had to post this over here - even I hafta laugh at it
new reason for laying off of the 1.4 (butenadiol) - went to bed late and took a goodly dose and about 7am or so i wake up with my hand on the doorknob trying to get back in my house!!!! How or why am i there I have no idea!! the good news is that im in the hallway and not actually outside, the bad news is there is nobody in my house to open the door, nor is the landlord who lives above me in this week (she has a key). the good news is that with a little work i can get in the window in my back yard, the bad news is to get there i hafta walk outside my door and half a block on a MAJOR street in beginning rush hour!![]()
soooooo - i desperately look around for something and the onlything there is a pair of my girlfriends frilly, lacy baby blue underwear(torn a bit as a dust rag) : which is better than nothing im thinking - also strapped three small orange plastic bags around my waist that kinda looks like swim trunks from a distance (i hope). last measure is i see a flat cardboard box which i figure to carry on my side to shield me from the main flow of traffic. anyway, I step out and start walking briskly (but cant walk too fast or the bags will come apart). naturally there has to be someone coming strait at me on the sidewalk
but luckily they didnt look very awake and passed by on the other side of my box.
finally, i snuck through my neigbors yard into the back of my house and jimmied the window. WHEW -
thought this would brighten u fellas day - i was laughing my butt off (once i got inside!)![]()