize it at all costs. And I don't see the difference in waiting 3 years
    25 is a good rule of thumb unless you plan on being a bb for life. And expect trt.
    If you do not mind pain and are going to cycle I would so a short blast so your not shut down as long.
    Like prop

  37. #37
    stackedbro's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gearbox

    25 is a good rule of thumb unless you plan on being a bb for life. And expect trt.
    If you do not mind pain and are going to cycle I would so a short blast so your not shut down as long.
    Like prop
    Damn I actually already have all my needles arimidex nolvadex clomid and 2 vials of test enethate. I was gonna run it for 12 weeks. So you wouldn't reccomend what people usually say at a beginner cycle?

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by stackedbro View Post

    Damn I actually already have all my needles arimidex nolvadex clomid and 2 vials of test enethate. I was gonna run it for 12 weeks. So you wouldn't reccomend what people usually say at a beginner cycle?
    Prop hurts is why it's not recommended. I would get some props and some HCG . You can run the prop the last two and a half weeks at the end of your test e cycle. And you can begin PCT 3.5 days after last pin of prop rather than two weeks on test e. The quicker you begin PCT you're supposed to hold on to games better. Obviously diet and training play a big part also.
    You need hcg bro!

  39. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by gearbox

    Prop hurts is why it's not recommended. I would get some props and some HCG . You can run the prop the last two and a half weeks at the end of your test e cycle. And you can begin PCT 3.5 days after last pin of prop rather than two weeks on test e. The quicker you begin PCT you're supposed to hold on to games better. Obviously diet and training play a big part also.
    You need hcg bro!
    Yea. Well honestly I already have ally gear ready for a test e cycle. But I really don't mind the pain, but I don't understand why everyone says go enathate. But what would gains for a 12 week cycle of enathate be equivalent for a test prop cycle. Also I didn't have access to hcg which is why i don't have it and wasn't planning on using it in my cycle. Also I didn't want to have to pin more than I already was especially since I new to this. I don't want to mix e and prop I would stick to one.

  40. #40
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stackedbro View Post
    Yes I am on the higher side which makes me feel as if rebounding would be easier for me compared to someone with lower testosterone serum count.
    being on the high side has no effect on how you recover, you shut your system down no matter what your starting point. The reason people use 25 as a rule of thumb is that is around the age your fully developed, so you have less chance of damageing it and recovering better
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

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