due to screw ups in the past, I was addicted to sleeping pills for the better part of 4 years. just took something every night to induce sleep and definitely wasn't getting the good natural rest I needed. and looking back on that time period I was usually moody, sluggish, had lowered sex drive, poor training, and a lot less patience and sense of well being.
thanks to some effort and hgh, I got myself sleeping great naturally and as a result of that (and some hgh) my body and mind have been working so much more efficiently. Now I've been off the growth for 2 months or so and have done what I can to reach as deep of a sleep as possible to replicate what it was like sleeping on hgh.
on top of making sure I get enough time to log some good sleep, I have realized just how important it is to maximize the hours of sleep you do get. right now I am using ZMA, melatonan, and glutamine before bed on an empty stomach, and I think mainly because of the ZMA I have been sleeping great (having crazy dreams), waking up after only 7 hours and feeling good for the day. plus I have been working out hard 6 days a week and still recovering quickly.
does anyone have a good sleep regiment they use?