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Thread: Kali Muscle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    WV, USA

    Kali Muscle

    My fellow YouTube junkies have probably came across this guys videos.

    Look I'm glad this man cleaned up his life and is on the right track. But I hate people who look like him going around saying they have never used AAS. It's part of the problem of our sport in my eyes. You see these guys in magazine shoots and on video. Then you get the impression that if you work really hard you can look like that too. Only to realize later that these guys don't look like that year round and that is just not realistic.

    I don't care what someone uses. And I understand not broadcasting it to people for obvious reasons, but you can just avoid the topic. This man talks about eating Ramon noodles and tuna and working out without weights. And we are supposed to believe he looks the way he does from these method's and naturally? Come on bro!

    Well got my rant out for this morning. lol

  2. #2
    He was pretty much claiming natural while he was initially in prison. I honestly don't doubt it, but he never states he's never taken steroids, unless I misunderstood him. Just about everyone takes the video as him claiming he is natural now, and obviously no one would believe that. First person that big I have ever seen do muscle ups.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    WV, USA
    "First person that big I have ever seen do muscle ups."

    For sure! He is impressive as hell. Maybe I just misunderstood him. He came off to me like another CT Fletcher. Which CT I can't tell, he may be natural. But Kali sure as hell is not! lol

    I like the horizontal plank from the side of the train!! That stuff's crazy!!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2002


    Quote Originally Posted by boostjunkie09 View Post
    This man talks about eating Ramon noodles and tuna and working out without weights. And we are supposed to believe he looks the way he does from these method's and naturally? Come on bro!
    Remember, bro....The once great Hulk Hogan used to tell kids to "TRAIN HARD, TAKE YOUR VITAMINS, AND SAY YOUR PRAYERS AND YOU CAN LOOK LIKE ME." Yet years later, he is accused of doing gear. Go figure, huh? LOL

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