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Thread: Parents Win $50 Million in Wrongful Birth Lawsuit, They Wish He Was Never Born?

  1. #1
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    Sep 2011

    Parents Win $50 Million in Wrongful Birth Lawsuit, They Wish He Was Never Born?

    Parents Brock and Rhea Wuth were awarded $50 million by a Washington jury for the “wrongful birth” of their five-year-old son, Oliver. Oliver was born with an “unbalanced chromosome translocation,” a genetic defect that affects the little boy mentally and physically.

    He is unable to run, walk up stairs, or speak more than a few dozen words. The Wuths’ attorney states that Oliver will need “24/7 care for the rest of his life.”

    Oliver’s parents won their suit against Valley Medical Center and Laboratory Corporation of America. The companies were found dually liable in missing Oliver’s condition before birth. The Seattle Times reports:

    According to court papers in the wrongful-birth case, Valley ordered a prenatal test that can be counted on to find this type of chromosomal abnormality only when the lab receives additional information — a “road map,” essentially — showing it where to look for the specific problem. Valley failed to send that information to the lab, and never told Rhea Wuth that without the additional directions, the test results might not answer the crucial question.

    Although the lab’s own procedures specify it should follow up with a phone call when such information is missing, that call was not made, said the family’s lawyer, Todd Gardner, of Renton.

    The lab missed the translocation. Had the couple known of the genetic defect, they would have ended the pregnancy, according to court filings in the case.

    There is much wrong in rewarding such a eugenic mindset. Both of Oliver’s parents have publicly declared, through their suit, that Oliver should never have been given his five years so far on Earth, much less an entire lifetime. They freely admit that they would have aborted him, solely based on his physical and mental disabilities.
    Last edited by --->>405<<---; 12-19-2013 at 08:17 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    That makes me sick.. these parents should be publicly hanged.

    Not only does this child have to deal with difficulties that most other children don't have to face, it has to grow up knowing that his parents would have aborted him..

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by jasc View Post
    That makes me sick.. these parents should be publicly hanged.

    Not only does this child have to deal with difficulties that most other children don't have to face, it has to grow up knowing that his parents would have aborted him..
    yeh.. crazy.. the things that go on nowadays are amazing to me.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    I feel like puking...... seriously.. I don't feel well after seeing this...

  5. #5
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    selfishness at the highest level! but it is good that we still recognize filth!

  6. #6
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    The parents should have been aborted before birth.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    The parents should have been aborted before birth.
    LOL, wonder who's dysfunctional here, the baby or parents?!

  8. #8
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    Well this is harsh.. good thing the boy is dmd and probably wont understand that his parents dont want him

    >good luck<
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  9. #9
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    Its wrong that they got money and say that he should not be living.

    A hypothetical question. Would all you parents on the site knowing that your kid is going to be born like this child would you still continue with the pregnancy?

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Euroholic View Post
    Its wrong that they got money and say that he should not be living.

    A hypothetical question. Would all you parents on the site knowing that your kid is going to be born like this child would you still continue with the pregnancy?
    NO ONE has the right to terminate someone else's life unless its for self-defense, its a choice one makes and they have to live with it, and suffer the consequences. the sad thing is we get so caught up with ourselves and our selfish needs we end up thinking the world revolves around us, so we kill for the sake of our convenience. for me I'd love my baby even more and maybe learn a thing or two from him/her.

  11. #11
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    I guess I'm the only one not very 'sickened' over the judgement. I think it's a good thing, the parents now have the money necessary to provide for the special needs this child will have for the rest of his life. In my mind, the way the lawsuit was approached was simply the only legal challenge you could bring in court in order to be awarded the judgement they received. Saying they would have aborted ex post facto is rather meaningless isn't it? I think your guys hatred and disdain should instead be focused on people who ACTUALLY abort their children, not the ones who claim they 'would have' just so they can have a verdict in their favor and be able to provide for the child for the rest of his natural life.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by thegodfather View Post
    I guess I'm the only one not very 'sickened' over the judgement. I think it's a good thing, the parents now have the money necessary to provide for the special needs this child will have for the rest of his life. In my mind, the way the lawsuit was approached was simply the only legal challenge you could bring in court in order to be awarded the judgement they received. Saying they would have aborted ex post facto is rather meaningless isn't it? I think your guys hatred and disdain should instead be focused on people who ACTUALLY abort their children, not the ones who claim they 'would have' just so they can have a verdict in their favor and be able to provide for the child for the rest of his natural life.
    For once I dont fully agree due to the fact we dont know what the money will actually be used for, if they will or will not pawn him off onto the state for care at a future date or if his disability is really going to play a role in his development in the future.

    Many/most parents lean to deal with their child's disability and receive no compensation. I understand they had test done that should have shown if he would have had a problem or not if it was done properly and they may have or may have not decided to continue with the pregnancy but we will never really know unless they have a document somewhere saying they would have aborted the pregnancy if x, y or z showed positive on the test.

    I would like to know more history on the parents but I can help but think they was financially driven and not necessarily for the child's future sake. It's just my opinion and I may be way off but due to what I have seen with human nature I would bet I'm pretty spot on.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by thegodfather View Post
    I guess I'm the only one not very 'sickened' over the judgement. I think it's a good thing, the parents now have the money necessary to provide for the special needs this child will have for the rest of his life. In my mind, the way the lawsuit was approached was simply the only legal challenge you could bring in court in order to be awarded the judgement they received. Saying they would have aborted ex post facto is rather meaningless isn't it? I think your guys hatred and disdain should instead be focused on people who ACTUALLY abort their children, not the ones who claim they 'would have' just so they can have a verdict in their favor and be able to provide for the child for the rest of his natural life.
    we are not sickened about the judgment, but about the parents who wish they could have terminated the baby's life for their convenience.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by bass View Post
    we are not sickened about the judgment, but about the parents who wish they could have terminated the baby's life for their convenience.
    I'd be sickened by that too, if I thought that that was the parents actual thoughts. However, given the large dollar amount here, let me just say I have very strong suspicions that this was crafted by an unscrupulous lawyer who really wants 33% of $50 million...bunch of ambulance chasing scumbags...I doubt this was the parents idea...

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by thegodfather View Post
    I guess I'm the only one not very 'sickened' over the judgement. I think it's a good thing, the parents now have the money necessary to provide for the special needs this child will have for the rest of his life. In my mind, the way the lawsuit was approached was simply the only legal challenge you could bring in court in order to be awarded the judgement they received. Saying they would have aborted ex post facto is rather meaningless isn't it? I think your guys hatred and disdain should instead be focused on people who ACTUALLY abort their children, not the ones who claim they 'would have' just so they can have a verdict in their favor and be able to provide for the child for the rest of his natural life.
    i agree, i dont see the big issue
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  16. #16
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    Seems like this debate sparks a bit of Roe V. Wade. I'm curious how many ppl disgusted by the parents law suit would have chosen to abort if they knew the childs future.

    Call me an SOB but I'm not sure if I would be strong enough to not consider abortion as an option if testing showed this for the childs future.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    Seems like this debate sparks a bit of Roe V. Wade. I'm curious how many ppl disgusted by the parents law suit would have chosen to abort if they knew the childs future.

    Call me an SOB but I'm not sure if I would be strong enough to not consider abortion as an option if testing showed this for the childs future.
    you also have to think what that child may suffer their entire life. I get everyone has different beliefs. But dont think anyone could know exactly how they would handle it unless they were in that situation.
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  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    you also have to think what that child may suffer their entire life. I get everyone has different beliefs. But dont think anyone could know exactly how they would handle it unless they were in that situation.
    My point exactly. I am not 100% opposed to abortion under limited circumstances. I don't think it should be used as a means of birth control but in cases like this...I'm not sure what's best and I sure as hell won't say what is best for someone else.

  19. #19
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    I remember having a psychology class where the teacher asked
    "would you terminate a pregnancy if you knew your child was going to come out mentaly handycap"
    everyone but me and my girlfriend at the time said yes to the idea. it sicken me..
    this is the first time im seeing other people who still think a persons life is more important than their convenience

    you people give me hope

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    For once I dont fully agree due to the fact we dont know what the money will actually be used for, if they will or will not pawn him off onto the state for care at a future date or if his disability is really going to play a role in his development in the future.

    Many/most parents lean to deal with their child's disability and receive no compensation. I understand they had test done that should have shown if he would have had a problem or not if it was done properly and they may have or may have not decided to continue with the pregnancy but we will never really know unless they have a document somewhere saying they would have aborted the pregnancy if x, y or z showed positive on the test.

    I would like to know more history on the parents but I can help but think they was financially driven and not necessarily for the child's future sake. It's just my opinion and I may be way off but due to what I have seen with human nature I would bet I'm pretty spot on.
    what are the odds they have a new 50" plasma tv

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by mockery View Post

    what are the odds they have a new 50" plasma tv
    I'm sure its all for the benifit of the kid. The trips to hawaii due to warmer weather being more conducive to his ailment flying 1st class for his comfort, top rate suites so they have only the best service if he needs something as well as a 24/7 nurse/nanny to take care of his special needs and the parents will visit every other weekend if its convenient.
    Last edited by lovbyts; 12-26-2013 at 06:56 AM.

  22. #22
    The thing that irks me is that they actually spent the time to take it to court. Now I understand that having a child with this condition isn't cheap and is a full time job for someone to take care of. But I'm sure that there are people out there that are in the similar circumstance as them but they sucked it up and made it work by seeking help else where and what not. I just have a hard time of believing that most of this money is going towards helping the child and not to the parents to have fun with.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    I'm sure its all for the benifit of the kid. The trips to hawaii due to warmer weather being more conducive to his atonement, flying 1st class for his comfort, top rate suites so they have only the best service if he needs something as well as a 24/7 nurse/nanny to take care of his special needs and the parents will visit every other weekend if its convenient.
    Just about anything can be argued and/or justified these days. While it is nice to be optimistic about the parents motives, im going by what they said: we wouldve preferred this baby dead and we want $50 million in compensation...

    Also think,down the road: the insurance companies (or whoever has to stroke the 50M check) is prob not too happy. It has now been established an outside entity can be held liable for a babys birth defects. Wonder what kinda legiskation can be passrd regarding a babys life and who it belongs to??? Maybe the insurancr company can lay claim to a babys life until it reaches a certain stage in development?? Hmm.. sorry mr and mrs blahblahblah, were gonna have to kill ur baby cuz it doesnt meet our standard requirements.. its our new "policy"...

    Think it cant happen???
    Last edited by --->>405<<---; 12-26-2013 at 06:36 AM.

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