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Thread: What do you do career wise? Going for my ba, or bs. Advice needed please

  1. #41
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    I don't know about your BA but you are definitely in the right place to get your BS.....

  2. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    I never lived in an area the rent was $600 and u can an insure a car for $35. And i soend alot more at food store then $450
    insurance rates are based on age and history, I pay $72 a month for brand new Altima, and focus, full coverage on both. several of my friends pay in the 20-30 range, but they are in there 40's and 50's with clean records.

    Rent is based on location/ amenities. 600 is actually on the high side where I live for apartments, I would say mid on a house.

  3. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by austinite View Post
    LMAO! Love that first line.

    $600 rent? The city wouldn't even let me stay under a bridge for that little. The fact is, most of what you listed are luxuries. Car, phone, supps, insurance, gas, CC, gym, most utilities. So yeah, one could cut down and live off of 18k per year, but forget all that noise. Where I live, you can multiply your list x 2. at minimum.
    Im assuming you live in a big metro city? In a small town, 600 rent can get you a decent place with decent amenities. Our third apartment complex we stayed at for 2 years was gated, had large pool, hardwood floors, and free cable, all for 600 p/m. and was also 900 sqft 2 bedroom.

    18k a year would very difficult as that is poverty level but still possible, many people do it around here. Lots of poor folks where I come from. don't get me wrong, Id love to have the 100 plus k job, and they are here, you just have to work about 80 hours a week. and chad aint gonna work 80 hours a week. I personally couldn't live in a big city, just never liked it. I like calm and quiet country settings. the less people the better.

  4. #44
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    I've been a screen printer and graphic designer since I graduated high school. Its not bad but I definitely want something a little more out of life then designing and printing t-shirts for family reunions and football games. I'm going to school for nursing, and eventually work my way up to being a nurse practitioner. I'm a fit male, and from what I've gathered that is something the industry just gobbles up. I may end up changing my mind and go more towards the dietician route because chemistry and nutrition have always been an interest of mine but the job security with nursing is just... Very nice. Haha.

  5. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by austinite View Post
    LMAO! Love that first line.

    $600 rent? The city wouldn't even let me stay under a bridge for that little. The fact is, most of what you listed are luxuries. Car, phone, supps, insurance, gas, CC, gym, most utilities. So yeah, one could cut down and live off of 18k per year, but forget all that noise. Where I live, you can multiply your list x 2. at minimum.
    I rented an apartment in Vegas for $415 a month. It was on Sierra Vista and Maryland Pkwy, so all you got to do is ask JohnnyVegas how rough of a neighbourhood that was. And at that, $18k would be pretty close to impossible to live on.

    I don't know how somebody can train and live on $450's worth of groceries per month. Even if you're not training, that comes out to $14 a day for food. You're barely eating on $14 a day. And who spends $100 a month on gas? And $120 in utilities? My electric bill alone is usually more than that. I think Basketball's figures are a little off. I'd honestly love to see his monthly budgeting excel sheet.

  6. #46
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    450 for food is very possible if you know how to shop. I buy all my big stuff from Costco, I don't even think I spend 450. I get 40 chicken Breast for $22. 36 eggs for 3.00. Two large bags of oatmeal for less than 10. Very easy to eat cheap unless your eating 10000 cal a day, I eat 2600 right now.

  7. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by ppwc1985 View Post
    450 for food is very possible if you know how to shop. I buy all my big stuff from Costco, I don't even think I spend 450. I get 40 chicken Breast for $22. 36 eggs for 3.00. Two large bags of oatmeal for less than 10. Very easy to eat cheap unless your eating 10000 cal a day, I eat 2600 right now.
    For about 1lb of chicken breast I pay around $4-6.50 for it. If I want steak, a rib-eye costs $7-12. The costcos here don't sell 36 jumbo eggs for 3.00. Maybe it's because I'm living in Socal, but even in Vegas, I paid a ton more than $450 a month on groceries.

  8. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by basketballfan22 View Post
    Are you serious? Here is a budget of my finances which includes over $8 per day on supplements (thanks a lot!).

    Monthly Costs:
    Food: $450
    Car: $200
    Phone: $75
    Supplements: $244
    Insurance: $35
    Gas: $100
    Credit card debt: $100
    Utilities (including television and Internet): $120
    Gym: $38

    This totals out to $1962 per month or $23,544 per year. Maybe our definitions defer on "necessities." Some of the things I mentioned are far from necessities too.

    Personally, I am taking a path that I love because it is what makes me happy. Money is not as important to me as it may be to others. As long as I am able to make enough to live comfortably, then enjoyment in what I do is what is most important.

    All your living expenses combined doesn't even pay one of my mortgage payments.

  9. #49
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    maybe ill be a high roller one day, in the next life?

  10. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by chadcuz1985 View Post

    insurance rates are based on age and history, I pay $72 a month for brand new Altima, and focus, full coverage on both. several of my friends pay in the 20-30 range, but they are in there 40's and 50's with clean records.

    Rent is based on location/ amenities. 600 is actually on the high side where I live for apartments, I would say mid on a house.
    I know what insurance rates arw based on, im older, married and both and have clean records, she has 1 speeding ticket.
    But still i never laid that little, u really must live in bumble fvck
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  11. #51
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    72 bucks for 2 cars, full coverage. Wow. That has to be some stripped down insurance. See that scares me. Probably will incur a ton of costs out of pocket and never get what you need.

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  12. #52
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    I'm in radio and I enjoy it...

  13. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chx beach 79 View Post
    I'm in radio and I enjoy it...
    That's pretty cool !

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  14. #54
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  15. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by austinite
    That's pretty cool !
    Yeah it's good work, I'm not on the air... I am in the business end of it, I currently have 21 stations all over the country...(US)

  16. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chx beach 79 View Post
    Yeah it's good work, I'm not on the air... I am in the business end of it, I currently have 21 stations all over the country...
    Nice. Even if you're not on the air, I'm sure it keeps you busy and changes daily. Good for you. I'm playing with podcasts right now, would be nice to get on the radio one day.

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  17. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by austinite
    Nice. Even if you're not on the air, I'm sure it keeps you busy and changes daily. Good for you. I'm playing with podcasts right now, would be nice to get on the radio one day.
    That is cool! I have a bunch of talk stations ..... What kind of podcast are you doing?

  18. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chx beach 79 View Post
    That is cool! I have a bunch of talk stations ..... What kind of podcast are you doing?
    I'm just spitting out nutritional supplement info right now. I'm pretty much stock piling right now so I have a good chunk to start with incase I fall behind once I launch them. I'd love to do a live Q & A one day. I've been told a few times I have a radio voice. haha.

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  19. #59
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    Dairy and crop farmer. Milk 80 cows and farm 1500 acres in corn, soybeans and hay

  20. #60
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    Quote Originally Posted by austinite

    I'm just spitting out nutritional supplement info right now. I'm pretty much stock piling right now so I have a good chunk to start with incase I fall behind once I launch them. I'd love to do a live Q & A one day. I've been told a few times I have a radio voice. haha.
    We need to chat somewhere else about this more in depth... Possibly we can air it at night on a few stations(for free) and see if we get any response! Send me a pm if you want to throw the idea around..

  21. #61
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chx beach 79 View Post
    We need to chat somewhere else about this more in depth... Possibly we can air it at night on a few stations(for free) and see if we get any response! Send me a pm if you want to throw the idea around..
    Definitely! Thanks man.

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  22. #62
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    I used to be a male model. Some of you here probably recognize me. I modeled socks...on the radio...

  23. #63
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shol'va
    I used to be a male model. Some of you here probably recognize me. I modeled socks...on the radio...
    Ahha that was you!!! You are the best... Will you send me a signed foot shot? Lol

  24. #64
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chx beach 79 View Post
    Ahha that was you!!! You are the best... Will you send me a signed foot shot? Lol
    Consider it done..

  25. #65
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    Im sure you can find a shithole in areas.
    When i lived in north jersey my rent was $1450 for a 1bedroom
    Mt girls was $1500 for a 2 bedroom in brooklyn. Im sure you coukd cind a place for $600 in Brooklyn but you may get killed.
    Ill take a job i dont like as much and live in a nicer area.
    You mention roommates, eventually you grow up and cant have roomates
    Try and get your deposit back first if you choose this option.
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  26. #66
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shol'va

    Consider it done..
    I can't wait to tell my friends!!! I will post it on Instagram... Everyone will be so jealous! Lol

  27. #67
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    Quote Originally Posted by austinite View Post
    72 bucks for 2 cars, full coverage. Wow. That has to be some stripped down insurance. See that scares me. Probably will incur a ton of costs out of pocket and never get what you need.
    state farm. deductible is 500 bucks. its actually great coverage. oh, my house is also tied into the insurance, the more you bundle, the more you save with em. I have had several companies, state farm is the best by far

  28. #68
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    Quote Originally Posted by chadcuz1985 View Post
    state farm. deductible is 500 bucks. its actually great coverage. oh, my house is also tied into the insurance, the more you bundle, the more you save with em. I have had several companies, state farm is the best by far
    Wild. I know it varies from state to state, even city to city but I didn't think that much. I have a great record and I can't touch those numbers. One of my cars is more than that. Good for you though, wish I could pay that!

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  29. #69
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    Let me tell you something, this will be anecdotal, as these are my own personal experiences....

    I was raised by a single mother....I was raised on, depending on the year, between $240,000-$280,000 per year....Most people would believe that to be a lot of money. I can assure you it is not living the high life by any means. That is an income with which you will still have bills, you will still have a mortgage, car payments, credit cards, and you will not be driving a Ferrari, lucky if you can drive a Mercedes. You might say I'm jaded. It is absolutely essential to consider INCOME when choosing a career.

    In my case, I did chose something which I think I'd be happy at doing, but I also chose it based on knowing that I wanted to be able to maintain the lifestyle I had become accustomed to living, and to EXCEED that lifestyle. You will have people tell you that this is wrong, that it is greedy, unkind, and rude. I assure you, there is nothing wrong with wanting MORE for both yourself, your partner, and your children, than you had growing up. Many people seem to be of the opinion that if you did not grow up poor, or in the lower middle class, that to aspire for something "BETTER" for yourself&your family is greedy and wrong. I do not agree with such progressive social democratic vitriol. There exists the potential for upward mobility at all levels of SES(socioeconomic status) and background.

    With all that being said, your chosen profession I believe, should be something that you are at least 'interested' in doing. I was fortunate in that I have both a passion for law and a passion for science/medicine, and that both fields happen to be quite lucrative given the right circumstances and specialties within those fields. I would contend that one can make a substantial living in ANY field, even those traditionally thought of as being poor. However, the number of people making a substantial income from Art, Photography, or Personal Training are extremely few. It becomes a numbers game at this point, one of probabilities and possibilities. The likelihood that YOU will be one of the couple thousand personal trainers in the entire country who make a SUBSTANTIAL living from it (quite a different prospect then a subsistence living). When looking at probabilities in career choices, you look at the median, do a large number of people in the particular career field make $XXX,XXX.XX earning potential? Or whatever earning potential you are looking to make, the earning potential you believe you can live a comfortable life at. This is much different then looking at POSSIBILITIES, for instance, about 3,000 people in the country likely make $100,000+ per year as personal trainers, maybe 100-300 make 7 figures as personal trainers. So while that income is theoretically POSSIBLE, the theoretical PROBABILITY that YOU will make such an income in that chosen career field is nil. So a fair dose of reality is advisable when picking such a career field.

    One of the most important things you will learn when research career fields in this day and age is ROI, Return on Investment. With the recent advent of ballooning student loan debt, there is a huge emphasis on ROI with regards to the chosen degree. Tuition increases are outpacing both real wage increases and inflation. Additionally, during a recession, older more experienced workers chose either to retire later, or to come out of retirement, which leads to MEANINGFUL jobs being unavailable to those looking to enter the professional workforce. Meaningful jobs are those which are full time, have promotion potential, and pay a livable wage. What this meas when considering ROI, is that perhaps Mommy&Daddy should not be paying $20,000/year in tuition,room,&board for Junior to get a Liberal Arts degree in Women's Studies, African American Studies, Sociology, Philosophy, or some other such degree which is good for only one of two things, 1) Applying to graduate school such as law school, or 2) Applying to a PhD program to enter academia to teach aforementioned useless major (Which actually makes these majors look more and more like academic Ponzi schemes in my opinion).

    Well, I have ranted substantially...Good luck.

  30. #70
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    Quote Originally Posted by thegodfather
    Let me tell you something, this will be anecdotal, as these are my own personal experiences....

    I was raised by a single mother....I was raised on, depending on the year, between $240,000-$280,000 per year....Most people would believe that to be a lot of money. I can assure you it is not living the high life by any means. That is an income with which you will still have bills, you will still have a mortgage, car payments, credit cards, and you will not be driving a Ferrari, lucky if you can drive a Mercedes. You might say I'm jaded. It is absolutely essential to consider INCOME when choosing a career.

    In my case, I did chose something which I think I'd be happy at doing, but I also chose it based on knowing that I wanted to be able to maintain the lifestyle I had become accustomed to living, and to EXCEED that lifestyle. You will have people tell you that this is wrong, that it is greedy, unkind, and rude. I assure you, there is nothing wrong with wanting MORE for both yourself, your partner, and your children, than you had growing up. Many people seem to be of the opinion that if you did not grow up poor, or in the lower middle class, that to aspire for something "BETTER" for yourself&your family is greedy and wrong. I do not agree with such progressive social democratic vitriol. There exists the potential for upward mobility at all levels of SES(socioeconomic status) and background.

    With all that being said, your chosen profession I believe, should be something that you are at least 'interested' in doing. I was fortunate in that I have both a passion for law and a passion for science/medicine, and that both fields happen to be quite lucrative given the right circumstances and specialties within those fields. I would contend that one can make a substantial living in ANY field, even those traditionally thought of as being poor. However, the number of people making a substantial income from Art, Photography, or Personal Training are extremely few. It becomes a numbers game at this point, one of probabilities and possibilities. The likelihood that YOU will be one of the couple thousand personal trainers in the entire country who make a SUBSTANTIAL living from it (quite a different prospect then a subsistence living). When looking at probabilities in career choices, you look at the median, do a large number of people in the particular career field make $XXX,XXX.XX earning potential? Or whatever earning potential you are looking to make, the earning potential you believe you can live a comfortable life at. This is much different then looking at POSSIBILITIES, for instance, about 3,000 people in the country likely make $100,000+ per year as personal trainers, maybe 100-300 make 7 figures as personal trainers. So while that income is theoretically POSSIBLE, the theoretical PROBABILITY that YOU will make such an income in that chosen career field is nil. So a fair dose of reality is advisable when picking such a career field.

    One of the most important things you will learn when research career fields in this day and age is ROI, Return on Investment. With the recent advent of ballooning student loan debt, there is a huge emphasis on ROI with regards to the chosen degree. Tuition increases are outpacing both real wage increases and inflation. Additionally, during a recession, older more experienced workers chose either to retire later, or to come out of retirement, which leads to MEANINGFUL jobs being unavailable to those looking to enter the professional workforce. Meaningful jobs are those which are full time, have promotion potential, and pay a livable wage. What this meas when considering ROI, is that perhaps Mommy&Daddy should not be paying $20,000/year in tuition,room,&board for Junior to get a Liberal Arts degree in Women's Studies, African American Studies, Sociology, Philosophy, or some other such degree which is good for only one of two things, 1) Applying to graduate school such as law school, or 2) Applying to a PhD program to enter academia to teach aforementioned useless major (Which actually makes these majors look more and more like academic Ponzi schemes in my opinion).

    Well, I have ranted substantially...Good luck.
    Personally I think most professions including law and medical are over populated and the earning potential is far less then it has ever been. The simplest and fastest way to make real money in this day and age is though owning and starting your own business... You will be hard pressed even as a doctor or lawyer to ever experience financial freedom. I employee a couple lawyers one Business attorney and the other is a FCC attorney both do well(upper middle class) but work ridiculous hours and there quality of life in my opinion would be considered low. With that being said, you have a much better earning potential as a personal trainer who sells themselves as a business via supplements, clothing, a chain of gyms, etc.... It is more far fetched to get out of the middle class as doctor or lawyer then it as a motivated personal trainer! Look at P90x or body by jake!

    Name the 10 wealthiest people in your community and almost all of them will own there owns business, and fewer will of needed there education to of achieved it. I'm not talking mom and pop business but real business...

    If you love what you do you will be more driven to expand and grow, if your job sucks you will do just enough to get by!

    If I was going to invest my money it would be with said motivated personal trainer over someone trying to get there law career of the ground.

    Just my 2 cents! I hope it helps
    Last edited by Chx beach 79; 07-15-2013 at 08:01 PM.

  31. #71
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chx beach 79 View Post
    Personally I think most professions including law and medical are over populated and the earning potential is far less then it has ever been. The only true way to make real money in this day and age is though owning and starting your own business... You will be hard pressed even as a doctor or lawyer to ever experience financial freedom. I employee a couple lawyers one Business attorney and the other is a FCC attorney both do well(upper middle class) but work ridiculous hours and there quality of life in my opinion would be considered low. With that being said, you have a much better earning potential as a personal trainer who sells themselves as a business via supplements, clothing, a chain of gyms, etc.... It is more far fetched to get out of the middle class as doctor or lawyer then it as a motivated personal trainer! Look at P90x or body by jake!

    Just my 2 cents!

    If you love what you do you will be more driven to expand and grow, if your job sucks you will do just enough to get by!

    If I was going to invest my money it would be with said motivated personal trainer over someone trying to get there law career of the ground.
    Godfather is correct,
    and you used p90x and body by jake as expamples for those 2 that made something know how many 10 of thousands can pay bills of of being a personal trainer. I've been in and out of the fitness industry for over 15 years. Stopped being a trainer probably 13 years ago. Its a shit job unluss your some sort of professional athlete, competitor or ex one of those. The percentage that actually make something of them selves is very small.
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  32. #72
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1

    Godfather is correct,
    and you used p90x and body by jake as expamples for those 2 that made something know how many 10 of thousands can pay bills of of being a personal trainer. I've been in and out of the fitness industry for over 15 years. Stopped being a trainer probably 13 years ago. Its a shit job unluss your some sort of professional athlete, competitor or ex one of those. The percentage that actually make something of them selves is very small.
    Did you execute a business plan to expand on a national level and seek investors to help do so? I am not talking about people who just do the job and hope something better will come out of it but people that actually execut a well thought out plan with a team of business people. Also, the personal training was simply a example of any kind of business model over a career doing just a job.

  33. #73
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chx beach 79 View Post
    Did you execute a business plan to expand on a national level and seek investors to help do so? I am not talking about people who just do the job and hope something better will come out of it but people that actually execut a well thought out plan with a team of business people. Also, the personal training was simply a example of any kind of business model over a career doing just a job.
    no I didn't. I know better. And a lot of investors wont invest in something like that. I used to sell and lease the equipment to places. A GIANT percentage of them fail.
    I know a few that do well, 1 is an ex ifbb bro that just pays $500 a month rent at a gym and keeps what ever he makes. Another is a big crossfit competitor with a place in south beach. And other similar to them. All cause they had a name first. And they kept it small
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  34. #74
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    Quote Originally Posted by austinite View Post
    Wild. I know it varies from state to state, even city to city but I didn't think that much. I have a great record and I can't touch those numbers. One of my cars is more than that. Good for you though, wish I could pay that!

    we are just a poor ass state in a poor ass town, haha thats about it. On a side note, I managed to receive my A.S., and I decided not to pursue further education because of several things , being young and dumb one of them. And now that im older, id rather just bodybuild as to go out and try to make that extra buck. I had a decent paying job at one time, but the more money I got the more I felt like crap and kept spending, eventually falling in deep debt. Bodybuilding is a much more beautiful thing to me than money.

    Quote Originally Posted by DEFYJOEBOO View Post
    Maybe some of you could help me figure out what i want to Major in.

    I've got a little over a year until i get my BA, or BS. basically the only classes i have to take are those that i'll be majoring in.

    Me and my GF think it would be a good idea if i were to get into sports medicine eventually getting my Masters. i suggested it first because i like the gym; helping people; physiology: how living systems function and are effected by drugs; and I've liked science since i was very young

    I find AAS fascinating and that's why i'm asking you guys. i don't know what the hell to do. I made the mistake of believing that i wanted to be an accountant when i should have been a corpsman some real help would be appreciated. actually that would be cool if i Branched moved into the navy to be a corpsman.

    anyways, I checked out the descriptions for sports medicine degrees and it seems ok. i like nutritionist. it doesn't really sound awesome to me. i want to love what i do. If i love what i do the money will come.
    It doesn't matter whether you get your BA or BS, they pay about the same. Masters is where you will get into the solid 6 figure jobs. Why not go ahead and get your Phd if you have the money????

  35. #75
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    What do I know about business, I just figured I would contribute.....
    Last edited by Chx beach 79; 07-15-2013 at 08:39 PM.

  36. #76
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    Quote Originally Posted by austinite
    Wild. I know it varies from state to state, even city to city but I didn't think that much. I have a great record and I can't touch those numbers. One of my cars is more than that. Good for you though, wish I could pay that!
    Austin you'll hate this cause my insurance is out of Texas, I pay 300 a year through USAA. It kills me I could have joined them 10 years ago and didn't. My dad did and told me how cheap, went from 1300 year to 300 . Still kick myself in the ass. And I live in CT unfortunately.

  37. #77
    I'd go chat with folks in sports med and nutritionists in your area and have them give you a true feel for what the job is like. Reading job descriptions online will only get you so far. Plus, they'll have a much better idea of breadth of options you'll have with those degrees.

    For example, when I think of sports med, I think of the folks that attend sporting events for high schools and colleges and run out on the field when someone gets hurt, taping ankles before games, and stretching players, but I'm sure there's not only a lot more to it than that, there are probably a lot more options as well. You might find that there are options in one of the fields you didn't think of, or that the one you were leaning towards has a lot more of the monotonous things you didn't think of.

  38. #78
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    Quote Originally Posted by MakeEveryRepCount View Post
    I'd go chat with folks in sports med and nutritionists in your area and have them give you a true feel for what the job is like. Reading job descriptions online will only get you so far. Plus, they'll have a much better idea of breadth of options you'll have with those degrees.

    For example, when I think of sports med, I think of the folks that attend sporting events for high schools and colleges and run out on the field when someone gets hurt, taping ankles before games, and stretching players, but I'm sure there's not only a lot more to it than that, there are probably a lot more options as well. You might find that there are options in one of the fields you didn't think of, or that the one you were leaning towards has a lot more of the monotonous things you didn't think of.
    my cousin is in sports medicine, He is the director of that at a hospital and does travel with the big university football team in the area. but its more physical therapy then advance from there. Not being a personal trainer. My cousin does well financially
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  39. #79
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Chx beach 79 View Post
    Personally I think most professions including law and medical are over populated and the earning potential is far less then it has ever been. The simplest and fastest way to make real money in this day and age is though owning and starting your own business... You will be hard pressed even as a doctor or lawyer to ever experience financial freedom. I employee a couple lawyers one Business attorney and the other is a FCC attorney both do well(upper middle class) but work ridiculous hours and there quality of life in my opinion would be considered low. With that being said, you have a much better earning potential as a personal trainer who sells themselves as a business via supplements, clothing, a chain of gyms, etc.... It is more far fetched to get out of the middle class as doctor or lawyer then it as a motivated personal trainer! Look at P90x or body by jake!
    I own my own business and I could not agree more. Started as a CPA and morphed into a national consulting company. I worked my @$$ off for 25 years. One thing about being the boss, you never leave the job....

    Name the 10 wealthiest people in your community and almost all of them will own there owns business, and fewer will of needed there education to of achieved it. I'm not talking mom and pop business but real business...

    If you love what you do you will be more driven to expand and grow, if your job sucks you will do just enough to get by!

    If I was going to invest my money it would be with said motivated personal trainer over someone trying to get there law career of the ground.

    Just my 2 cents! I hope it helps
    Agree. I started as a CPA and then morphed into a national consulting company with over 150 employees. One thing about being the boss, you NEVER get away from the business......but you can try in your BMW 550I MSport...... Seriously, the more education, the better.

  40. #80
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    wow, thanks. i really needed all that right now. i'm currently in the process of getting a fitness nutrition certification from ISSA online. -$675.00. it's basically free because the military pays for my tuition. i'm scheduled to complete it March next year, though i'm going to try and get it done sooner. i start tomorrow. as far as BS, or BA goes, I really want to do something i enjoy. something in psychology, and medicine sound really good to me, but i've been doing this accounting shit for 5 years and honestly i don't think i'm very good at it. i would enjoy it if i didn't get so hung up on not being able to solve some of the accounting problems i run into. it's actually my job to fix f'd up monies and thankfully i just got a new boss who is managing directly over me and is really smart when it comes to fiscal rectifications and communicating. he doesn't mind helping me when i need a hand and he provides good clear guidance on what he expects. i wish i could just process all day. i would be in such a great mood like all the time if i could just process all day and not have to deal with problems all day.
    Last edited by C3RB3RUS; 08-03-2013 at 10:33 PM.

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