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Thread: Phil heath. Opinions.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2014

    Phil heath. Opinions.

    K obviously he's using stuff, but IMO it's not a ton. What do you guys think he's using pre contest or even off season. Keep in mind he's in the upper echelon of genetics.

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  2. #2
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    Jan 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by cypher23 View Post
    K obviously he's using stuff, but IMO it's not a ton. What do you guys think he's using pre contest or even off season. Keep in mind he's in the upper echelon of genetics.

    <img src=""/>
    How long is the piece of rope in my hand?

    The same answer to your question.... the person using it knows!!

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by cypher23
    K obviously he's using stuff, but IMO it's not a ton. What do you guys think he's using pre contest or even off season. Keep in mind he's in the upper echelon of genetics. <img src=""/>
    Yeah, not a ton. Probably two tons.

  4. #4
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    He will be using plenty of aas/gh/slin/diuretics. What does it matter how much because it doesn't mean if you use the same amount you will look like him. The top pro's use a lot of gear and when you couple this with their amazing genetics they grow super human. The pro's push the boundaries all the time and each decade things change and they get bigger and bigger. Drugs/hormones is a huge part in this day and age.

  5. #5
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    He will be using plenty of aas/gh/slin/diuretics. What does it matter how much because it doesn't mean if you use the same amount you will look like him. The top pro's use a lot of gear and when you couple this with their amazing genetics they grow super human. The pro's push the boundaries all the time and each decade things change and they get bigger and bigger. Drugs/hormones is a huge part in this day and age.
    Exactly. Some can get away with less and others have to spend more than a new mercedes would cost to get on stage.

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by austinite View Post

    Exactly. Some can get away with less and others have to spend more than a new mercedes would cost to get on stage.
    Im happy with my piece of rope

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    My rope was passed down thru my family line .

    It started in Ireland . It's nice but all that red hair seems to be a distraction

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Defiling Myself
    Here's what I think

    Week 14

    400 mg/wk Testosterone [specific ester name not given]

    200 mg/wk methenolone enanthate

    25 mg/day methandrostenolone

    Total weekly androgen dose: 775 mg

    Week 13

    400 mg/wk Testosterone [specific ester name not given]

    200 mg/wk methenolone enanthate

    25 mg/day methandrostenolone

    0.70 mg/day tiratricol

    3 IU growth hormone M, W, F

    Total weekly androgen dose: 775 mg

    Week 12

    300 mg/wk Testosterone [specific ester name not given]

    300 mg/wk methenolone enanthate

    25 mg/day methandrostenolone

    0.70 mg/day tiratricol

    3 IU growth hormone M, W, F

    Total weekly androgen dose: 775 mg

    Week 11

    300 mg/wk Testosterone [specific ester name not given]

    300 mg/wk methenolone enanthate

    25 mg/day methandrostenolone

    0.70 mg/day tiratricol

    3 IU growth hormone administered M, W, F

    Total weekly androgen dose: 775 mg

    Week 10

    200 mg/wk Testosterone [specific ester name not given]

    400 mg/wk methenolone enanthate

    25 mg/day methandrostenolone

    0.70 mg/day tiratricol

    3 IU growth hormone administered M, W, F

    Total weekly androgen dose: 775 mg

    Week 9

    152 mg/wk trenbolone hexahydrobenzylcarbonate

    200 mg/wk nandrolone decanoate

    200 mg/wk methenolone enanthate

    200 mg/wk dromostanolone

    1.05 mg/day tiratricol

    3 IU growth hormone, change to daily injections here until Mr. Olympia

    Total weekly androgen dose: 752 mg

    Week 8

    152 mg/wk trenbolone hexahydrobenzylcarbonate

    200 mg/wk nandrolone decanoate

    200 mg/wk dromostanolone

    200 mg/wk methenolone enanthate

    3 IU/day growth hormone

    1.05 mg/day tiratricol

    Total weekly androgen dose: 752 mg

    Week 7

    152 mg/wk trenbolone hexahydrobenzylcarbonate

    200 mg/wk nandrolone decanoate

    200 mg/wk dromostanolone

    200 mg/wk methenolone enanthate

    4 IU/day growth hormone

    1.05 mg/day tiratricol

    Begin alternating daily dose of 30 mcg clenbuterol and 100 mg ephedrine (i.e. one day C, next day E)

    Total weekly androgen dose: 752 mg

    Week 6

    100 mg Testosterone suspension administered twice per week

    100 mg injectable stanzozolol administered three times per week

    228 mg/wk trenbolone hexahydrobenzylcarbonate

    200 mg/wk dromostanolone

    5 IU/day growth hormone

    1.05 mg/day tiratricol

    Alternating daily dose of 30 mcg clenbuterol or 100 mg ephedrine (i.e. one day C, next day E)

    25 mg/day oxandrolone

    Local injections with formyldienolone begin here until Mr. Olympia (upper chest, biceps, and side delts)

    Total weekly androgen dose: 1,103 mg*

    Week 5

    50 mg nandrolone phenpropionate administered twice per week

    100 mg Testosterone suspension administered twice per week

    100 mg injectable stanozolol administered three times per week

    228 mg/wk trenbolone hexahydrobenzylcarbonate

    200 mg/wk dromostanolone

    5 IU/day growth hormone

    1.05 mg/day tiratricol

    Alternating daily dose of 30 mcg clenbuterol or 100 mg ephedrine (i.e. one day C, next day E)

    25 mg/day oxandrolone

    Local injections with formyldienolone (upper chest, biceps, side delts)

    Total weekly androgen dose: 1,203 mg*

    Week 4

    100 mg nandrolone phenpropionate administered three times per week

    200 mg/wk dromostanolone

    100 mg Testosterone suspension administered three times per week

    100 mg injectable stanozolol administered three times per week

    1.05 mg/day tiratricol

    Alternating daily dose of 30 mcg clenbuterol or 100 mg ephedrine (i.e. one day C, next day E)

    25 mg/day oxandrolone

    5 IU/day growth hormone

    Local injections with formyldienolone (upper chest, biceps, side delts)

    500 mg/day testolactone

    500 mg/day tolbutamide

    100 mg/day mesterolone

    Total weekly androgen dose: 1,975 mg*

    Week 3

    100 mg nandrolone phenpropionate administered three times per week

    200 mg/wk dromostanolone

    100 mg Testosterone suspension administered three times per week

    100 mg injectable stanozolol administered three times per week

    1.05 mg/day tiratricol

    Alternating daily dose of 30 mcg clenbuterol and 100 mg ephedrine (i.e. one day C, next day E)

    25 mg/day oxandrolone

    5 IU/day growth hormone

    Local injections with formyldienolone (upper chest, biceps, side delts)

    500 mg/day testolactone

    500 mg/day tolbutamide

    100 mg/day mesterolone

    Total weekly androgen dose: 1,975 mg*

    Week 2

    50 mg nandrolone phenpropionate administered twice per week

    100 mg/day mesterolone

    1.05 mg/day tiratricol

    100 mg injectable stanozolol administered three times per week

    100 mg/day Testosterone suspension

    600 mg/day testolactone

    500 mg/day tolbutamide

    750 mg/day aminoglutethimide

    Alternating daily dose of 30 mcg clenbuterol or 100 mg ephedrine (i.e. one day C, next day E)

    25 mg/day oxandrolone

    5 IU/day growth hormone (GH stops this week)

    Local injections with formyldienolone (upper chest, biceps, side delts)

    Total weekly androgen dose: 1,975 mg*

    Week Preceding the Mr. Olympia

    50 mg nandrolone phenpropionate administered twice this week

    100 mg/day mesterolone

    100 mg injectable stanozolol Monday, Wednesday, and Friday

    100 mg Testosterone suspension Saturday, Tuesday, Thursday

    600 mg/day testolactone

    500 mg/day tolbutamide

    25 mg/day oxandrolone

    Alternating daily dose of 30 mcg clenbuterol or 100 mg ephedrine (i.e. one day C, next day E)

    750 mg/day aminoglutethimide

    Local injections with formyldienolone (upper chest, biceps, side delts)

    Total weekly androgen dose: 1,575 mg*

    Total androgen dose for 14 week cycle: 15,937 mg*

    *Androgen totals do not include site injections of formyldienolone or oral administration of testolactone

  9. #9
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Quote Originally Posted by austinite View Post
    Exactly. Some can get away with less and others have to spend more than a new mercedes would cost to get on stage.
    Very true. Saw a thread here recently where a young guy is getting ready for his first show and running 5iu's of GH a day. I repeat, first show.
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300
    He will be using plenty of aas/gh/slin/diuretics. What does it matter how much because it doesn't mean if you use the same amount you will look like him. The top pro's use a lot of gear and when you couple this with their amazing genetics they grow super human. The pro's push the boundaries all the time and each decade things change and they get bigger and bigger. Drugs/hormones is a huge part in this day and age.

    No I was genuinely curious. But thanks for stereotyping ass hole. I know you see a lot of that on the forums but I honestly was (curious)!!! Ignorance....

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300
    He will be using plenty of aas/gh/slin/diuretics. What does it matter how much because it doesn't mean if you use the same amount you will look like him. The top pro's use a lot of gear and when you couple this with their amazing genetics they grow super human. The pro's push the boundaries all the time and each decade things change and they get bigger and bigger. Drugs/hormones is a huge part in this day and age.
    Why do you think I mentioned he's in the upper echelon of genetics...I clearly know this lol

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    new england
    I think it's clear by looking back to the days of Arnold who had some superior genetics also that the game has clearly changed, just look at the legs of any top pro now compared to then. It's definitely due to the drugs and limits people are willing to put their bodies through, that being said he probably uses a ton of gear but compared to the other top pros who weren't as blessed genetically it's probably on the lower to middle part of the spectrum.

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    The Beach
    No way. Hes definitley natural. They get tested.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Y'all are crazy. The only thing these guys take are over the counter supplants. Haven't you guys read iron man magazine or muscle and fitness. Lol lol lol

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Its like you have insider knowledge.

    Quote Originally Posted by Capebuffalo View Post
    Here's what I think

    Week 14

    400 mg/wk Testosterone [specific ester name not given]

    200 mg/wk methenolone enanthate

    25 mg/day methandrostenolone

    Total weekly androgen dose: 775 mg

    Week 13

    400 mg/wk Testosterone [specific ester name not given]

    200 mg/wk methenolone enanthate

    25 mg/day methandrostenolone

    0.70 mg/day tiratricol

    3 IU growth hormone M, W, F

    Total weekly androgen dose: 775 mg

    Week 12

    300 mg/wk Testosterone [specific ester name not given]

    300 mg/wk methenolone enanthate

    25 mg/day methandrostenolone

    0.70 mg/day tiratricol

    3 IU growth hormone M, W, F

    Total weekly androgen dose: 775 mg

    Week 11

    300 mg/wk Testosterone [specific ester name not given]

    300 mg/wk methenolone enanthate

    25 mg/day methandrostenolone

    0.70 mg/day tiratricol

    3 IU growth hormone administered M, W, F

    Total weekly androgen dose: 775 mg

    Week 10

    200 mg/wk Testosterone [specific ester name not given]

    400 mg/wk methenolone enanthate

    25 mg/day methandrostenolone

    0.70 mg/day tiratricol

    3 IU growth hormone administered M, W, F

    Total weekly androgen dose: 775 mg

    Week 9

    152 mg/wk trenbolone hexahydrobenzylcarbonate

    200 mg/wk nandrolone decanoate

    200 mg/wk methenolone enanthate

    200 mg/wk dromostanolone

    1.05 mg/day tiratricol

    3 IU growth hormone, change to daily injections here until Mr. Olympia

    Total weekly androgen dose: 752 mg

    Week 8

    152 mg/wk trenbolone hexahydrobenzylcarbonate

    200 mg/wk nandrolone decanoate

    200 mg/wk dromostanolone

    200 mg/wk methenolone enanthate

    3 IU/day growth hormone

    1.05 mg/day tiratricol

    Total weekly androgen dose: 752 mg

    Week 7

    152 mg/wk trenbolone hexahydrobenzylcarbonate

    200 mg/wk nandrolone decanoate

    200 mg/wk dromostanolone

    200 mg/wk methenolone enanthate

    4 IU/day growth hormone

    1.05 mg/day tiratricol

    Begin alternating daily dose of 30 mcg clenbuterol and 100 mg ephedrine (i.e. one day C, next day E)

    Total weekly androgen dose: 752 mg

    Week 6

    100 mg Testosterone suspension administered twice per week

    100 mg injectable stanzozolol administered three times per week

    228 mg/wk trenbolone hexahydrobenzylcarbonate

    200 mg/wk dromostanolone

    5 IU/day growth hormone

    1.05 mg/day tiratricol

    Alternating daily dose of 30 mcg clenbuterol or 100 mg ephedrine (i.e. one day C, next day E)

    25 mg/day oxandrolone

    Local injections with formyldienolone begin here until Mr. Olympia (upper chest, biceps, and side delts)

    Total weekly androgen dose: 1,103 mg*

    Week 5

    50 mg nandrolone phenpropionate administered twice per week

    100 mg Testosterone suspension administered twice per week

    100 mg injectable stanozolol administered three times per week

    228 mg/wk trenbolone hexahydrobenzylcarbonate

    200 mg/wk dromostanolone

    5 IU/day growth hormone

    1.05 mg/day tiratricol

    Alternating daily dose of 30 mcg clenbuterol or 100 mg ephedrine (i.e. one day C, next day E)

    25 mg/day oxandrolone

    Local injections with formyldienolone (upper chest, biceps, side delts)

    Total weekly androgen dose: 1,203 mg*

    Week 4

    100 mg nandrolone phenpropionate administered three times per week

    200 mg/wk dromostanolone

    100 mg Testosterone suspension administered three times per week

    100 mg injectable stanozolol administered three times per week

    1.05 mg/day tiratricol

    Alternating daily dose of 30 mcg clenbuterol or 100 mg ephedrine (i.e. one day C, next day E)

    25 mg/day oxandrolone

    5 IU/day growth hormone

    Local injections with formyldienolone (upper chest, biceps, side delts)

    500 mg/day testolactone

    500 mg/day tolbutamide

    100 mg/day mesterolone

    Total weekly androgen dose: 1,975 mg*

    Week 3

    100 mg nandrolone phenpropionate administered three times per week

    200 mg/wk dromostanolone

    100 mg Testosterone suspension administered three times per week

    100 mg injectable stanozolol administered three times per week

    1.05 mg/day tiratricol

    Alternating daily dose of 30 mcg clenbuterol and 100 mg ephedrine (i.e. one day C, next day E)

    25 mg/day oxandrolone

    5 IU/day growth hormone

    Local injections with formyldienolone (upper chest, biceps, side delts)

    500 mg/day testolactone

    500 mg/day tolbutamide

    100 mg/day mesterolone

    Total weekly androgen dose: 1,975 mg*

    Week 2

    50 mg nandrolone phenpropionate administered twice per week

    100 mg/day mesterolone

    1.05 mg/day tiratricol

    100 mg injectable stanozolol administered three times per week

    100 mg/day Testosterone suspension

    600 mg/day testolactone

    500 mg/day tolbutamide

    750 mg/day aminoglutethimide

    Alternating daily dose of 30 mcg clenbuterol or 100 mg ephedrine (i.e. one day C, next day E)

    25 mg/day oxandrolone

    5 IU/day growth hormone (GH stops this week)

    Local injections with formyldienolone (upper chest, biceps, side delts)

    Total weekly androgen dose: 1,975 mg*

    Week Preceding the Mr. Olympia

    50 mg nandrolone phenpropionate administered twice this week

    100 mg/day mesterolone

    100 mg injectable stanozolol Monday, Wednesday, and Friday

    100 mg Testosterone suspension Saturday, Tuesday, Thursday

    600 mg/day testolactone

    500 mg/day tolbutamide

    25 mg/day oxandrolone

    Alternating daily dose of 30 mcg clenbuterol or 100 mg ephedrine (i.e. one day C, next day E)

    750 mg/day aminoglutethimide

    Local injections with formyldienolone (upper chest, biceps, side delts)

    Total weekly androgen dose: 1,575 mg*

    Total androgen dose for 14 week cycle: 15,937 mg*

    *Androgen totals do not include site injections of formyldienolone or oral administration of testolactone

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by cypher23 View Post

    No I was genuinely curious. But thanks for stereotyping ass hole. I know you see a lot of that on the forums but I honestly was (curious)!!! Ignorance....
    I'd check your attitude if you want to hang around here in the future. Nothing Marcus said was to be taken personally. Its a generalized statement for most.

    Discussing what pro bodybuilders / athletes use is pointless. In fact, its not even fun to speculate.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Dante Diamond
    I'd check your attitude if you want to hang around here in the future. Nothing Marcus said was to be taken personally. Its a generalized statement for most. Discussing what pro bodybuilders / athletes use is pointless. In fact, its not even fun to speculate.
    Ya ya. I know I read it the second time through. I'm just use to people acting like that so I'm always on the defense. Can you blame in this world we live in?

  18. #18
    Join Date
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    Standing Above Weakness
    Quote Originally Posted by cypher23
    No I was genuinely curious. But thanks for stereotyping ass hole. I know you see a lot of that on the forums but I honestly was (curious)!!! Ignorance....
    wtf sparked a response and personal attack like this? Did I miss something?

  19. #19
    Join Date
    May 2013
    No source checks
    Lmao. A morphed pic of Heath. How great is don't have to make him bigger man he's already mr. O.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by chadcuz1985 View Post
    Lmao. A morphed pic of Heath. How great is don't have to make him bigger man he's already mr. O.
    his arms are only as big as his thighs. must be a real pic lol

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    About the same amount I use . 1 exception, he uses more pharmgrade gh

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