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Thread: Fair Minimum Wage Act of 2013????!!!!!!!

  1. #41
    DB1982's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by trikydik View Post

    Do you know why her health insurance is so expensive? Because now they have to cover EVERYTHING for EVERYONE. Health insurance for a 90 year old woman MUST include coverage for prenatal care, birth control and a host of other stuff she will NEVER use. It is the law. Same with men, except the prenatal care.

    Oh and by the way... corporations are there to make money.... They are not there to benefit the worker... never have been, never will be. As shareholder in many companies, I do not look at employee relations when investing... I look at the bottom line. Why, employee relationships are wonderful, but they won't make me money...
    Your train of thought is flawed and shows whys people are greedy.

    Just as the company is there to make money so is the employee.
    So while you could give a sh*t about your employees. So do your employees give a sh*t about your company.

    So in return if your company is at a surplus. Why is it so hard to believe that EVERY employee from the top to the bottom deserve a Little something extra. Not just those who feel entitled.

    If you take care of your employees your employees will in return take care of you.

    Listen you guys are acting like people are asking for a handout or something for nothing.
    We are talking about hard working people.

    I am not referring to gas station clerks or fast food workers here so let's not be confused.

  2. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by JJ78 View Post
    The same CEO's of these major corporations have all of America brainwashed into believing that they need all the bullshit they are selling. Quit consuming so much and their pay will decrease.
    No - my wife who is in marketing has brainwashed us to buy crap we don't need!

  3. #43
    Euroholic is offline "ARs Pork Eating Crusader"
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    Anyone watch that undercover boss show?

  4. #44
    DB1982's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by trikydik View Post

    No - my wife who is in marketing has brainwashed us to buy crap we don't need!
    ^^^^ very true.
    To add to that the media brainwash women to believe they need everything right now . Lol

  5. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by Euroholic View Post
    Anyone watch that undercover boss show?
    Yes it's a perfect show. That's shows how out of touch most CEO's are with their work force

  6. #46
    trikydik's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DB1982 View Post
    So in return if your company is at a surplus. Why is it so hard to believe that EVERY employee from the top to the bottom deserve a Little something extra. Not just those who feel entitled.
    I pay the guys at the bottom. I pay the guys in the middle. When I hire someone, I offer them the salary I expect to pay them +/- 15% negotiating. You want to work for me, you will take my pay. If not, go work somewhere else.

    Listen you guys are acting like people are asking for a handout or something for nothing. We are talking about hard working people.
    people who will be out of a job when the pay raise goes into effect. See my reasoning above. And no, my reasoning is not flawed... it is based on 600 years of capitalism and fair trade rules.

    I am not referring to gas station clerks or fast food workers here so let's not be confused.
    You guys don't realize what raising the minimum wage does to everyone else's pay. If I pay my entry level employee $10, then the guy making $10 now has to get a pay raise... The guy making $15 goes up... raising the minimum wage forces all pay rates to go up... People who have never run a business don't seem to understand that. So where does that extra money come from?

    If I am a CEO of a company with 20,000 employees. I make 1 million dollars a year in salary and 3 million in stock options. This is normal for CEO pay scales by the way...
    If I give everyone of my employees a $1/hr pay raise, that comes to $41,600,000 per year. Guess what, I am not making anywhere near that... so it ain't coming from my salary. So where do I get the money from. I raise prices you consumers pay.

  7. #47
    JJ78 is offline Senior Member
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    And who do u think the only people that r gonna benifit from obamacare The insurance companies and the elected officials who voted for it

    SAme amount of docs. And hospitals but 150000000 more people going to them

    No bueno

  8. #48
    slfmade's Avatar
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    If you want more money, go do something with your life. It's as simple as that. I get sick and tired of people complaining about how they don't get paid enough but are unwilling to go do something better. You might be the hardest worker at McDonalds and bust your ass, but it's your own fault for not doing something better with your life. It's never to late. My mother decided in her late 40's that making 11/hr as a factory worker wasn't for her, so she went to school, got her RN and now makes over 100k/yr travel nursing.

    We keep bringing up McDonalds for examples so let me give you this one. McDonalds is a franchise. You have to buy into McDonalds to get the franchise. I've got a buddy who did all this. He has his MBA has invested almost 200k into the business, works his ass off, and by the time he pays the franchise fee, pay's for the business cost, pays his employee's, (not to mention 1/2 their FICA and SS which you guys keep forgetting to add onto that 10/hr) he brings home 60-80k a year. Sure that's well over 10/hr, but look at all he's done with his life. DAMN IT, he deserves it. The guys working for him that spend all there money on their cars and partying don't deserve anymore than they get. It's their own damn fault that they didn't do anymore with their life. I also don't for sorry for the mom trying to support 18 kids. QUIT FVCKING or use a damn condom. That's not the owners fault.

    It all boils down to ambition. What do you want out of life? Figure out what it takes and go get it. Everyone that I know that's well off (100k+) either earned it the hard way fighting tooth and nail to get it, or had a god given talent (ex. sales). Everyone that I know that complain about how their jobs sucks and they deserve more money...just complain and never do anything.

    Several years ago, I knew a guy that was incredibly talented as a CNC programmer but in the small town we grew up in he was only making 15/hr. I talked him into moving out to Denver (where I was living at the time) to get a job there cause I knew a guy that said he could easily get him on where he worked making 32/hr. Cost of living in the bigger city for something comparable to what he had would've only ran him a few hundred more a month. He moved to Colorado and decided 3 days later that he couldn't handle being away from his girlfriend so he moved back. Do you feel sorry for him. Of course not.

    I might also add that this is unlikely to fix welfare. People that don't wanta work, aren't gonna work.

  9. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by trikydik View Post
    I pay the guys at the bottom. I pay the guys in the middle. When I hire someone, I offer them the salary I expect to pay them +/- 15% negotiating. You want to work for me, you will take my pay. If not, go work somewhere else.

    people who will be out of a job when the pay raise goes into effect. See my reasoning above. And no, my reasoning is not flawed... it is based on 600 years of capitalism and fair trade rules.

    You guys don't realize what raising the minimum wage does to everyone else's pay. If I pay my entry level employee $10, then the guy making $10 now has to get a pay raise... The guy making $15 goes up... raising the minimum wage forces all pay rates to go up... People who have never run a business don't seem to understand that. So where does that extra money come from?

    If I am a CEO of a company with 20,000 employees. I make 1 million dollars a year in salary and 3 million in stock options. This is normal for CEO pay scales by the way...
    If I give everyone of my employees a $1/hr pay raise, that comes to $41,600,000 per year. Guess what, I am not making anywhere near that... so it ain't coming from my salary. So where do I get the money from. I raise prices you consumers pay.
    A CEO of a company with a work force of 20,000 is making more then 1 million plus stock options. Along with other company perks like the company jet and car also an expense account. And a severance package that could feed a small country.

    And the raise would come from the companies
    Bottom line.
    Because if the business is in such a surplus to provide (1) if it's upper management employees such a lavish pay .Then surly there is enough for the little guy too, if you upper management guys would stop being so greedy.
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  10. #50
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    By the way I am an Journeyman Electrician by trade.
    been doing it since I was 17 years.
    I make a fair living but by no means am I rich.
    Do I like my job yes. Do I work my butt off for what most of you would consider pennies yes.

    Do I feel the service I provide is worth more yes. But my wages are greatly based off the economy as with most.

    So don't confuse me with a guy not worth the money he makes.

    The sad part is I secretly hope to see the day when society falls and all these self entitled people's skill sets are worthless.
    So they can truly understand what it takes to build something out of nothing with your own 2 hands.
    Not behind a computer clicking a mouse.

  11. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by DB1982 View Post
    By the way I am an Journeyman Electrician by trade.
    been doing it since I was 17 years.
    I make a fair living but by no means am I rich.
    Do I like my job yes. Do I work my butt off for what most of you would consider pennies yes.

    Do I feel the service I provide is worth more yes. But my wages are greatly based off the economy as with most.

    So don't confuse me with a guy not worth the money he makes.

    The sad part is I secretly hope to see the day when society falls and all these self entitled people's skill sets are worthless.
    So they can truly understand what it takes to build something out of nothing with your own 2 hands.
    Not behind a computer clicking a mouse.
    Self entitled? Worthless Skill sets? That's laughable man. You must be out of your mind. I forget where I read it, but I read somewhere that if the economy fell and everybody had to start over, the same rich people would become rich while the poor remained poor.

    Let's say you made something valuable "with your two hands", but didn't have the skill set to sell it. That rich guy would take the business sense that he had to recruit some sales people to sell it. After he built a small sales force locally, he would expand it regionally while picking up other people useful "with their 2 hands" to purchase products from. Eventually he would be selling many products built by other people "with their two hands" as well as employing a staff of many people to build stuff "with their 2 hands" on a national level. This is the way it works. You're diluted.

  12. #52
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    Let's see... 10 years military experience... BA in electronics, MBA in Global Business Admin, Engineer....

    I think I can handle life if and when society falls.

    Oh and by the way, my wife and I are in the middle income bracket. I started life as an abused kid in foster care.... It is amazing what you can do with ambition and a good high school education.

  13. #53
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    If people are not happy with their current income do something about it! If the company doesn't pay enough find a different job or start you're own business . When I bought my business I sold everything that I could pawned what I couldn't sell,refinanced my vehicle that was clear,maxed out my credit cards and worked 7 days a week 18 hours a day for the first 3 years until I could afford to hire my first employee. Its amazing how everyone forgets or doesn't know what most business owners went through to make their business successful and profitable.
    This is the reason we make more money than the employees and trust me we pay our share of taxes.

    Moral of the story is work hard,take risks,don't feel sorry for yourself and don't worry about how much money someone else is making,make you're own money don't try and take theirs.

  14. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by diesel101 View Post
    If people are not happy with their current income do something about it! If the company doesn't pay enough find a different job or start you're own business . When I bought my business I sold everything that I could pawned what I couldn't sell,refinanced my vehicle that was clear,maxed out my credit cards and worked 7 days a week 18 hours a day for the first 3 years until I could afford to hire my first employee. Its amazing how everyone forgets or doesn't know what most business owners went through to make their business successful and profitable.
    This is the reason we make more money than the employees and trust me we pay our share of taxes.

    Moral of the story is work hard,take risks,don't feel sorry for yourself and don't worry about how much money someone else is making,make you're own money don't try and take theirs.
    I agree.

    For one I don't feel sorry for myself. I feel sorry for others and I do what can to help those in need.

    Some of you act like companies do the most they can for their employees. And the employees are pawns.
    Unions and labors laws wouldn't exist if companies always did what's right.

    Companies throughout our history have only done what the minimum standard is that's allowed by law.

  15. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by slfmade View Post

    Self entitled? Worthless Skill sets? That's laughable man. You must be out of your mind. I forget where I read it, but I read somewhere that if the economy fell and everybody had to start over, the same rich people would become rich while the poor remained poor.

    Let's say you made something valuable "with your two hands", but didn't have the skill set to sell it. That rich guy would take the business sense that he had to recruit some sales people to sell it. After he built a small sales force locally, he would expand it regionally while picking up other people useful "with their 2 hands" to purchase products from. Eventually he would be selling many products built by other people "with their two hands" as well as employing a staff of many people to build stuff "with their 2 hands" on a national level. This is the way it works. You're diluted.
    I'll finish you story.
    The business man comes along be friends the person who built the product.
    Sells him a pitch how to sell hundred of these. Then finds a person or persons to build them for cheaper, cuts the person out who's idea it was in the first place. Tells said State I'd like to open a factory in your city that will create 1000 low paying jobs. but only if you give me tax credits to reduce my overhead.

    City agrees. As time goes on cost of living rises so does business expenses. So the business starts cutting the benefits and pay raises for the lower class workers.
    To keep profit margins up.

    Once the city tax credit expires. The company layoff lower class work force and sends Jobs to another state with tax breaks or over seas all in the name of MORE profits.

    Nothing is never enough anymore these days.
    Not for people or companies.
    But there seems to be a lot more people suffering the companies these days.

    Nobody in their right mind deserves several million dollars a year for any job.

    Take gas prices for example how can oil companies keep raising the price of gas because they say the cost of extracting oil is more expensive or a storm hit the golf cost. But yet keep recording record profits each quarter.

    Simple they want to fatten their pockets. End of story.
    So instead of lowering the price gas back to normal oh nooooo. And lower their profits back to normal. They now know your willing to pay more for the same product.

    At most of these companies the people at the top will reap all the reward.
    While throwing crumbs to lower class work force.

    I know I'm pissing some of you off. Because maybe your a good business owner that's has some crappy employees who always want more. Rightfully so.
    My argument is not geared towards you.

    And then there is the others who might be pissed because your getting called out on being greedy. And don't like it.

    At the end of the day nothing I or any of you say will effect either of our lives.
    I'm simply stating my opinion on the matter from where I stand.

    I would rather be remembered as a hard working man. That Did his best for his family and help others that needed it in their time of need.

    Then be a cool millionaire trying to figure out how to make another million at the cost of his morals.

  16. #56
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    Predict future happiness for americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them.
    Thomas Jefferson

  17. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by trikydik View Post
    There is so very much wrong with this line... I am going to focus on this one statement. You are so very very very wrong about who pays taxes in the United States....
    Nearly 50% of the people in this country pay no taxes. And forget what your friends in the We Are the 99%... The top 10% pay almost 65% of the income tax generated by the federal government.
    Just talked about this in my Tax class, 47% of Americans don't pay taxes and close to 70% get income tax refunds!!

  18. #58
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    You are never going to convince people like DB... so I am quitting!

  19. #59
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    Quote Originally Posted by trikydik View Post
    You are never going to convince people like DB... so I am quitting!
    I am fully aware that most of the so called poor, Pay very little tax yet receive huge tax refunds. So in return actually make money off the deal.
    I for one HATE this and needs to be fixed.

    I'm referring to the 1% that can afford theirs tax. But choose to find loopholes to pay a smaller percentage because of their greed.

    28% of my family's earning goes to the government.
    Yet a person or persons making 10x what I do, only pays 39.6% and still find loopholes to lower their percentage lower then most middle class citizens.

    That's is also the problem.

    Try to sugarcoat it however you see fit. The problem is at both ends of the pay scale. And the middle class suffers the most.

    The gap in pay scale in America is out of control.
    And only gets worse year after year.
    It's the old adage
    " The Rich get richer and poor get poorer"

    But hey don't worry. Because all of us in the middle class at this rate will soon be part of the lower class.
    Last edited by DB1982; 02-13-2014 at 08:46 PM.

  20. #60
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    Why should someone who makes more have to pay a higher percentage? That makes no sense. Just because they can afford it? Says who, you?

    Don't claim it until you walk a mike in their shoes. I bet there are a LOT of poor people that think you have far to much money and luxuries especially compared to them and think you should donate a lot more to charity or just give it to them. Matter of fact there are plenty who are more than willing to take it.

    Most people get paid the BIG bucks because they are running multi million dollar or billion dollar companies. If you think you could do it then you should go apply for the job. If you get it I'm sure you would donate or give away most of your money, right?

    Do you know what a large majority of those loopholes you speak of? Most of them are called charitable contributions. Most rich people give millions to charities instead of paying into taxes. You have the same loopholes available to you.

    Do you make more than you did 10 years ago? Are you giving the extra away? Once your wife gets her PhD and starts making bank are you planning on giving away what she makes in excess compared to now? If not maybe you are just to greedy or a hypocrite?

    How much is to much? Compared to many you have to much probably now. Why do you need a nicer house? Another car or ??? Take a look in the mirror before you tell others what to do with their money.
    Last edited by lovbyts; 02-13-2014 at 09:11 PM.

  21. #61
    mauz is offline Associate Member
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    the problem with min wage is it will always be min wage everything will adjust and the people on the bottom will still be just as much on the bottom as before.

  22. #62
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Why should someone who makes more have to pay a higher percentage? That makes no sense. Just because they can afford it? Says who, you?

    Don't claim it until you walk a mike in their shoes. I bet there are a LOT of poor people that think you have far to much money and luxuries especially compared to them and think you should donate a lot more to charity or just give it to them. Matter of fact there are plenty who are more than willing to take it.

    Most people get paid the BIG bucks because they are running multi million dollar or billion dollar companies. If you think you could do it then you should go apply for the job. If you get it I'm sure you would donate or give away most of your money, right?

    Do you know what a large majority of those loopholes you speak of? Most of them are called charitable contributions. Most rich people give millions to charities instead of paying into taxes. You have the same loopholes available to you.

    Do you make more than you did 10 years ago? Are you giving the extra away? Once your wife gets her PhD and starts making bank are you planning on giving away what she makes in excess compared to now? If not maybe you are just to greedy or a hypocrite?

    How much is to much? Compared to many you have to much probably now. Why do you need a nicer house? Another car or ??? Take a look in the mirror before you tell others what to do with their money.
    I've lived poor so I have walked a mile in their shoes.

    And I do give as much as I can to others in need. So yes as my family continues do better I will continue to try to help those around me.
    My house is an old farm house I bought for $65k and fixed it up with my own 2 hands.
    My family only has 1 car. My other vehicle is a company truck.
    I live with in my means.
    I was taught the value of a dollar at a young age simply because dollars were hard to come by when I was younger.

    Once again people I'm not referring to giving money away to those who didn't earn it.

    If you think this country can survive without the middle class your a fool.

    The middle class is THEE BACKBONE to America.
    And it's the middle class that is hurting the most in this country.

    I'm done talking about this situation.
    Sounds like most on this board Only driving force in life is the make as much money as possible.

    I for one hope to be remembered for better things than how big my bank account was.

    -Money is the route to all evil-

  23. #63
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    If you guys are poor and feel you're worth more money, just do what the wealthy do. Rip them off.

    It's simple, get yourself a nice suit and borrow some money for a good office. Come up with a flashy investment firm logo and get to work.

    You can start by finding reasonably well off people and elderly people. Make some crazy 10% annual return on their investments if they invest through you. Come up with a plan of action that is very long and doesn't exactly tell them how you're going to raise that 10% return. Get them to trust you.

    Now here is the pay off. When somebody invests with you, use about 10%-50% of their buy-in to pay the interest payments on the previous "investors." pocket the rest of the money in some off-shore trust account. Bank of Scotland in the Cayman Islands is a very good place to store money at since they will not report to the government that you even have an account there. Do this for exactly 3 years and then leave.

    There you are, rich and nobody can do anything about it. Even if you get caught, you'd do 10 years in a minimum security resort. They'll never find the money.

  24. #64
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    ^^^ I got that from watching American Greed. Except for the ending, I came up with that on my own.

  25. #65
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    Quote Originally Posted by DB1982 View Post

    I've lived poor so I have walked a mile in their shoes.

    And I do give as much as I can to others in need. So yes as my family continues do better I will continue to try to help those around me.
    My house is an old farm house I bought for $65k and fixed it up with my own 2 hands.
    My family only has 1 car. My other vehicle is a company truck.
    I live with in my means.
    I was taught the value of a dollar at a young age simply because dollars were hard to come by when I was younger.

    Once again people I'm not referring to giving money away to those who didn't earn it.

    If you think this country can survive without the middle class your a fool.

    The middle class is THEE BACKBONE to America.
    And it's the middle class that is hurting the most in this country.

    I'm done talking about this situation.
    Sounds like most on this board Only driving force in life is the make as much money as possible.

    I for one hope to be remembered for better things than how big my bank account was.

    -Money is the route to all evil-
    Well you got most everything I was saying 100% backwards. Read what I wrote again. If yiu still feel I'm saying we don't need the middle or upper class/rich then don't respond because you don't get me. Im not talking about walking a mile in the shoes of the poor. Im talking about the rich. You have no idea what they really do for the most part.

  26. #66
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post

    Well you got most everything I was saying 100% backwards. Read what I wrote again. If yiu still feel I'm saying we don't need the middle or upper class/rich then don't respond because you don't get me. Im not talking about walking a mile in the shoes of the poor. Im talking about the rich. You have no idea what they really do for the most part.
    Funny how the Richest people in America have more than doubled their wealth since 2003.
    Especially since 2007 marked the beginning of the a HUGE recession.

    While in that same time period the middle classes total wealth has significantly decreased.

    I could go on for days about this.
    We will never see eye to eye on the matter.

  27. #67
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    Quote Originally Posted by DB1982 View Post
    Funny how the Richest people in America have more than doubled their wealth since 2003.
    Especially since 2007 marked the beginning of the a HUGE recession.

    While in that same time period the middle classes total wealth has significantly decreased.

    I could go on for days about this.
    We will never see eye to eye on the matter.

    The United States’ Obscene Wealth Inequality | NEWS JUNKIE POST
    If unchecked by the government, the rich will use their wealth and influence to both secure their status and make themselves richer at the expense of the poor. And the wealthy use their influence to buy the government, so at least with our current system, it's never going to fare well for the little guy.

    The only thing the little guy can do is to not play by the rules the wealthy make. And in doing that, make sure he doesn't get caught breaking the wealthy's rules.

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