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Thread: Dropped the girl friend cuz she became a model??

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    The Office

    Question Dropped the girl friend cuz she became a model??

    Am I wrong to do this???

    We've been together a month shy of 2 years, I'm her first everything.... I love her very much and honestly planned on spending the rest of my days with her. About a month ago she sayed she wanted to do modeling (magazines, hair products, make up...crap like that) I pretended to be ok with it, but.....on the inside it ate me up like nothing else could. Well I found out today she's leaving sat for a two day model fest in a major city here. Some might not have a problem with it and say "IF you love her then it shouldn't matter" But to me it does!! It makes my heart sink and my stomach turn just thinking about it. I told her that it disgusted me that she would allow someone to photograph her for $$$. She then goes off, "How am I supposed to pay for college!?!? Are you gonna give me the money?!?!" This made me feel even worse, it made it seem like she was willing to do anything for cash I couldn't believe it!!! She's the most innocent girl i've ever met and the most trust worthy person I've met so far in my life!!! She also is the person I USED to respect the most She basically said she was gonna do it with or without my support. Then left I really love her but I know my heart couldn't handle that... What would you do in my shoes? Stick it out? Or do like I did? I feel a little better she's gone, but it really hurts me to know that she even has the capability in her to do something like this It just eats me up inside.....

  2. #2
    Is she getting naked for these pictures ??

    If you love her, and want to be with her, then support her. Stand by your woman. Don't be such a wus.

    But, if she does anything wrong - cheats on you - drop her in a second. Don't wait around for that shit.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    well i am a pretty stuborn guy! and i think i woudl have done the same thing, but at the same time its just modeling, paying someone to take pics of them for their beautiful face and curves.......right? so unless u have something against the "girls w/ the gorgeous face" in the magazines, i would go back to her and tell her how u feel and talk it over. make sure she understands how u feel and at the same time understand her reasons! and im pretty sure that she wasnt thrilled w/ ur choice to juice!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    I don't get it. Is she doing porn? If not, suck it up buddy. Doesn't sound like you care about her feelings at all. If you broke up with her already, don't go back. Let her move on to someone that accepts her.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    she must be doing porn...otherwise, quit being so slef-centered and let her do it...i don't see what the big deal is...

  6. #6
    Join Date
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  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    In a cold dark hole in total isolation.
    Most guys would be happy to be with someone who can model,if it isn't porn you're the one with the problem.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2002
    not where I want to be
    i dont see the problem. you must realize you dont control her life. if she wants to be a model then fine. porn is one thing...this is completely different. sorry bro but i think you should ease up more.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    It sounds to me like your insecurities are whats causing the problem. You are scared she may get attention and possibly be successful and then runoff with somebody else. You won't make her love you more or need you by not allowing her to live a life. Be happy with her successes, supportive of her failures, and in the end if she loves you she will be there. If she decides to move on then it wasn't because you were jealous or controlling (which is where your headed now) but because you simply weren't right for each other. You will save yourself a lot of heartache and foolish fights if you can adopt this philosophy.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Western Washington
    Hey bro your looking at your situation all wrong. She getting money for being nothing more then good looking, and your are with her, you have a trophy wife. I recently ran into one of my X's who is now and model and that fact alone made me get back with her. The bottom line is that people might see her and take pictures and what buy her shit, but you r the one she goes home with at night. So you always win.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Not sure - move a lot.
    Hey bro - I've been through this before. First off I was WAY young, so I too was jealous as hell when I found out my girlfriend was going to be a model....but I figured what the hell and tried to support her. It was the wise thing to do.

    First off - being a model is not just walking into a modeling 'show' and BOOM you're making movies. IT IS A HORRIBLE LIVING until you make it big. She will go to show after show and simply walk around from line to line hoping her face/body is what they are looking for. The funny thing is most people think models have to be's quite the opposite. Models must fit a certain 'role' for a picture/advertisment. Sometimes they want a huge forhead, or fucked up teeth, or stretch marks, etc... it's weird, but that's marketing for ya. Not saying she wont make it, but she WILL need SOMEONEs support - be it yours or another guys.

    Bottom line - you need to ask yourself, "what if it was me"? What if you had an awesome voice and decided to join a band. Would you want her to shun you out of jealousy/insecurity? Or would you want her to support you, help you, be your 'home agent'? Sure, you might make it big as a band and meet some whore groupy who you'll spend the rest of your life with - but then again you may just flop on your face and be a failure... then what? Then you'll either hate her for not being there for you during/after....OR you'll love her even more for staying by your side.

    Choice is yours.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    heybro ,is she gonna be naked ?porn in any way ?then whats the problem ?u should styick by her shes not doing anything immoral ,and shes right ,u should be proud that shes a model ,my chich was in FHM magazine and on the E channel before then she moved to cali and ws in playboy fuck her havent seen her ina year !

  13. #13
    Join Date
    May 2003
    I know I am new here so please don't take offense but just because you are in a relationship with her doesn't mean you control her. This could be an incredible opportunity for her. Also she has a point about the paying for college thing. I am sure she will make alot more money doing this then other jobs she could get right now. What if situations were reversed?

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    The Office
    Originally posted by Slypknot
    Hey bro - I've been through this before. First off I was WAY young, so I too was jealous as hell when I found out my girlfriend was going to be a model....but I figured what the hell and tried to support her. It was the wise thing to do.

    First off - being a model is not just walking into a modeling 'show' and BOOM you're making movies. IT IS A HORRIBLE LIVING until you make it big. She will go to show after show and simply walk around from line to line hoping her face/body is what they are looking for. The funny thing is most people think models have to be's quite the opposite. Models must fit a certain 'role' for a picture/advertisment. Sometimes they want a huge forhead, or fucked up teeth, or stretch marks, etc... it's weird, but that's marketing for ya. Not saying she wont make it, but she WILL need SOMEONEs support - be it yours or another guys.

    Bottom line - you need to ask yourself, "what if it was me"? What if you had an awesome voice and decided to join a band. Would you want her to shun you out of jealousy/insecurity? Or would you want her to support you, help you, be your 'home agent'? Sure, you might make it big as a band and meet some whore groupy who you'll spend the rest of your life with - but then again you may just flop on your face and be a failure... then what? Then you'll either hate her for not being there for you during/after....OR you'll love her even more for staying by your side.

    Choice is yours.

    Thanx alot for the inputs guys, i've decided to try and over come my insecurities and stick it out.....and offer support as well.....

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    United States
    Originally posted by WS6_KID

    Thanx alot for the inputs guys, i've decided to try and over come my insecurities and stick it out.....and offer support as well.....
    Good man! Just dont get too attached Youre too young. Enjoy yourself

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    BC Canada
    I'm another person who doesn't see the problem.

    What skin is it off your back if she wants to do tasteful modeling?

    If you don't let her do this with your blessing, you don't deserve to have her.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Well if it is NOT porn, and they are all in good taste, then why the hell would you break up?!?!?! Stick with it, help her, support her, that is the most important thing she needs right now. I don't get why it would bother you so much.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Yeah bro I really don't understand where this is coming from. Oh well I'm thinking maybe your a little possessive of her and don't take offense to that. I honestly think you should support her 100%

    Just my 2 cents.


  19. #19
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Glad to hear you are trying to get past it. Hope it works out for the both of you.

    BTW. whats everybody got against porn
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Hoss's Moms bedroom
    whats everybody got against porn
    Yeah! What's the problem with a lil porn?

    Seriously though, for me it would depend on what kind of modelling she was doing. Is she modelling lawn furniture, jewelry, clothing or is she in those ads in the back of Hustler? If she is doing any 'real' modelling it would not bother me personally. Ask yourself this: would you be mad if your sister was doing what your girl is doing?

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    The Office
    Originally posted by chicamahomico

    Yeah! What's the problem with a lil porn?

    Seriously though, for me it would depend on what kind of modelling she was doing. Is she modelling lawn furniture, jewelry, clothing or is she in those ads in the back of Hustler? If she is doing any 'real' modelling it would not bother me personally. Ask yourself this: would you be mad if your sister was doing what your girl is doing?

    Damn thats a good way to put it, no I wouldnt be mad. I dont have anything against porn as long as my g-friend isn't doing it, hell I love porn. She'll be doing make-up, jewelry modeling...stuff like that. I'm fine now i've accepted it

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    new york
    If it's not porn what's the big deal. Let her live her life. If she got what it takes god bless her. Your crying about nothing and I don't mean to sound like asshole.

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