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  1. #1
    flexgolf's Avatar
    flexgolf is offline Member
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    Exclamation Energy Chrisis...

    Hey guys....any of you have any thoughts of which way americans should turn for future energy resources?

    nuclear power...did we really need to 'give up' on this great source? TMI wasnt so bad.

    moon power....check this link

    haha natural resources....were boned

    what do you think about china's three gorges damn??

    let me know if any of you guys have any views of already existing power sources, what sources we should be using, and any other related energy issues. id like to hear everything you think pertaining to these subjects.

  2. #2
    KeyMastur is offline VET
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    nuclear power for sure. sooner or later they're gonna develop a safe way to harness the energy.

    maybe they should hook everyone up like in the Matrix...

  3. #3
    Juggernaut's Avatar
    Juggernaut is offline AR Jester
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    How about cold fussion? I know it's a pipe dream but maybe someday...

    Nuclear get's my vote, however, would you agree if they were to put it in your back yard?

  4. #4
    withoutd0ubt's Avatar
    withoutd0ubt is offline Associate Member
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    nuclear... shoot all the wasted rods up into space and let some Plutonians worry about that shit

  5. #5
    saboudian's Avatar
    saboudian is offline Senior Member
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    Originally posted by Juggernaut2148
    How about cold fussion? I know it's a pipe dream but maybe someday...

    Nuclear get's my vote, however, would you agree if they were to put it in your back yard?

    Actually all the mathematics and physics have already been worked out for cold fusion, problem is that it occurs at such a high temperature that we have no material that can maintain the temperatures.

    Nuclear won't happen for a long time in the US, i doubt it will happen for a long time if ever in the US.

    There was something that is just slipping my mind right now, all i can remember that it was basically a carnot engine on really large scale.

  6. #6
    flexgolf's Avatar
    flexgolf is offline Member
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    honestly it wouldnt bother me to have a nuclear power plant nextdoor except for the fact it would be ugly as shit. i wouldnt have health concerns.

    nuclear power is very safe...we have a very solid safe view of how to accomplish the production of safe nuclear power. we always fucked up one time in america and we had almost zero problems with fallout. but everyone got paranoid ( i think cause of russia's accident). its terrible cause at the time before three mile island virginia alone had plans to build 17 nuclear power plants. and as we all know not one plant has been built in america since TMI. ridiculous, its a waste of good power, but it also relies on natural resources. but we do need power immediately cause scientists predict our energy needs will increase 10 fold in 6 years (what my boss said).

    i sincerely believe to meet our future energy needs we will have to make use of an entirely new source though.

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