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Thread: Dealing with a break up

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Dealing with a break up

    So this girl I have been with for the past four years decided we need to call it quits earlier this month. We have been on/off for the past year but I guess she had enough. I would do anything to get her back but she just doesnt seem to want it anymore and I know theres nothing I can do to change that. But I cant help but want to talk to her/see her. I know I need to walk away but I just cant seem to do it. On top of that I can only eat one or two meals a day it feels like someone one is squeezing my stomach and I can barely eat and sometimes puke. This couldnt have come at a worse time I am going through PCT and have already lost 13lbs from not eating. How do you deal with something like this? Im even more depressed knowing that im losing all my gains from my last cycle because of this.

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by yeahbuddy289 View Post
    So this girl I have been with for the past four years decided we need to call it quits earlier this month. We have been on/off for the past year but I guess she had enough. I would do anything to get her back but she just doesnt seem to want it anymore and I know theres nothing I can do to change that. But I cant help but want to talk to her/see her. I know I need to walk away but I just cant seem to do it. On top of that I can only eat one or two meals a day it feels like someone one is squeezing my stomach and I can barely eat and sometimes puke. This couldnt have come at a worse time I am going through PCT and have already lost 13lbs from not eating. How do you deal with something like this? Im even more depressed knowing that im losing all my gains from my last cycle because of this.
    blast and cruise buddy .

    just joking mate. Sorry to hear about the break up, time heals everything. Surround yourself with friends and family and put the mobile phone away for a while, keep yourself occupied. Book a holiday or go traveling if lifestyle permits. Something intense to keep your mind off the thought of things.
    best of luck lad..

  3. #3
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    Thank you bro... blast and cruise sounds awesome but definitely will be waiting a few years before making that decision lol. All my friends do is go out and drink which is fun but pretty counter productive to what im trying to accomplish. Plus a lot of them are a year or two out of college with no job and I work 5-6 days a week.

  4. #4
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    It's rough going through a breakup when you really want that person back but they don't feel the same bro! Happened to me last year and I still think about her lol but the pain is gone manny says it just takes some time. But the worse thing you can do is let yourself go and stop giving a fvck..that's what I did and when she was ready to maybe start seeing me again she saw me in a really fvcked up state and it was easy for her to walk away all over again. Don't do what I did! Instead hit the gym! Eat eat eat, take good care of yourself, work on your personality, meet new people, new hobbies..whatever! Just better yourself. Do what you want to do. And when she sees that you're perfectly fine without her and happy, she'll be wanting you back. Guarantee it bro

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Some pretty solid advice bro thank you... Im still hittin the gym hard but I can physically eat and thats whats killing me... that and being in PCT

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by yeahbuddy289 View Post
    Thank you bro... blast and cruise sounds awesome but definitely will be waiting a few years before making that decision lol. All my friends do is go out and drink which is fun but pretty counter productive to what im trying to accomplish. Plus a lot of them are a year or two out of college with no job and I work 5-6 days a week.
    I hate to be the one to tell you this, but you need to just man-up. You know how you get over a broad? You go out and bang a bunch of other ones. Go out with your friends when they go drinking and meet some women. You don't have to drink when you go out too. Just order a ginger ale and nurse it. Nobody will know you're not drinking booze and you wont have to worry about having "whiskey dick," when you do get a chick liquored up and ready to go home with you.

  7. #7
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    haha I know man and I do have a few chicks who want to hook up... but i cant stop thinking about her... and besides that I have an issue getting hard with new chicks so that really kills my confidence.

  8. #8
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    As special as she may have seemed...... She wasn't. Best way to get over someone is to get under someone else.

  9. #9
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    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	image.jpg 
Views:	122 
Size:	15.5 KB 
ID:	143307

    Walk into the bar like this and yell "who's first" with a Clint Eastwood facial expression

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    As special as she may have seemed...... She wasn't. Best way to get over someone is to get under someone else.
    This is seriously the best advise - period.

    Do you understand how many other girls there are out there? In the long run, it really just does not matter. If you got kids together, shit gets complicated real quick though.

    Otherwise move on. . . My best suggestion is just to find random strange, it'll get your mind off things and get you back into the move of single life.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by yeahbuddy289
    haha I know man and I do have a few chicks who want to hook up... but i cant stop thinking about her... and besides that I have an issue getting hard with new chicks so that really kills my confidence.
    Tough to hear bro. Our sponsor ar-r has something that might help with the wood it's called liquid CIA. Never used that product personally but I have used their other stuff and was not disappointed.

  12. #12
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    thanks sampson but remember I have a difficult time getting hard with new chicks. Im sure its all in my head and I think if I have one successful one night stand I will be good.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fcastle357

    Tough to hear bro. Our sponsor ar-r has something that might help with the wood it's called liquid CIA. Never used that product personally but I have used their other stuff and was not disappointed.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fcastle357 View Post
    Tough to hear bro. Our sponsor ar-r has something that might help with the wood it's called liquid CIA. Never used that product personally but I have used their other stuff and was not disappointed.
    Yes I have some but the problem is ya never know when it could happen and at 24 I dont want to be running cialis everyday lol

  15. #15
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    That sucks. It's been so long that I've had random sex I forgot what that's like. Lol

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fcastle357 View Post
    Tough to hear bro. Our sponsor ar-r has something that might help with the wood it's called liquid CIA. Never used that product personally but I have used their other stuff and was not disappointed.
    Just looked it up..basically a liquid cialis

  17. #17
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    +1 for Liquid Cialis

  18. #18
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    It could be worse. I remember one of my painful break ups and never thought I would get over it. I was devastated. Time went on every once in a while I see her at the store, overweight with two kids and I'm married to the love of my life. Shit happens for a reason. Pick your self up throw some weights around and get that animal rage flowing.

  19. #19
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    Thanks for all the advice guys it feels a lot better knowing im not the only one... on a side note... cialis kicks in pretty fast and last a while correct? So if I just take some friday after work I should be good for the whole weekend if need be correct?

  20. #20
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    It's all about the animal rage. Winning attitude = Click image for larger version. 

Name:	image.jpg 
Views:	121 
Size:	31.4 KB 
ID:	143308

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by yeahbuddy289
    Thanks for all the advice guys it feels a lot better knowing im not the only one... on a side note... cialis kicks in pretty fast and last a while correct? So if I just take some friday after work I should be good for the whole weekend if need be correct?
    Not sure.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by yeahbuddy289 View Post
    Thanks for all the advice guys it feels a lot better knowing im not the only one... on a side note... cialis kicks in pretty fast and last a while correct? So if I just take some friday after work I should be good for the whole weekend if need be correct?
    I'm no cialis expert lol but I did use it once. Bought it off this Indian dude from Craigslist when I was 19 lol cause I ha performance anxiety with this really hot chick. I took it about 8 hours before. And my mushroom tip was the size of a baseball. Don't know if that helps lol

  23. #23
    Join Date
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    lol thanks man it does seem to work but its just the timing you never know when your gonna need it

  24. #24
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    Maybe you need to change whatever was causing you to be " o9n again off again" that she "had enough of".

    Most chicks (except Austins strippers) have an easier time letting go but that's usually after they have tried numerous times to get it through our (mens) thick skulls!

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by < <Samson> > View Post
    This is seriously the best advise - period.

    Do you understand how many other girls there are out there? In the long run, it really just does not matter. If you got kids together, shit gets complicated real quick though.

    Otherwise move on. . . My best suggestion is just to find random strange, it'll get your mind off things and get you back into the move of single life.
    Now tell him how well finding "strange" worked for you lol.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1

    Now tell him how well finding "strange" worked for you lol.
    Hey hey

    He's not in my position

  27. #27
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    Life is too short...... An there's too many women out there to be hung up on ONE.

    If she is fighting for you and your relationship and you love her then okay but if she broke it off..... Let her go. The on/off relationships are stressful and unnecessary. Get out there and find someone else..... Don't pay the old one any mind.

    A year down the road you'll look back on this and be thankful

  28. #28
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    OP...Yeahbud ? I didn't catch your age... ...crazy mike

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by crazy mike View Post
    OP...Yeahbud ? I didn't catch your age... ...crazy mike
    24 years old

  30. #30
    Quote Originally Posted by yeahbuddy289 View Post
    So this girl I have been with for the past four years decided we need to call it quits earlier this month. We have been on/off for the past year but I guess she had enough. I would do anything to get her back but she just doesnt seem to want it anymore and I know theres nothing I can do to change that. But I cant help but want to talk to her/see her. I know I need to walk away but I just cant seem to do it. On top of that I can only eat one or two meals a day it feels like someone one is squeezing my stomach and I can barely eat and sometimes puke. This couldnt have come at a worse time I am going through PCT and have already lost 13lbs from not eating. How do you deal with something like this? Im even more depressed knowing that im losing all my gains from my last cycle because of this.
    Well first, if you really feel like she is the one then try everything in your will to try to get her back before it's too late....At least you tried and you won't have any regrets saying, "What if"...That's what I usually hear friends and other people always say which makes it they regret not trying...

    Other then that, if it's truly done why be with someone who does not want to be with you? Who the hell wants that?

    Go out and meet other chicks...And once you start bangin a few broads you'll get over it...

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheClinch View Post
    24 years old
    Thanks. !

    Listen I was 24 yrs old and dating a girl for 3-1/2 years. Living together since the beginning of our relationship. She was 3 yrs. younger and straight out of HS. WE were in love. But I was OCD about here. We got engaged etc... (see my interview) Well I ended up in the hospital and very ill. I married my wife of 34 yrs. just three years after.

    The point is, as you know you are young and you will fall in love again. Get occupied in helping some one or some others and it will get you out of your pity. Ask some friends to help you do, something anything, get out of the house with them. Keep busy even when you don't want to.
    Easier said than done. Don't just get over it, get into it. Get into something else . Good luck man. there is life after. ... crazy mike

  32. #32
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    Thanks for all the responses guys.... its tough going from talking to someone all day everyday to nothing.. and she denies it but it seems as if shes perfectly ok with not talking and ok with this being over.

  33. #33
    GirlyGymRat's Avatar
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    Move on!!! She's not the one....

    And if u decide to bang a few chica ( although not sure how this is gonna help) at least wear some protection or demand bLood work. There's a lot of trash out there from what I read in the lounge. Good luck

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by yeahbuddy289 View Post
    Thanks for all the responses guys.... its tough going from talking to someone all day everyday to nothing.. and she denies it but it seems as if shes perfectly ok with not talking and ok with this being over.
    You don't get it, it's not that she is "ok with it being over". She is just LESS ok with it continuing like it has been.

    2 choices: Fix it or forget it!!!!!!

  35. #35
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    I do not agree with trying to get her back if u think she's the one. CLEARLY she's not the one or she wouldn't have left, and it's my guess during the OFF periods it was HER choice, and not yours...So, honestly, do you wanna get strung along by this nutty broad for another 4 years, and try to meet the one when your pushing 30? I wish I could just grab u and shake you and impart my knowledge and experiences to u and you wouldn't dream of pickin up the phone to call this broad.. Humans have this odd but natural tendency to only remember good experiences, and somewhat block out the bad...that's what you're doing by wanting this hunk of shit back...and what u don't realize is how much you're feeding her over inflated sense of self worth by continuing to attempt contact, while making yourself simultaneously feel worse. Breaking up with a broad is just like quitting a drug, only abstinence will make u forget the feeling associated with it.

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    You don't get it, it's not that she is "ok with it being over". She is just LESS ok with it continuing like it has been.

    2 choices: Fix it or forget it!!!!!!
    Lunk how am I to fix things if she wont give me a chance? I have told her I would do anything to make it right but she wont give me that chance so theres nothing I can do

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by yeahbuddy289 View Post
    Lunk how am I to fix things if she wont give me a chance? I have told her I would do anything to make it right but she wont give me that chance so theres nothing I can do
    Oh my....I don't have words bro...I mean, wow...ok so this is what we call negotiating from a position of weakness, you don't do it, ever...the only possible chance u have of regaining the power position and not speaking to her anymore, going about your life, and even in that case it's a 90% chance she won't give a shit. But for the love of god, you'll be able to walk away with some dignity in tact...Please STOP TALKING TO HER!

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by yeahbuddy289 View Post
    Lunk how am I to fix things if she wont give me a chance? I have told her I would do anything to make it right but she wont give me that chance so theres nothing I can do
    How many times have you two been through this same song and dance?

  39. #39
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    i have stopped talking to her bro... i mean when she texts me i text back but i never initiate the conversation

  40. #40
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    well she screwed up a few times pretty bad.. she spent a whole year trying to make it right and i just treated her like crap

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