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Thread: motivation story time!

  1. #1
    Scrappy11's Avatar
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    motivation story time!

    Hi everyone, been a long time since I've been on here. Got a bit of an odd request - which I think is appropriate for the off topic lounge, maybe not, I guess we'll all find out in a sec

    basically, I was wondering if anyone would care to share any stories, events or moments in their life where they found it really hard to self motivate and managed to break through some serious physical and mental plateaus?

    To cut a long story sideways:
    Started lifting weights, casually - not really doing any rigid routine: 15 years old and ****ing loved it
    Started taking protein: 18 y/o and ****ing loved it
    Started regularly working out with proper schedules and nutrition: 18 y/o and ****ing loved it
    Left Uni at 22, and didn't lift for a year, battled with depression, didn't like that so much :/
    Started training again at 23, things were picking up again! making gains again! ****ing loved it!
    Stopped training AGAIN at 24, battled with depression again and this time with a large serving of anxiety disorder as well.
    Now 25 just under a year and a half later and have been trying to really get myself back into physical training, but I've hit a massive physical and mental plateau. My depression and anxiety are virtually non existent anymore, mainly through self-help, doing to philosophy classes, counselling, yoga, etc, alongside straight up kicking it square in the bollocks! But I seem to just feel knackered all the time and I just really want to get back out there and lift some iron again
    I’m 6’1”, 217 lbs, have gained some fat so am now around 16% body fat

    Just want some advice/encouragement/mental slapping to get myself back on training - also would love to hear any familiar stories of anyone else who has battled with mental health and how they got themselves training again.

    hope you're all well


  2. #2
    Igifuno's Avatar
    Igifuno is offline AR's Italian Tonic
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    Scrappy what's up brutha.. listen man, I think you've gotten past the hard part. The fact that you virtually kicked depression and anxiety is fantastic, and you should recognize that fitness will get you farther down the path you want to go.

    You want to feel good, right? You want to look good, right? You want to eat better, sleep better, wake up better, sh*t better, right? You're 25, this is prime time bro.

    Put your workout clothes on and get in the game dude! The first time is the hardest but tomorrow is always a new day. Go to the grocery store, get some good food for the next few days, chicken/fish/steaks/rice/eggs, plan out your meals and get in there.

    You know what to do.. DO IT. Nobody is gonna make it happen for you except you.

    Keep me updated on progress - seriously, I'm interested in seeing what you do here. All up to you bud.
    skindiesel and DontTaseMeBro like this.

  3. #3
    king6 II's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scrappy11 View Post
    Hi everyone, been a long time since I've been on here. Got a bit of an odd request - which I think is appropriate for the off topic lounge, maybe not, I guess we'll all find out in a sec

    basically, I was wondering if anyone would care to share any stories, events or moments in their life where they found it really hard to self motivate and managed to break through some serious physical and mental plateaus?

    To cut a long story sideways:
    Started lifting weights, casually - not really doing any rigid routine: 15 years old and ****ing loved it
    Started taking protein: 18 y/o and ****ing loved it
    Started regularly working out with proper schedules and nutrition: 18 y/o and ****ing loved it
    Left Uni at 22, and didn't lift for a year, battled with depression, didn't like that so much :/
    Started training again at 23, things were picking up again! making gains again! ****ing loved it!
    Stopped training AGAIN at 24, battled with depression again and this time with a large serving of anxiety disorder as well.
    Now 25 just under a year and a half later and have been trying to really get myself back into physical training, but I've hit a massive physical and mental plateau. My depression and anxiety are virtually non existent anymore, mainly through self-help, doing to philosophy classes, counselling, yoga, etc, alongside straight up kicking it square in the bollocks! But I seem to just feel knackered all the time and I just really want to get back out there and lift some iron again
    I’m 6’1”, 217 lbs, have gained some fat so am now around 16% body fat

    Just want some advice/encouragement/mental slapping to get myself back on training - also would love to hear any familiar stories of anyone else who has battled with mental health and how they got themselves training again.

    hope you're all well

    I feel you bro. With everything I have been through, Marine Corps, personal life ect...I am no stranger to pain and anxiety. The trick is to embrace the pain, and turn it into something else. I would not let it hurt me, instead I took it to the gym and focused it into lifting and cardio. Remember, it hurts you because you let it.

  4. #4
    Igifuno's Avatar
    Igifuno is offline AR's Italian Tonic
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    Where are you scrappy... In the gym??

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