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Thread: Cancer82's Official Rant Thread

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2012

    Cancer82's Official Rant Thread

    Whats the deal with when your trying to workout and you have all the douchebags walking around like they're the baddest mofo in the gym? I mean can a get ONE workout in without some damn ass walking past looking at me or anyone else for that matter all screw-faced? why are you payin soooo much attention the the workout Im doing???? maybe if you'd payed half the attention to your workout in the gym instead of other ppl you'd actually be makin some kind of progress...

    Whats the deal with these mma wanna be's comin in the gym with there Ufc/Affliction/Metal Mulisha bags thinkin they own the place?? Ought dont let them come in as a group....better back up and give them room...please...slamming weight around then grilling the weight machine as if to make the plates go run and hide...

    Personal Trainers.....ooooooooh mmmyyyy goooodness....1st if you're gonna be a personal trainer....please first and foremost....PAY ATTENTION TO YOUR CLIENT....they pay this money for a 45 min session for u to be lookin off in space or at other enthusiasm/motivation with your about u at least make sure your client is performing the exercise correctly....lunges were there knee is a ft past there foot...kettlebell swings were they bend at the back and not there knees....hurky-jerky movements....and maybe a little variety please...why does all the Personal Trainers have all the clients doing the exact same exercises???? 3rd..hey Mr. Personal Trainer leaning up against the wall...hoe about u go around a communicate with the ppl in the gym......hey that guy right there in front of you on the lat-pull ummm for one hes leaning forward..two hrs clankin the bar on the back of his neck...three I think its a little too much weight as hes being lifted out of the seat when the bar goes back up....I dont kno how about u go do your job and help the guy out instead of munching on your apple?? its your job and maybe just maybe you'll get a client out of helping someone out..

    Oh man...whats the deal with the ppl who want to walk awkwardly close to you while you're working hey dont use that other 15 foot of space over there..just come by and practically rub your as$ on me while im working out!!!! whats with the jerk who stands 10ft away from you glaring as if to telepathically tell u hes waiting for the machine...hey by all means if u wanna work in come over and more than happy to let you work in too....but as long as you're standing over there with your panties in bunch..arms folded...tapping your foot like you're about to break out in a West Side Story performance ill keep working out and laughing at you in my head

    ahhhhhh....end rant

    get it off your YOUR rant

    -Beast Mode-

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Having a good week bud?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    lol....I've held off on making the thread for about a week but it kept building up...while typing I found myself sounding like a certain member that had some weird threads/post here recently....

    definitely not goin down the crazy tunnel lol...just had to get it out

    plus I thought it'd be fun to hear others rants as it comes up in various threads lol

    -Beast Mode-

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    bump for cancer.

  5. #5
    Lol I hate when people make threads about topics there are already threads on

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  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    i hate trolls

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2012

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