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Thread: How do I learn to be a hard a$$?

  1. #1
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    How do I learn to be a hard a$$?

    I have always hated confrontation and typically just walk away and dont say anything instead of saying something and starting a problem but it gets old people, especially contractors not doing what they say they are going to do.

    My latest example is having a cedar fence repaired. I called and asked for bids to fix my fence that is roughtly 150ft x 150ft x 75ft. 70% is good, 20% needs some type of repair and 10% needs replaced.

    I accepted a bid of $1500 to fix it. Replace 6-8 post, trim 100% of the bottom to get it up from the dirt/gravel and re trim the bottom. Replace the top cap where needed and replace 6 panels and a few miscellaneous boards.

    So far paid for material only, $800
    6 panels were replaced
    3 post were replaced only. 3 other post are solid but twisted badly.
    None of the caps were replaced
    None of the bottoms were trimmed except for the new panels
    Most but not all the boards were replaced that needed it.

    They guy tried telling me he was finished on the 3rd and wanted the rest of his payment. I could not just let this one guy but was not nearly as verbal as I should have been.

    He is coming back to trim the bottom and replace the bottom trim. I'm sure it wont be 100% or what I expected. He is not planning on replacing any of the caps or the other post that need replaced. NO I have not payed him the $700 yet.

    I wish I could pay someone else $100 to be an azz to him and make him do it right. lol If I had time I would have done it but I know it would take me 5x as long and I just dont have the time. Maybe I have to start hiring people that I work side by side with so I can baby sit them??? Dont have the time, that's why I wanted to pay someone.

    Damn! why can people just do the job right the 1st time?

  2. #2
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    To be a hard ass you need to subdue all emotion and fear!!!!!

  3. #3
    human project's Avatar
    human project is offline Knowledgeable Member~Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Step 1... Take large amounts of aas.... Mainly tren......

  4. #4
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    Step 2. Eat lots of meat

  5. #5
    human project's Avatar
    human project is offline Knowledgeable Member~Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    I'm a complete idiot..... I was replying to the wrong thread... Sorry I would edit but it won't let me delete... I don't know how it jumped to this thread lol

  6. #6
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    Lb just remember, he is working for you not the other way around. If you hired him to do a certain job make him do it or don't pay him. If he is a quality contractor he will make it right. No need to really be a hardass, just get what you paid for.

  7. #7
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    Lol. I'm the opposite way. I am learning as I get older when to stop talking but I go off like a drill instructor when I think someone has no integrity. I work twice as hard as.most of the people around me and I usually do a better job than was expected. When someone tries to fvck me I get really angry.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Java Man
    Lol. I'm the opposite way. I am learning as I get older when to stop talking but I go off like a drill instructor when I think someone has no integrity. I work twice as hard as.most of the people around me and I usually do a better job than was expected. When someone tries to fvck me I get really angry.
    ^^^^this, especially if they making my job harder now that pisses me off. If you pay for something, that's what you should get. Idk where LB lives but if its anywhere in the NE there are alot shysters up here and they will try to get over on you.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by ppwc1985 View Post
    ^^^^this, especially if they making my job harder now that pisses me off. If you pay for something, that's what you should get. Idk where LB lives but if its anywhere in the NE there are alot shysters up here and they will try to get over on you.
    They're everywhere. I'm in California and we have shysters like cockroaches. I think the problem is just 80% of all humans are lazy sh!theads regardless of location.

  10. #10
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    You know you could just write him a cheque, then call the bank to cancel payment on it. He'd typically call you up to bitch about it and it's easier to handle the confrontation on the phone than it would be in person.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Honkey_Kong View Post
    You know you could just write him a cheque, then call the bank to cancel payment on it. He'd typically call you up to bitch about it and it's easier to handle the confrontation on the phone than it would be in person.
    LOL, no bad idea then you end up with a lean against you and that will fvck with anything you try to purchase in the future.

    Yeah there are lazy people everywhere. Im like Java man, I go out of my way to make sure the job is done right and typically beyond expectations.

    I have done so much work for others all my life and have never shorted anyone except myself. I keep thinking other people are the same or at least do what they should do and just to trusting so I keep getting burned or disappointed.

    Yeah I realize he works for me and we are going to go over a few things in the morning before he starts working to finish his work such as the $$$ amount of material purchased vs what he said it would cost as well as what was done vs what was supposed to be or expected to be done.

    Still either way it sucks. I wish it would just go the way it's supposed to but I know by now it never does.

    I have a BIG project coming up in the near future and this just reminds me I will need to get EVERYTHING in writing and be diligent on keeping tabs on what is being done.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Honkey_Kong View Post
    You know you could just write him a cheque, then call the bank to cancel payment on it. He'd typically call you up to bitch about it and it's easier to handle the confrontation on the phone than it would be in person.
    Personally, I'd rather have the pos in front of me. I want to go off on people all the time but I realize that my standards are higher than most ago I pick my battles. When I have a really good reason to and it's justified even in the eyes of the lazy public consensus, I want to do it in person.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    LOL, no bad idea then you end up with a lean against you and that will fvck with anything you try to purchase in the future.

    Yeah there are lazy people everywhere. Im like Java man, I go out of my way to make sure the job is done right and typically beyond expectations.

    I have done so much work for others all my life and have never shorted anyone except myself. I keep thinking other people are the same or at least do what they should do and just to trusting so I keep getting burned or disappointed.

    Yeah I realize he works for me and we are going to go over a few things in the morning before he starts working to finish his work such as the $$$ amount of material purchased vs what he said it would cost as well as what was done vs what was supposed to be or expected to be done.

    Still either way it sucks. I wish it would just go the way it's supposed to but I know by now it never does.

    I have a BIG project coming up in the near future and this just reminds me I will need to get EVERYTHING in writing and be diligent on keeping tabs on what is being done.
    Its just that our standards are to high man. We should lower them. (that's sarcasm)

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Java Man View Post
    Its just that our standards are to high man. We should lower them. (that's sarcasm)
    Yeah I could hear the sarcasm dripping from the text. You probably like me have actually tried to convince yourself to do that, lower you standards and to do other things that are not quite ethical but I can never bring myself to do it.

    I think of all kinds of way I COULD made money, scam people or even BS women like most guys do in the bars/clubs but I just cant do it. I open my mouth and the truth always come out. Really sucks.... lol

  15. #15
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
    jimmyinkedup is offline Disappointment* Known SCAMMER - Do Not Trust *
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    You just havent been f'ed over quite enough yet but it sure sounds like you are close!!

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimmyinkedup View Post
    You just havent been f'ed over quite enough yet but it sure sounds like you are close!!
    You my friend are very wrong. I just have a LOT more patience and more forgiving than most. Ohhhh the stories I could and have told on here and they are only part of it.

  17. #17
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Not easy to find a good contractor. It's always best to have exactly what you want done in writing. Not necessarily a contract (although that would be better), but a contract generated by the consumer won't get signed. However, having a copy of requests and indicating a clear outcome will help. That way you can always refer back to the copy that both of you possess, should there be any conflict. That usually prevents any disagreements.

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by austinite View Post
    Not easy to find a good contractor. It's always best to have exactly what you want done in writing. Not necessarily a contract (although that would be better), but a contract generated by the consumer won't get signed. However, having a copy of requests and indicating a clear outcome will help. That way you can always refer back to the copy that both of you possess, should there be any conflict. That usually prevents any disagreements.
    Yeah luckily I do have most of the main stuff in writing such as cutting all the bottom and re trimming the bottom. I dont have how many post he was going to replace although it was clear because he dropped the price $100 because I already had more than enough 4x4 8' pressure treated post and they only cost $16 each.

    But yeah hind site being 20/20 (again) its just a good reminder for me on my next project to have EVERYTHING written down by the contractor.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Yeah luckily I do have most of the main stuff in writing such as cutting all the bottom and re trimming the bottom. I dont have how many post he was going to replace although it was clear because he dropped the price $100 because I already had more than enough 4x4 8' pressure treated post and they only cost $16 each.

    But yeah hind site being 20/20 (again) its just a good reminder for me on my next project to have EVERYTHING written down by the contractor.
    Another thing that I forgot to point out, you might look into an XDM-40. That usually helps considerably.

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  20. #20
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    Always make sure its a bid and not a quote. Quotes a merely a guess of how much it might cost and they can end up dinging you more $ as where a bid is more binding. Make sure said bid is written and is a legel contract.

    Unfortunately with (most) contractors you have to be attentive and act as a general contractor yourself, constantly standing over them and checking on progress. Make sure you pay for NO labor till the job is complete!!! Most will want half down or materials paid but do NOT pay the rest till the job is completed to satisfaction. If he argues then return to the written bid.

    Last, come do my job for a few years. You will learn quickly that the majority of ppl will lie to you, fuk you over and treat you with contempt. Then you will be surprised how simple it is to be an ass! The down side is that it's hard to turn it off when necessary

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by austinite View Post
    Another thing that I forgot to point out, you might look into an XDM-40. That usually helps considerably.
    You dont think my Glock 23 would work?

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    You dont think my Glock 23 would work?
    You might miss with that.

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by austinite View Post
    Another thing that I forgot to point out, you might look into an XDM-40. That usually helps considerably.
    this!!!!! and wear it on your hip like they did in the wild west!!!

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by austinite View Post
    You might miss with that.
    Ouch!!! lol I dont think so. Never had a problem with accuracy with it or my 19.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Ouch!!! lol I dont think so. Never had a problem with accuracy with it or my 19.
    just kidding!!!

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  26. #26
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    If he does substandard work, you can report him to the contractors board. In California, if he doesn't have a contractors license, you don't have to pay him more than say 5 or 6 hundred dollars.

  27. #27
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    If I looked like marcus or kel, I wouldn't need to be a hard ass. These asshats would just say, "yessir" and do what I politely asked.

  28. #28
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    Well I did go out in a tank top last time and he did agree quickly that it was his mistake and he would fix it so????

    There are just a couple things I have not brought up yet until he says he is done again. We will see.
    Last edited by lovbyts; 07-08-2013 at 10:13 PM.

  29. #29
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    Lunk1 is right get everything in writing even get some pics from properly done jobs and put them with the written agreement. Mark the posts and boards you want replaced so he knows that you want that job not the job he thinks is good enough. Do not pay till its done right. Speak up like really what is he going to do? He does not care what you think why do you care what he thinks. Its your money that he wants not your friendship.

    Damn so jealous that you guys can get guns so easy I only wish! Good Luck.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Well I did.go out in a tank top last time and he did agree quickly that it was his mistake and he would fix it so????

    There are just a couple things I have not brought up yet until he says he is done again. We will see.
    Good. That's a great start. Hopefully, he'll do you right without any drama.

  31. #31
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    in either case, make sure you get a lien release from him, even if you pay him partly, or in full..
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  32. #32
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    Coincidently, I happen to be a Hard-Ass instructor, and the next class will be starting soon.

    So send your tuition fees to:

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  33. #33
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    It just started over the past year or so. I'm happy ,mostly, with myself and proud of the hard work I've put into my body and that resulted in me being "cockier" as my girlfriend put it

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by human project View Post
    I'm a complete idiot..... I was replying to the wrong thread... Sorry I would edit but it won't let me delete... I don't know how it jumped to this thread lol
    Actually, your recommendations would be appropriate in taking the next step to"being a hardass"

  35. #35
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    Well he did more than I expected he would after seeing what he did the 1st time but not as much as I wanted or originally expected. Dropped the price another $100 due to not using/replacing more post. I would have rather had the post replaced but I can live with it since I'm going to rent the place out in a few months anyways.

    To make it the way I want it I still need to do a couple of hours of work myself but it's pretty straight forward at this point and only a couple of little things. All in all it's OK now but I just dont understand why things aren't done right or what was agreed upon the 1st time.

  36. #36
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    I own and operate a asphalt plant and paving equipment been doing it for around 12 years . I some times am a contractor and at times hire contractors .My grandpa did the same so did my dad if grown up around contractors . My advice to you is to be as clear as possible from the get go and get everything in writing .Every damn detail you can think of . You don't even need to be an asshole ,just point to the damn paper and whats stated there .

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Yeah I could hear the sarcasm dripping from the text. You probably like me have actually tried to convince yourself to do that, lower you standards and to do other things that are not quite ethical but I can never bring myself to do it.

    I think of all kinds of way I COULD made money, scam people or even BS women like most guys do in the bars/clubs but I just cant do it. I open my mouth and the truth always come out. Really sucks.... lol
    Same. Sometimes I wish I had no morals because I have some really good ideas on how to screwbpeople and take their money but its just not in me to do it lol.

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by austinite View Post
    Not easy to find a good contractor. It's always best to have exactly what you want done in writing. Not necessarily a contract (although that would be better), but a contract generated by the consumer won't get signed. However, having a copy of requests and indicating a clear outcome will help. That way you can always refer back to the copy that both of you possess, should there be any conflict. That usually prevents any disagreements.
    I get everything in writing now. Even when something is discussed verbally, I send a follow up summarizing the date, time and what was discussed. Funny. I don't get into many disagreements in business these days.

  39. #39
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    Yea I used to be like that, try to be nice to everyone but i have realized runing a business, you just can not be nice. People will step all over you. Now i dont mind telling someone just what i think, if it leads to a heated confrontation then so be it.

  40. #40
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    One word: sus !

    Is that even considered a word?

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