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Thread: 6yr old boy suspended and chargrd with sexual harrasment for kissing girl on cheek.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    6yr old boy suspended and chargrd with sexual harrasment for kissing girl on cheek.

    One artical says he kissed her on the cheek while another says on the hand. WTF? Who in their right mind thinks this is right?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts
    One artical says he kissed her on the cheek while another says on the hand. WTF? Who in their right mind thinks this is right?
    Saw this on the news. They said it was her hand.

    Its ridiculous how a 6yr old is suspended for that when girls in high school get their asses slapped all day long.
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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    Shame what the world is coming to. I can see it impossible to find a date in 5 years time because if you ask a girl to prom that doesn't want to will be suspended for sexual harassment.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Standing Above Weakness
    Absolutely ridiculous for them to categorize this as sexual harassment. The definition of sexual harassment is unwanted sexual advances that create a hostile environment...

    Evidently if you even want to call them advances by Hunter was not unwelcome and did nothing to create a hostile environment.

    Poor kid

  5. #5
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    And to top it off the mother of the girl said she thought the school did a good job of protecting her daughter from further harassment.

    How this b*tch ever got pregnant is beyond me. I swear if it was my son they woukd be arresting me for punching the principal and the mother of the little girl.

  6. #6
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  7. #7
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    wow! we are becoming so dumb! kissing the a girl on the hand is class, not sexual harassment!

  8. #8
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    I would hate to see what would happen if you snapped bra straps like we did back in the day.

  9. #9
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    They took the charge away now...but still ridiculous to even have charged him in the first place

    And was the hand not cheek

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    I bet if he kisses a boys hand or cheek they would say its normal behavior for a boy to kiss a boy.

    Our kids generation is in for a sad existence

    >good luck<
    "He who can take advice is sometimes superior to those who give it"

  11. #11
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    In Southern Commiefornia
    Quote Originally Posted by >Good Luck< View Post
    I bet if he kisses a boys hand or cheek they would say its normal behavior for a boy to kiss a boy.

    Our kids generation is in for a sad existence

    >good luck<
    "He who can take advice is sometimes superior to those who give it"
    so true!

  12. #12
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    No they dropped the sexual harrassment and labeled it misconduct instead. The fact that they even went there in the first place is awful.

  13. #13
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    The word Sex and 6 year old should never go together!!!!!!!!

    Crazy place

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by >Good Luck< View Post
    I bet if he kisses a boys hand or cheek they would say its normal behavior for a boy to kiss a boy.

    Our kids generation is in for a sad existence

    >good luck<
    "He who can take advice is sometimes superior to those who give it"
    Exactly what I was thinking. We are teaching kids its not ok to show affection anymore to the opposite sex. We have gone from one extreme to the other.

  15. #15
    Isn't he classified as a sex offender, on his permanent record? Or did I hear wrong?

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    QUOTE="redhawk01;6759116"]Isn't he classified as a sex offender, on his permanent record? Or did I hear wrong?[/QUOTE]

    He was but it was removed. They are classifying it as misconduct.
    The girl in question was "fine with it" because Hunter and the girl consider themselves "boyfriend and girlfriend.

  17. #17
    Stuff like this makes me sick. To think how many different idiots it took to get this BS to an actual charged crime.
    And not one of them ever thought wait this is wrong. Wow.

  18. #18
    With Colorado as a legal smoke state, you'd think they would be more mellow.

  19. #19
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    I find this to be comparative to someone making the shape of a gun with their fingers and saying *pew pew* and being charged with attempted murder

    >good luck<
    "He who can take advice is sometimes superior to those who give it"

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by >Good Luck< View Post
    I find this to be comparative to someone making the shape of a gun with their fingers and saying *pew pew* and being charged with attempted murder

    >good luck<
    "He who can take advice is sometimes superior to those who give it"
    Haven t you heard? There are several kids who have been kicked out for that and even one who got kicked out for biting a graham cracker into a shape the someone else though looked like a gun. Drawing a pickture of a gun, knife or any weapon is a punishable offense by expulsion.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Haven t you heard? There are several kids who have been kicked out for that and even one who got kicked out for biting a graham cracker into a shape the someone else though looked like a gun. Drawing a pickture of a gun, knife or any weapon is a punishable offense by expulsion.
    Are you serious? They really happend?

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Euroholic View Post

    Are you serious? They really happend?
    100% Dead serious.

  23. #23
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  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Euroholic View Post
    Are you serious? They really happend?
    of course he's serious/right, this is why we hate and despise the idea of socialism and liberalism practiced anywhere. there is no limit how far they can go telling you what you can and can't do.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by bass View Post

    of course he's serious/right, this is why we hate and despise the idea of socialism and liberalism practiced anywhere. there is no limit how far they can go telling you what you can and can't do.
    I respect that freedom but there is also the opposite end of the spectrum whrre people (specifically 'muricans) that feel its their right to own and operate bazookas and 50cal automatic gun and explosives which necessitates (in my opinion) the need for a hint of restriction....but nowherre near the amounts being excercised in these examples where kids are being punished for being kids

    >good luck<
    "He who can take advice is sometimes superior to those who give it"

  26. #26
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    I remember when I was 6 and put my finger.................never mind.

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by AshopRep View Post
    I remember when I was 6 and put my finger.................never mind.
    its not a crime fingering yourself, just ask Cape!
    Last edited by bass; 12-13-2013 at 10:12 AM.

  28. #28
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    Every time I see shit like this it makes me glad I'm only going to be here for 30 or so more years. I feel really sorry for future generations. In my relatively short life I've watched society go completely insane. I'm in a really bad mood tonight so I think I'll sign off now lol. I'm not exactly spreading good cheer here.

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by Java Man
    Every time I see shit like this it makes me glad I'm only going to be here for 30 or so more years. I feel really sorry for future generations. In my relatively short life I've watched society go completely insane. I'm in a really bad mood tonight so I think I'll sign off now lol. I'm not exactly spreading good cheer here.
    Understand. Feel free to be pissed and vocal man. I'm with you on your thoughts. Absolutely disheartening what this world is coming to. And it's happened so fast.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Java Man View Post
    Every time I see shit like this it makes me glad I'm only going to be here for 30 or so more years. I feel really sorry for future generations. In my relatively short life I've watched society go completely insane. I'm in a really bad mood tonight so I think I'll sign off now lol. I'm not exactly spreading good cheer here.
    Quote Originally Posted by Igifuno View Post
    Understand. Feel free to be pissed and vocal man. I'm with you on your thoughts. Absolutely disheartening what this world is coming to. And it's happened so fast.
    I want to know how this sh*t gets put in place in the first place. How are these rules getting implemented? I guess I had better start attending PTA meetings. I have a feeling I'm going to get pissed off and start causing problems if this is the kind of stuff they are supporting at my local schools.

    It might be time for another cycle so I can let the beast (road rage) surface... LOL

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts
    I want to know how this sh*t gets put in place in the first place. How are these rules getting implemented? I guess I had better start attending PTA meetings. I have a feeling I'm going to get pissed off and start causing problems if this is the kind of stuff they are supporting at my local schools. It might be time for another cycle so I can let the beast (road rage) surface... LOL
    They make a set of standards with regard to violations, an attach a consequence to each. For instance chewing gum would be a level A1 violation.. No big deal.

    Then you have things like fighting, or harassment that fall into a more severe category and carry more stringent punishments.

    Sexual harassment is a big deal and should not be tolerated in schools. This, however, was not sexual harassment and whomever attached what that kid did with sexual harassment should be fired. Period.

    How dare a school system rip the innocence away from a 6 year old little boy and tarnish him with that image. Shameful.

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by Igifuno View Post
    They make a set of standards with regard to violations, an attach a consequence to each. For instance chewing gum would be a level A1 violation.. No big deal.

    Then you have things like fighting, or harassment that fall into a more severe category and carry more stringent punishments.

    Sexual harassment is a big deal and should not be tolerated in schools. This, however, was not sexual harassment and whomever attached what that kid did with sexual harassment should be fired. Period.

    How dare a school system rip the innocence away from a 6 year old little boy and tarnish him with that image. Shameful.

    Exactly. They are stealing childhood. Already to many parents let TV, computers, tablets, ipads etc babysit the kids and they dont know what it's like to go outside and interact with others and now they are taking away innocent interactions in school.

    It's more and more like George Carlin said we are not teaching kids anymore but brain washing them into being GOOD employees, followers, zombies. There is just to much truth to what he was saying.
    George Carlin on American Owners and Education - YouTube

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