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Thread: I'm so pissed off !!!!!!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Quebec city , Canada !!!

    I'm so pissed off !!!!!!!

    Today in my local newspaper , on the front page : " Testosterone ... potentialy Deadly ."
    God ! This journalist knows **** all about anabolics , and he writes a front page to make a scandal about it ... Then you will see those retarded doctor's who has always been against the use of testosterone , legitimate or not ... I was happy because in Canada , finally , doctor's have started to prescribe it ... Now they'll be watched by the Québec doctor's College or (doctor's police if you prefer) !!! Does the sAME thing has happened in USA ?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    He's actually right. The studies that have been done recently show that testosterone *can* increase the risk for heart attacks and strokes significantly over people who are not on testosterone replacement therapy. That being said, having testosterone levels that are too low can also increase your risk for a whole slew of medical problems. They have found that it is safer to have testosterone levels in the mid-normal range rather than high or low normal ranges, but there's no arguing the potential medical problems that TRT can cause.

    This is not to say that everyone that gets TRT or runs AAS cycles is going to have a heart attack or stroke, and if I recall correctly, I don't believe they mentioned the general shape of the individuals on the therapy. They may have been obese individuals sitting on their couch all day eating pizza for all we know, and I believe they mentioned that a large number of individuals who suffered from heart attacks or strokes while on the therapy had a history of heart problems. TRT is a quality of life treatment, and I'm sure that most of the people who are on it would not trade it even with the increased risks, but it certainly doesn't mean that there are no risks at all. There's risks with any medication.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    JayMoe is that short for JayMorron? Had to ask. You are believing the media hype, not real studies. Have you read any of these? I don't mean listen to someone who claims to but actually read any?

    Go to the hrt forum and educate yourself. They are posted there for you to read and its not what is being reported. Total b.s..

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    First, you may want to reread my post, as I made myself clear when I said that it "can cause problems", not that it will, and that there is a "potential for problems", not that they're guaranteed to happen. I also mentioned that a large number of individuals who suffered from heart attacks or strokes while on TRT had a history of heart problems. I've read the HRT forum posts. I've also read the studies published by the National Institute of Health and articles published by the New England Journal of Medicine, among other publications.

    There are arguments for both sides, and many of the potential negative side effects can be from poorly monitored TRT, excessive dosing, etc, etc, etc. To be educated, you have to consider the arguments from both sides, even if some of them are biased or unfounded. I would suggest reading some of the actual studies a bit more closely as you may have overlooked some key points like you did from my post. I did not mention age being a factor, although it is one as well. It doesn't mean the guy in his 30's or 40's is going to suddenly drop dead due to his TRT, and it doesn't mean that there's no other factors to consider. Thickening of the blood from exogenous testosterone could be just as much the cause of a cardiac event as thickening of the blood from being dehydrated just the same as it could be a different contributing factor entirely. It's something to consider. Taking the side that there's no possible cardiac side effects is just plain ignorant.

    If you'd like to read a published journal on the subject, you can Google the title of a recent published study: Increased Risk of Non-Fatal Myocardial Infarction Following Testosterone Therapy Prescription in Men. It was a joint venture study between the UCLA, the NIH, and Consolidated Research Inc. It was published at the very end of January.

    I'd appreciate you maintaining the civility of your argument in the future. You did a poor job of that by calling me a moron, which was completely unfounded, and an even poorer job by spelling it incorrectly.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Ok spell check turned on. JoeMoron. Is that better?

    I read and understood what you said and meant bit anything abused or jot used properly has potential side effects or risks.

    Its not fair to add circumstance such as that into the study where most prescriptions used properly have severe side effects especially compared to hrt.

    I won't be party to spreading false information or concerns where there are none and most people will read to much into it due to not reading at all. Ive read several of the studies and they do not give any specifics or evidence of being harmful if used properly.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Ok spell check turned on. JoeMoron. Is that better?

    I read and understood what you said and meant bit anything abused or jot used properly has potential side effects or risks.

    Its not fair to add circumstance such as that into the study where most prescriptions used properly have severe side effects especially compared to hrt.

    I won't be party to spreading false information or concerns where there are none and most people will read to much into it due to not reading at all. Ive read several of the studies and they do not give any specifics or evidence of being harmful if used properly.
    Lovbyts since when has it been ok to attack another member. Simply because they stated their opinion on a matter. In which you disagree with.

    Regardless if you agree with his statements or not. I believe most members here understand and recognize. That there is a up and down side to TRT, as with any medication.

    With that said I believe Lovbyts is just tired of the media attacking AAS without warrent.
    But in the same sentence don't talk about other prescription drugs. That have far worse side effects.
    Which to that affect I agree with Lovbyts.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by DB1982 View Post

    Lovbyts since when has it been ok to attack another member. Simply because they stated their opinion on a matter. In which you disagree with.

    Regardless if you agree with his statements or not. I believe most members here understand and recognize. That there is a up and down side to TRT, as with any medication.

    With that said I believe Lovbyts is just tired of the media attacking AAS without warrent.
    But in the same sentence don't talk about other prescription drugs. That have far worse side effects.
    Which to that affect I agree with Lovbyts.
    Your right I'm coming off a little harsh and you are also correct I'm tired of the media and people jumping on the bandwagon believing 1/2 truths.

    Btw I did Ask if that was what his name was short for and not outright calling him a moron. ;-)

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Northeast usa
    Better to be pissed off than pissed on-just saying.
    I agree with the info above

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Quebec city , Canada !!!
    Well my doctor says it protects me from heart attack , and diabete type 2(not type 1) . but still unlike in USA , our doctor are overwatched by their Professional order who also protect them from beeing sued , but that's another story ... Anyway , I have managed my anger since I wrote this post , and my anxiety to lose my tredeatment too .. Thank you for support . It's always appreciated when people read and pay attention to my post .

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Quebec city , Canada !!!
    BTW : However internet is made in order to say what we want , I truly beleive that no matter how stupid is an opinion , or the opposite(when you write something and nobody beleives you ) , we have to give respect to everybody ... I'm not saying that a member has disrespected another one in that post ... It was just my spiritual thought of the week ...

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    This is just like when the advertising for a product says.( By eating Cheerios it may lower your cholesterol)The key word is may.Now the shouldn't be able to make a claim or say anything of the sort.Unless they have proof that it does.Other wise its miss leading.Just like these claims on test.

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