"It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel
Hang on here. So There is a member of parliament in america who uses steroids? Thats cool. Hopefully he can lead the way to legalization. How do they even no that he is anyway?
The public/media doesn't care, they just want to blame every outburst they can on steroids because its 'news'. The media blows.
Why steroids tho? Why not blame other rec drugs or just the fact that some one may be a bell end?
No idea... Not sure maybe there are rumors of him using steroids or maybe a friend blew the whistle on him for using.
Because steroids are the single most dangerous drugs known to mankind! And the reports coming in are even worse than ever thought! Did you know that it was Steroids that killed off the Dinosouars Millions of Year Ago? Did you know that Global warming is caused by Steroids? World War 2 was actually started by steroids. And according to the latest report out the twin towers were felled by steroid fumes weakening the super structures in advance of the planes crashing into them. And this list keeps on growing daily. It's Absolutely Chilling what this vial (pun intended) drug is doing to the world as we know it. Now then the honest serious stats on steroids..IMO
The Center for Disease Control (CDC) lists the amount of deaths caused by anabolic androgenic steroids (AAS) per year is 3. Yes, you read that right. 3. And, most likely, those that did die were actually abusing the drugs in the sense that not even steroids users (not abusers) would condone or even using dirty needles and didn't even die from steroids. Sorry to burst your bubble, but those multi-vitamins that you take kill more people per year, that advil, tylenol, or aspirin you take kills 106,000 people per year. Tobacco kills 5.4 million people per year, and don't even get me started on alcohol. Which one is the real danger?
No wonder i hate people everyone thinks drinking alchool is cool but the 2nd i want to stick a needle in my arse im the anti social one!!!
The euphoria from testosterone is unlike any other excitment i have felt in my life. Im convinced the public would love it too
This is little more than an online tabloid reporting slanderous speculation from a politician's former rival. Who cares?
See now if this was in Canada, it wouldn't be a problem. Rob Ford anyone? Lmao
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