There is this old guy in the gym, in his late sixties who is now seriously beginning to bug me and he just won't shut the F up and ends up wasting half an hour of my time each day!
Every time I see him I try to avoid him but there is no escape from this man.
I am even seriously thinking of changing gyms because of him.
Every day it's the same old routine.
He sneek's up behind me when he thinks I can't see him and air balls a left jab, right cross and low leg kick combination (that I stupidly taught him) in a joky way like a boxer trying not to fall over and then he begins the laborious same old conversation, again and again and again! :
Old guy: "heyyyyyy, the champ is here".....
Me: (with oh sh-t look on my face) "uhhhhh yeah man thanks....
Old guy: "what we training today champ?
Me: (me with please F off look on my face) "uhhhh, arms"....
Old guy: ...starts feeling my arms "yes I can see that, I need to work on my arms too" ...hmmmm
....he proceeds to follow me around and copy everything I do and ask 20 questions and get in my way and starts winking at me in between sets!
I have told him hundreds of times, gym time is for working out and talk time is after.
He doesn't get the hint. I think he is senile.
I can't exactly be rude to him and tell him to F off cos he is an old man and I just don't have it in me to do that but also am sick of trying to sneak around to avoid him!
Last week I ended up doing cardio instead of weights because I figured once he leaves I can go train. It's gotten ridiculous!
Solutions please!