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Thread: how long til the gains are gone?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    how long til the gains are gone?

    Two weeks ago I had a bursa sac on my elbow burst so I have been out of the gym ever since. Recovery is going pretty slow... It still hurts and is still pretty swollen. On average how much longer until I will start seeing some noticeable lose of muscle? The only thing I can train is legs.... My diet has been ok but has slipped a little as the whole situation has got me a little down. I haven't seen any changes on the scale or in the mirror but I know it's only a matter of time... This just sucks I thought I would be back in the gym by now.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Standing Above Weakness
    How long did your doc tell you that you need to be out for something like this, 3-4 weeks? I know someone that I believe had the same thing happen and he was back in the gym within 3 weeks doing cardio and legs, by the next week he was back to full training.

    If you eat well you should lose minimal gains, but if you slip on your diet, you could gain fat and lose some muscle, but of course that all depends on the person and the body type you are.

    If you're able to train legs, then at least get in there and train legs. Sorry that happened to you bro.. get well.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    The Matrix
    I 'like' that answer

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Sorry for the delayed response... I did start training legs again. But im going on week three here and it has gone down a little in size and doesnt hurt as much but the pain is still there. I really am itching to go back to the gym but I dont want to jump back in too soon and have it flare up again. I looked online and didnt really fined a definitive answer on how long to rest it. I have been icing it and taking 500mg of naproxen 2x a day. I havent trained anything but legs for the past two weeks how long is it going to take before im in the clear to start training again??

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Standing Above Weakness
    No prob man I'm glad it seems to be getting better.

    What did your doc say? I would imagine in 3-4 weeks you should assess the pain, consult with your doc and, assuming you get a green light, get back in there slowly and take your time.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    He took me out of work for a couple days because my job is pretty physical (I am a mechanic). But he didnt give me a time frame as to when I could start lifting and I didnt think to ask as I didnt think this was too serious and I thought it would be gone within a week. I go back to see him on the 21st which is still pretty far away. I just dont know what to do... am I doing the right thing by skipping the gym?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Standing Above Weakness
    I would say yes, but make sure your diet doesn't slack and, if you're able to get in there for cardio and legs, you'll be fine. The 21st is just a week away.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Thanks man appreciate your help... ill wait it out til I see the dr.

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