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Thread: Anderson Silva!!!!!

  1. #1
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  2. #2
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    just watched the fight , what a "break"

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    I would imagine his career is over

  4. #4
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    thats fvcked up, ill stick with bodybuilding....

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mp859 View Post
    I would imagine his career is over
    of course... it will be a few years before he could even walk properly again, hes 38.. its time for him to find a new hobby. Online gaming is good with a broken leg.

  6. #6
    Yea its all downhill from hear

  7. #7
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    My wife got sick when they rolled the replay and had to go outside..

  8. #8
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    Unfortunately I personally had to open up a can on some unfortunate dude tonight.. we were leaving and my wife was sitting on a bench in the bar and this dude started brawling with another guy.. I was across the room paying the bill and saw what was going on.. ran over to the other side of the room to stand in front of my wife.. dude got too close and took a hard shot to the head and went right the fvck down.. bouncers said thank you and carried his ass out..

    Wife was pissed at ME for clocking him.. I'm not bragging or proud of what happened it was just reaction and truth be told, if she wasn't there, dude wouldn't have gotten hit. Was just reaction to protect her.. sheesh..

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Igifuno View Post
    Unfortunately I personally had to open up a can on some unfortunate dude tonight.. we were leaving and my wife was sitting on a bench in the bar and this dude started brawling with another guy.. I was across the room paying the bill and saw what was going on.. ran over to the other side of the room to stand in front of my wife.. dude got too close and took a hard shot to the head and went right the fvck down.. bouncers said thank you and carried his ass out..

    Wife was pissed at ME for clocking him.. I'm not bragging or proud of what happened it was just reaction and truth be told, if she wasn't there, dude wouldn't have gotten hit. Was just reaction to protect her.. sheesh..
    Women get mad when you stick up for them and cause a seen but also made if you let the dude fall on her. You did the right thing.

  10. #10
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    Why didn't you just push him away?

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by AshopRep View Post
    Why didn't you just push him away?
    total instant reaction.. didn't even think about it.. just hit the fvcker. He was drunk and flailing all over the place and I didn't know what he was going to do or what his intention was.. I also want to add that I had zero drinks so I was not drunk or cloudy..

    Just instant reaction that's all. I don't feel bad though that guy was a punk.

  12. #12
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    i thought Americans just shoot people, at least that's what wikipedia says.

  13. #13
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    If its on the internet, it must be true.

  14. #14
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    The Ronda Rousey and Miesha Tate fight was pretty good too. Would have liked to see it go longer and definitely would have liked to see Miesha do better. Looked like she tapped too quickly on that second arm bar but who am I to say.. I'm sure it hurt lol.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Igifuno View Post
    Unfortunately I personally had to open up a can on some unfortunate dude tonight.. we were leaving and my wife was sitting on a bench in the bar and this dude started brawling with another guy.. I was across the room paying the bill and saw what was going on.. ran over to the other side of the room to stand in front of my wife.. dude got too close and took a hard shot to the head and went right the fvck down.. bouncers said thank you and carried his ass out..

    Wife was pissed at ME for clocking him.. I'm not bragging or proud of what happened it was just reaction and truth be told, if she wasn't there, dude wouldn't have gotten hit. Was just reaction to protect her.. sheesh..
    If shes anything like my wife she would've gotten mad if you didnt hit him lol

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Megalodon6
    If shes anything like my wife she would've gotten mad if you didnt hit him lol
    Nope.. My wife is very anti violence so she was not amused with what I did.

    I'm the last person to get involved with a fight and always try to avoid physical confrontation. Like I said, this dude came right up on us, was blind drunk, had his fists clenched and just got too close. I just reacted.

    Knuckles hurt like hell this morning too.
    Last edited by Igifuno; 12-29-2013 at 07:46 AM.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Igifuno
    Nope.. My wife is very anti violence so she was not amused with what I did. I'm the last person to get involved with a fight and always try to avoid physical confrontation. Like I said, this dude came right up on us, was blind drunk, had his fists clenched and just got too close. I just reacted. Knuckles hurt like hell this morning too.
    I would've done the same thing. You never know what people's intentions are, especially when alcohol is involved. Better her be mad at you then for her to be hurt. That's how I always look at it.

  18. #18
    Terrible End to a Legendary Career.
    Hopefully Anderson heals fast. And has no underlying problems as a result from the injury

  19. #19
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    Silva was talking quits before fight. He throws his low kicks relaxed all the way through for more speed. That's part of danger not tightening on impact. I'm saying he is finished permanently. Rousey is amazing!

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by AshopRep View Post
    Why didn't you just push him away?
    Pushing an a-hole like that back is just risking injury to himself and wife. These guys at fights get liquored up and want to fight, not push. Push him and they think your weak. If the bouncers thanked him, that means he was an as.. all night and they were probably going to do it anyways. Good job IGI!

  21. #21
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    damn wtg IG lol....that tren is working good lol jkjk, I would have done the same thing if I felt was in danger. you resolved the problem and probaly everyone thought u were a badass lol awesome brother!!!

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Igifuno
    The Ronda Rousey and Miesha Tate fight was pretty good too. Would have liked to see it go longer and definitely would have liked to see Miesha do better. Looked like she tapped too quickly on that second arm bar but who am I to say.. I'm sure it hurt lol.
    I'm so sick of Ronda rousey. After watching the ultimate fighter I can't stand her even even. She is fvcking retarded.

    And she wins by armbar. So cool haha

    And also I though weidman was going to finish silva with tht ground and pound props to weidman he definetly showed up to prove that the first fight was not a fluke
    Last edited by Mp859; 12-29-2013 at 10:25 AM.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Igifuno View Post
    Unfortunately I personally had to open up a can on some unfortunate dude tonight.. we were leaving and my wife was sitting on a bench in the bar and this dude started brawling with another guy.. I was across the room paying the bill and saw what was going on.. ran over to the other side of the room to stand in front of my wife.. dude got too close and took a hard shot to the head and went right the fvck down.. bouncers said thank you and carried his ass out..

    Wife was pissed at ME for clocking him.. I'm not bragging or proud of what happened it was just reaction and truth be told, if she wasn't there, dude wouldn't have gotten hit. Was just reaction to protect her.. sheesh..
    Way to go Igi!! I would have done the same thing but my wife would have been pissed if I didn't knock him out. My fear is spending the night in jail for hitting him ( been there before ) or worse yet hurting him bad and getting sued or worse. Things I never thought of when I was younger.

  24. #24
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    Ouch, and to Igifuno, your wife might have gotten mad, but if a guy accidently hit her; she would have been a hell of a lot more mad. Sometimes you have to pick the lesser of two evils. And when that gets to include knocking someone out for being a jerk and fighting too close to women, its just a bonus! Good job. Ed Parker, the first man to open a Karate school in the US also used to catch sh1t from his wife. That was until three men tried to rob them one night; when she happened to be pregnant. He kicked the shit out of all three guys in a matter of seconds. She never complained to him about Karate again. : )

  25. #25
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    Thx for the support guys. I don't feel bad about it at all and my wife is over it. Need to ice the hand a little lol.

    Sorry to hijack the thread -

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mp859
    I'm so sick of Ronda rousey. After watching the ultimate fighter I can't stand her even even. She is fvcking retarded. And she wins by armbar. So cool haha And also I though weidman was going to finish silva with tht ground and pound props to weidman he definetly showed up to prove that the first fight was not a fluke
    Yeah she is kind of a punk but a hell of a fighter. I thought it was messed up she didn't shake hands with Miesha after the fight. Definitely would have liked to see Miesha take that one just on personality alone

  27. #27
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    dont ask for a source thx
    Quote Originally Posted by Igifuno View Post
    Yeah she is kind of a punk but a hell of a fighter. I thought it was messed up she didn't shake hands with Miesha after the fight. Definitely would have liked to see Miesha take that one just on personality alone
    I feel the same way igi...I respect Rhonda as a fighter but I wish she showed more class to misha....I found myself liking misha and kind of rooting for her during the ufc series...I hope she held her own I didn't see the fight...

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Igifuno View Post
    Yeah she is kind of a punk but a hell of a fighter. I thought it was messed up she didn't shake hands with Miesha after the fight. Definitely would have liked to see Miesha take that one just on personality alone
    I have not watched the series in a long time, but here is what i found on the net about her refusal to shake hands. Don't forget as real as that is, they do have to have conflict on reality TV, and some of that stuff is prompted by the makers to set up good girl, bad girl from the start.
    Ronda Rousey refuses to shake Miesha Tate's hand after submission victory | FOX Sports on MSN

  29. #29
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    Interesting article. I like the batman analogy.

  30. #30
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    Ronda is just a little spoiled brat that happens to be awesome at Judo and armbars. Whoever told Meisha that she should take Ronda down should instantly be fired from the team.

    Just need Cyborg to thin down a little and pass a drug test and she would come smash that little girl's face in.

    Anderson might be back, you never know. I could see him coming back at 40. With the TRT exemptions today, it is very possible. Weidman looked very good in the first round, would he have won it without the break...that's the impossible million dollar question. I am just glad that Weidman had a chance to prove he could stand with him again and that it wasn't a fluke. Anderson wasn't doing any clowning this time around.
    Last edited by Brett N; 12-29-2013 at 05:12 PM.

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brett N
    Ronda is just a little spoiled brat that happens to be awesome at Judo and armbars. Whoever told Meisha that she should take Ronda down should instantly be fired from the team.

    Just need Cyborg to thin down a little and pass a drug test and she would come smash that little girl's face in.

    Anderson might be back, you never know. I could see him coming back at 40. With the TRT exemptions today, it is very possible. Weidman looked very good in the first round, would he have won it without the break...that's the impossible million dollar question. I am just glad that Weidman had a chance to prove he could stand with him again and that it wasn't a fluke. Anderson wasn't doing any clowning this time around.
    I wouldn't call her a spoiled brat..... Maybe u mean her fame is going to her head? I'm not saying she had a shit childhood but I saw a background on her and I didn't get the spoiled vibe.

    Also "she just happens to be good at judo and arm bars" is a bit off. The girl has skill.... U don't just "happen" to be good at it. I know what u meant tho haha

  32. #32
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    did not have the good graces to shake her opponents hand... what a bitch

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by trikydik
    did not have the good graces to shake her opponents hand... what a bitch
    That..... I don't like.

  34. #34
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    pff, he should just tape it up and walk it off like a real man
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1
    pff, he should just tape it up and walk it off like a real man
    That's what I'm sayin'. At least finish the fight.

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post

    That..... I don't like.
    If u recall, tate insulted rouseys family. Some people have strong family values. Im one of those people

    >good luck<
    "He who can take advice is sometimes superior to those who give it"

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    pff, he should just tape it up and walk it off like a real man

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    pff, he should just tape it up and walk it off like a real man
    Karate Kid did it with one leg!

  39. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by >Good Luck<

    If u recall, tate insulted rouseys family. Some people have strong family values. Im one of those people

    >good luck<
    "He who can take advice is sometimes superior to those who give it"
    Okay well in that instance...... I wouldn't shake hands either.

    I don't follow this shit too much so I'm only commenting on what's said haha

  40. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1
    pff, he should just tape it up and walk it off like a real man
    Right..... Coulda made a splint from a chair leg.

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