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Thread: Is it too much to ask???

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Nomadic Day Laborer

    Is it too much to ask???

    So recently a fitness spokesperson by the name of maria kang posted this on her facebook page:
    Along with this statement:
    "The popular and unrelenting support received to those who are borderline obese (not just 30 to 40 lbs overweight) frustrates me as a fitness advocate who intimately understands how poor health negatively effects a family, a community and a nation,"

    Shortly after her comments went viral facebook shut down her profile, eventually reinstating it but permanently removing her comments saying that they constituted "hate speech".

    In response, several bloggers and columnists have taken to posting their own miniature parodies of kang's original photo as a means of expressing their distaste for kang's stance

    So I get it ladies, you've all got your reasons why you can't be maria kang, but is it really so much to ask you to at least make yourself presentable?
    Last edited by AlphaMike; 12-01-2013 at 02:33 PM. Reason: Minor grammatical shit that annoys me

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