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Dude, the biggest mistake we make (outside of marriage) is when we move in with our girlfriends. You know what the best part about having your own place? After you're done banging her, she goes home.
You might not think this is a big deal and you might think that you already spend way too much time with her. But let's put it like this, when you are at her house and vice versa, you both are WANTING to spend time together. You can at anytime send her home or leave.
It's a different story when you're laying in bed with her. You've just banged her and you're tired and wanting to go to sleep. She's wanting to talk about stupid shit that you don't care about (because you've already discussed everything there is that's interesting to talk about) and you're wishing that she'd just go home for the rest of the night. And then it dawns on you, she is home.
And don't think that life will just be peaches and cream for you too. When she's living with you, she's going to do everything in her power to stop you from doing anything by yourself. Even something as simple as going to the gym... I can guarantee after a few weeks of going 4-5 times a week, she'll give you shit about it. Like about how you're always going there or going out.
And she wont like your friends either. So guess again about having friends over on a semi-regular basis to watch football or play poker. She might let you spend your own money on a big screen TV, but you'll never get to use it on shit you want to watch. Get used to watching the fvcking Kardashians and True Blood.
Even if you have to work overtime in order to keep your place, do it. It's worth it.