I've just recently taken up the hobby myself. Being a Canadian citizen living in California, I was a bit conflicted at first. More than half the men in my family are constables or detectives and I was always raised that guns are for law enforcement only. As a kid I fired a rifle at a military range, ONCE. That was my only exposure to guns. As a permanent resident in California, I became a registered gun owner this month and purchased my first FOUR guns - my wife had to leash me in the gun store. I was losing my mind too fast and buying too much at once.
My interest is more for sport and then personal defense as a secondary reason. I have an x26c taser and that would be my first choice for defense before turning to my hand guns or rifles. I don't like the idea of pointing a loaded gun at anyone, hence the taser would be my first line of defense. I guess it's partly because a gun is in opposition with my professional vocation (healing people, lol). I hope to never be in a position where a more lethal choice (loaded gun) is necessary. In the county where I live, concealed carry permits are forbidden. Again, I'm conflicted with that. I'd like to carry the x26c for defense.....but I'm also very temperamental so it's probably best for everyone that I don't carry. Lol
For now, I'm like a little kid in a candy store every time I walk into a gun store.